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Posts posted by Midsblue

  1. Who said that Dowie is :censored:ing us around? Not sure if there is a difference between salary offered and wanted, but from what those ITK have said, Dowie has refused just a deal until end of the season. Tbh, it sounds like Dowie is doing anything but :censored: us around - sounds as though he has said what it'll take to get him to sign which Corney has been willing to meet yet.


    Exactly this. They've spoke, Corney offered him a contract for the rest of this season only. That's not enough to wrestle him from his other commitments and doesn't show any commitment to him to allow Dowie the chance to rebuild OAFC.


    Dowie hasn't :censored:ed the club around. The person :censored:ing this club around is Corney.


    Why is he unwilling to commit to beyond this season by securing an ambitious manager who has the confidence and drive to push us up this league and has ambitions to get us into the Championship?


    If he believes we're doomed and relegation is inevitable then he's said himself he's off. If he believes we'll be safe then why not commit to pushing us on next season? I personally don't think he's as committed as he was as he's probably seeing now as a good time to bail out after our successes in the FA Cup, which was his swan song and he's engineering an exit route.


    If he's committed then sign the manager who has the ambition - if he doesn't think Dowie is the one then why the :censored: offer him a deal and offer it to nobody else?! He's is number one target.

  2. Even if Midsblue has spoken to Dowie, is Dowie really gonna say to a fan 'yep im talking and all but agreed a deal and awaiting Sky clearance' etc? - he'd keep quiet and rightly so.


    Its none of his business and when its done he would hear it all done by being annonced officially.


    Its not if I've spoken to him I have spoken to him and he told me he definitely wasn't coming. That was last weekend. He told me it was due to length on contract being offered and the lack of ambition. A few beers had been sunk as it was a charity event.


    He was then asked in the week when we were both sober and when betting was apparently stopped. I was told there was no truth in the rumours and nothing has changed since we last spoke.


    However...he did say that he speaks with SC regularly and that the ball was in SC's court. He also said that SC was back in country last week so who knows.


    That said, he earns a :censored:load of money via Sky, Al Jazeera and with the PFA.... that's who he was with when oafc_fan said we were talking to him (or his family) by the way.


    Yes I'm a fan and he knows I'm a fan. However, I've spoken with others we know mutually and the same has been said to them too


    Personally I think there's not enough on the table to entice him - length of contract, money (personally and to develop squad), uncertainty over the club, uncertainty on this new stand being built. However you could tell that he has major fondness for the club, has unfinished business and honestly reckons he could get us into the Championship.


    There you go, I've told you everything. I would love him to come back because I think he can sort us out and can rejuvenate us from the :censored: and apathy currently within the corridors of Boundary Park.


  3. And the question is what is Corney doing?


    Sacks Dickov, no replacement in place, appoints TP against his will and no urgency over delivering certainty at the helm into the rest of this season and the next.


    It's obvious we're existing to the end of this season with little or no focus let alone financial investment to steady the ship.


    Classic example of an owner falling out of love of their club and moving on at the end of season regardless or which league were in.


    Owners will be landlords and whoever takes in the club will be sitting tenants with no real assets.

  4. Oafc_fan is talking absolute bollocks. I've asked him who is source is - even asked him to PM me - but his silence is deafening.


    What made me chuckle was his comment that the main people (I'm assuming OAFC officials) were with Dowie's family last night. Tantalising post oafc_fan but I'm afraid Dowie wasn't with his family last night but was away on business. I know where he was but do you....?


    By the way, the betting is back up and TP is evens, Kuqi is 2/1 and ID is just odds on....basically nobody has a clue and the market will fluctuate even through someone placing a tender because the market is so small.


    Current position, regardless of what other posters say, is that there is no truth in the rumours...and that's from the man himself last night! If you want to know why, Prozac hit the nail on the head at 10.53am.


    So, let me get this right. When I pitch up at BP a Satdi, a certain Mr Dowie will not be anywhere to be seen as he will be reporting from somewhere in Lancashire for Sky. I just like to be clear on these things. I'll be looking out for a glimpse of though, just in case a certain poster is correct. :exile:


    Spot on


    Ive asked fellow posters to IM confirming their source and silence is deafening

  6. ....we'll see Shefflatic


    Just makes me chuckle some of the comments on here that are made up...at least I now know authenticity of some on here when reading "rumours" in future.


    I'm not fussed either way as I had bet on him ages ago so if it does happen then I'm quids in

  7. Due to certain posters on this site Iv'e decided to leave.

    Thanks for the memories, the majority of you are fine, but I don't need some of the replies I have been

    receiving recently.

    BP 1960.


    Why? Shame as you're one of the more rational, informed and eloquent on here. Will miss your interesting posts that shone out from amongst the tripe and polls

  8. TP til end of season, then Dowie in in the summer assuming we have stayed up.


    Midsblue quotes ID as saying he isn't coming - maybe that is true in light of this season, but the fact that no one else has been interviewed for the role (all this 'i've spoken to one or two people' is smoke and mirrors) and he nor ID have not denied that any 'deal' is dead suggests all being well, ID will come in,


    Don't hold your breath.....

  9. Asset stripping springs to mind - cash in, get off wage bill and ride this season out with what we got


    Baxter will be next and then were back to square one


    If, and a big if, we remain in this division then this forthcoming close season will be the most depressing since Chris Moore ripped the heart out the club. We have nothing positive to look forward to next season apart from some promising youth players....


    No manager, redevelopment of the stadium under a cloud of doubt (nimbys will hammer the nail in the coffin to that), attendances on the decline, players wanting to jump ship rather than remain on the project and SC done a disappearing act spending more time in NY than OL1 (hopefully though he's lining up a buyer)

  10. I'm not into conspiracy theories and the like but something is bugging me....


    1. Only offering a short-term manager contract hence why this hasn't been filled

    2. Bigging up TP even though TP doesn't want the job

    3. Made reference to adding to team following cup exit to Everton but hasn't happened and now rumour that Furman on way out

    4. Constant trips to New York which haven't been mentioned in the past but heavily mentioned recently by local hacks

    5. >1 million unaccounted income via cup run

    6. Suggested that he'd walk if we get relegated


    I get the feeling that love affair is coming to an end regardless of what he publicises.


    Very short term approach to see out this season with no real plans for next season. Come summer I reckon SC could be gone and the club left to its own devices with Blitz, Gazal and Corney acting as landlords sitting on the land to get most of their investment back. Land prices will rise and whether that be a purchase by someone wanting to buy the club or just the land then that's what will happen.


    The stand is key with the football club and what happens on the pitch coming a very late second and third in the list of priorities.

  11. Askam tweeted: "Believe Iain Dowie may well decide on the Oldham job one way or the other over next few days." I suppose 'may' is still a bit vague, but this was tweeted on 7th March so the 'few days' are up!


    Like a few others I'm getting a little bored now! As my grandfather used to say: 'either piss in the pot or get off it.'


    The bloke himself told me he's not coming and I told everyone a week or more ago and he reaffirmed it Saturday so lets move on, eh?



  12. I agree. I think being able to dance in a John Travolta Suit (whatever one of those is) and a big afro is an absolute pre-requisite of the job myself.


    Sorry that's probably one of those "you should have been there" moments. My opinion of him increased massively on Saturday with his dedication to his wife's charity. In the time I managed to speak with him you can't help but like he bloke. He sounded really genuine about how much he enjoyed his time at Oldham and I got the impression that had the managers position been longer than this season with the chance for him to build and secure Championship football then he would seriously be interested. He sounded like he's been monitoring things on and off the pitch for a while, which emphasised his interest in the club.


    Yes the money he would have to give up via Sky, Al Jazeera and other sources would be another deciding factor but meeting his ambitions could well too big a carrot to turn down.


    Makes you wonder why the suggestion by some sources that money is the issue hasn't been confirmed by the club...just in case that's refuted and the real reasons are confirmed.


    Perhaps he could even persuade Shearer out of retirement.


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