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Posts posted by Midsblue

  1. Barry - who will be attending this from the club?


    Just so those who can't attend or wasn't chosen can pose Qs to those attending.


    I don't want to detract from welcoming Lee and asking Qs about ON the pitch but surely the club recognises that in light of the feeling on here and fans in general, this is too good an opportunity to turn down to not question the board too and deflect feeling from Lee as hes unfairly be placed in the spotlight.



    I've had two long conversations with Simon recently i've kept quiet about what was discussed and mostly learnt nothing new really except how greedy players and agents are, nothing that isn't in the public domain somehwere.


    Tbh I was caught on the hop a little, in the tranquility of a boardroom I won't be and will be prepared with suitable questions if I get the chance.


    Tomorrow seems to be about the new manager, i'm interested to see how the club justifies such a left-field appointment in a time of crisis.


    I'm more assured now we have you there mate. If you could squeeze in the following -


    1. What are Lee's objectives for this season and next?

    2. Has he been given commitments from Corney on squad strengthening to deliver on 1?

    3. What is his style of play? Wingers? Two up front? Creative midfield or battlers?

    4. Is he expecting on keeping Baxter for whole of next season?

    5. Will he be playing this season?

    6. If not confirmed tomorrow, who is he bringing into his management team and if no names possible, will they be similar to Lee - still paying or just retired - or a seasoned assistant?

    7. Is he investing into the club?

  3. You know, the more I think about this the more I think this meeting is going to be a waste of time. Lee Johnson is an unfortunate pawn in all this, it's not his fault and I bear him no ill will whatsoever, I hope he succeeds but yet again it reeks of a cheap, short-term appointment.


    There's zero vision in our boardroom to move the club forward and there hasn't been for a number of years. It's the short-termism that's killing the club, not the choice of manager, not the fans walking away, not the knocking down of the Lookers Stand the new guy is on a hiding to nothing. There's no vision to drive this club forward, all we get are excuses. Even :censored:ing Rochdale, Bury, Stockport County have had more success than us in the last 20 years.


    Times were bad under Stott and Brierley, but the last 5 years have seen the club at it's lowest ebb ever in the time i've been a Latics fan, not only in league position but the club has become a joke again, just like it was in the mid-80s the club holds very little credibility in the town once again. You know with the cup run I thought we were on the up again, a chance to keep the momentum and good feeling going. Nope, this appointment has blown that away again. All it's done is piss the majority of the fanbase off.


    As I say it's in no way Lee Johnson's fault, he just applied for another like we all do from time to time. I hope to God he's aware of what he's letting himself in for as he's going to be held out to dry, with every excuse in the book levelled from the boardroom should this go as quickly tits up as I think it may….


    Welcome to Boundary Park Lee…...


    That's why I propose you Prozac. Turn up and seek out Corney...ask him the questions and see the whites of his eyes

  4. Absolutely :censored: all chance of Prozac getting "drawn out of the hat" as he'll ask far too many awkward questions.


    Actually good point. Why does Barry get to pick out the hat?


    Why can't we fans propose our representative? He's asked for volunteers on here so why can't Prozac represent the majority? I've never seen a poll on this board before but could we create a poll specifically for this?


    We want Prozac to attend.



  5. Think I know now why TP,PG and CB looked so pissed off yesterday even before the abject performance.


    Good point really...what does LJ possess that PG, CB or PM doesn't?


    Whatever Corney comes out with tomorrow (if he's fronting the press conference that is) will be questioned and his motives behind this appointment.


    I'm starting to feel sorry for LJ even before he's been confirmed. He might end up being a superb manager but at moment he's more a patsy for Corney.


    He wasn't first choice and I know that as fact.

    The appointment was only for this season and I know that as fact.


    If anything is claimed otherwise then it's bollocks.


    The only saving grace is if LJ is part of a larger management set-up or even part of a new ownership arrangement and strengthening of the squad now with assurances for next season being confirmed.



  6. So just a thought...


    Corney and the boys before him have put in a massive amount of finance over the years to keep our club afloat. (Think he said he have broke even twice in 10 years) With this seasons additional income why is it a problem that they take a chunk of that finance to stick back into there bank accounts? Why should they pour yet more into the club. I'm sure Corney will see us break even with the funds but why not take the additional once bills paid himself?


    Just a thought as I know that when people invest into businesses the plan isn't to constantly loose money and plough more in from my experience!


    Sir, I respect your comments but .....what a load of bollocks.


    They entered into this with their eyes wide open...it was always about the land and not the club....they're sitting on their "investment" and will recoup the large majority of their investment when they sell on the land.


    Let's accept that they've balls up continually with their recruitment policy on and off the pitch, failed to deliver and then complain when the punters vote with their feet. The direction and success of this club on and off the pitch had nothing to do with us fans but within the boardroom at Boundary Park. Yes dwindling attendances have affected plans but who's fault has been that?


    real and opinions4U have got it spot on too by dismantling match day experience that has affected match day attendances.

  7. I think we need to remember it's an informal Q&A session with the new manager. He's not going to be able to answer questions on the selection process or wider club policy


    I agree but 4,5 and 6 are crucial and if Johnson can't answer then I want commitments from Corney on these three.


    For the 10-12 who get the chance to meet the manager, remember it's not his fault he was appointed so don't direct your anger towards him, give him the respect he deserves because a ball hasn't been kicked under his management here yet.

    If it is Lee Johnson as stated then please ask the following questions:


    1. Is this the 1st managerial position you have applied for?

    2. What objectives have you been given by the club?

    3. Are you going to act as player/manager or just manager?

    4. Have you been given any funds to strengthen the squad before the end of the season?

    5. Have you been given a clear vision of the clubs next 5 year plan?

    6. If the club gets relegated have you been given assurances that you'll be here next season?

    And the biggest question of all:

    7. How with no previous managerial experience do you think you can win over the dressing room and gain the players respect?


    Like I said please give the guy the respect he deserves, to me the best managers are the ones that have the best man to man management skills to which he may have and it might work, everyone starts somewhere in their careers so let's get behind the team to stay up.


    I personally cannot make due to business commitments but I trust the majority on here to ask reasoned and justified questions.


    I'm trusting that the full Q&A will be publicised and not edited. Those attending will provide an update Im sure but I fully agree that the Q&A should actually be with Corney and not the new manager. Johnson shouldn't have to defend himself but Corney, Owen and the rest of the selection panel.


    I'm underwhelmed but will support Johnson.

  8. Find it ironic that I'm sure that those who are going to walk away from the club as a result of this appointment ere probably singing "oldham till I die" against Liverpool and Everton.

    I'm not at all impressed with the appointment but that's partly because I don't know much about lee Johnson. Would I stop supporting the club as a result? Of course not.


    I'm underwhelmed but will never walk away from the club. Always been a fan and will remain a fan. Besides I reckon Johnson and Corney will be gone next season anyway so we'll start afresh. Will continue to cheer on the team regardless of what I think how the club is being led.

  9. Joe Royle was young, inexperienced and had a cracking interview. We all saw how well that worked.


    Just sayin', like.


    But Joe had an illustrious career at the highest level and had contacts aplenty, which he maximised to the good.


    Johnson on the other hand followed his old man around during his playing career and then finished in the pub league north of the border. He may have built up a network of contacts that swung his interview because his achievements as a player wouldn't had done.


    Totally underwhelmed with this, especially with the names suggested to date. 71 applicants and we end up with this. Smacks of the cheaper option and one that won't influence any prospective new owner should they decide to change manager.


    The amount of money we've made in the Cup, totally unaccounted for and Corney comes up with this. The bloke has totally :censored:ed us all over.


    I'm that incensed that I may say something that I may regret and get others into trouble.

  10. I'm not coming on to gloat because I'm as pig sick as everybody but I told you it wasn't Dowie. As said, my posts weren't "I know more than you" but my responsibility to tell you fellow fans of my concerns over not just the recruitment but underlying concerns over why we won't be getting a manager similar to Dowie.


    Ticks the boxes though - out of work and happy to sign up for this season only. Does well then in the hot seat for next season, does :censored: then back in the dole queue.


    If miraculously he gets longer than this season tomorrow as a contract then serious questions need to be asked about Corney's ambition and our financial situation. He's obviously gone for the cheap option and thinking short-term ready for his exit from the running of the club ON the pitch.




  11. Part of me questions should we bother struggling in this league....


    Should we not focus on our youth, deliver a nucleus of hungry players, TP performs a role he enjoys, we bring in someone equally hungry at the helm to take first team matches and start again in League 2


    Granted attendances will decline but we then cut our cloth accordingly with no debt. The club simply pays Corney rent on BP until we move or can buy back and they keep the land in return for retaining the debts.


    We rebuild afresh with a clear focus from the youth players and bring in talented and hungry players from lower leagues who can make the step up to League 2 with the target of building a "team" ethic that could perform at the top end of League 1, possibly Championship

  12. .......commitment from the owners for next season


    Our club has the atmosphere of HMV or Comet before the administrators were called in.....


    Fire sale of assets to competition, no communication from the top to instil confidence that the future is worth fighting for, lets continue trading until we reach the financial year end and if we do, it's a bonus.....


    If we were a horse then the vets would be loading the gun by now and phoning Dalepak

  13. If the main sticking point is because the contract is only until the end of the season, won't we have the same problem attracting any reasonable applicant?.........who would be willing to come in on such a short term deal?


    That's exactly my concern. It gives out the impression that either -


    The owners may not be around next season so they dont want a manager in situ in case new owners are put off because they are paying for someone they don't want




    The owners may be around but can't guarantee the funds to pay them or may want to change their mind dependent upon league position


    Not really long-term certainty and confidence to whoever they're recruiting



  14. It would be laughable how many seem prepared to listen to mids blue and his acolyte oafc fan on here were the situation not so serious. The pair of them know as much about Dowie, and what is going on at BP, as a corner flag.


    If you don't believe me then fine mate.


    I'm concerned that people think he's coming back when I know he's not. However whether Dowie is coming back or not is irrelevant. What concerns me more is that only a contract until the end of the season was offered and turned down. Why the short-term approach?

  15. Length of contract by sounds of it - security for him and commitment by the club in respect of faith in him and time to allow him to deliver what he wants to achieve


    Cash would obviously be a factor because of what he earns currently but also funds for achieving his goal. Realistic funds and not what was available when he was last here under Moore.


    As I said before, he doesn't think it unrealistic to see Oldham in the Championship or very least a mainstay in the play-off position each season.

  16. Who says Dowie has been offered the role?

    Who Says he hasn't already refused?

    Fact is, we know nothing.


    He was and he has..how many times to I have to say it?!


    Dowie is the new Scholes.......neither of them are coming so can we just move on?


    I agree. We need to move on but where? Someone needs to ask Corney what his plans are for this season and, more importantly, next season.


    Offering a manager position until the end of the season means only one thing. He doesn't know what's to happen next season and this is more than what division we'd be in. Stinks of him sorting his exit plan hence why he's in New York quite a lot lately.

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