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Posts posted by Midsblue

  1. Has Dowie come out and said he actually DOES want the job?


    He sounded like he did when I spoke to him last night but stumbling block appears to be that he has only been offered remainder of this season, which is common knowledge in the press so I haven't said anything that I shouldn't have said. He spoke quite passionately about his time as manager. You can't help but get excited when listening to him - very passionate, driven and ambitious about delivering Championship football for Oldham Athletic.


    It was a superb night for his wife's charity generating almost £90k last night for beating breast cancer. He's really passionate about the charity and him dancing in the John Travolta suit and affro showed what a great character he has; something we need at the helm to kick start a revival of our fortunes.


  2. Nothing changed.. Apparently only offered a very short deal and wants longer to build something with OAFC. Sounds like ball is in SC's court and sounds like he's only candidate & talks may happen again...


    He really does love the club and said his most enjoyable time as a manager was when cutting his teeth at BP.


    Top bloke - threw some shapes for a big fella - and a really great night. Shearer was a bit of a mover too and great mates with him.


    I really hope SC gets his man because just listening to him about fitness, mentality etc really demonstrated the passion and drive he has to get us into the Championship. That's his aim anyway.

  3. Think we did have a look at him but he went to Stockport instead of us.


    Yeah whilst he was at Hednesford Town. He went from Belgrave to WBA as a youth player and then released. Played at Tamworth then onto Hednesford and then Stockport. I suggested him before he went to WBA and then when he was released. Shame we didn't snap him up ahead of Stockport as I think then have a sell-on clause and he's due to go to Arsenal for around £8 million.

  4. About 16 years ago I suggested a local lad to Alan Hardy. Was playing for a team called Belgrave Bullets at the time and was then being scouted by some local non-league clubs. Don't even think we sent any scouts down here. Lad was called Ashley Williams and think he plays for a club called Swansea now....

  5. how do you know this? he not coming, do you know Dowie or your guessing ?.


    I trust what the guy says on twitter because he got better source out there.


    There is reason his name is flying around i think Corney is keen on him.


    He was asked and thats what he said....is that good enough HP for you? He may be bluffing but that's what he said.

  6. He's not coming! I said this week before last.


    Unsure where this latest bollocks came from but you can't blame Dowie.


    Recruiting the new manager is dragging on for one reason only.... nobody will come just for a few a games until end of this season and without any commitment on next season. It's very short term so SC has reverted to plan B i.e. keep TP in charge until end of the season to see which league we're in and also what happens off the pitch. That way we can then set our sights accordingly. TP doesn't want it and diplomatically trying to say as much in the press, which is creating all these rumours and uncertainty.





    Football is a funny old game anything can happen , And i do trust richard askam ‏@richaskam because he knows Iain Dowie very well.

    £210 if Dowie gets it


    If TP is still on the touchline at Shrewsbury £105




    Backed them both at 20/1


    I hope it's true too as I've bet on the fella. However last I was told we were miles apart and it was a definite no. Was going to ask him who was in the frame to cover my bets but hopefully don't need to now.

  8. TP doesn't want the job and its gone quiet on the recruitment front.


    So, who do you reckon will fill the hotseat?


    Dowie isn't in the frame so that leaves Sammy Lee or Phil Brown unless we recruit from within other than TP.


    Doesn't bode well as both Lee and Brown don't fill me with excitement and I doubt either will move the club forward. I think we'll just about scrape a place outside relegation positions but next season really concerns me. Yes the cup run put us briefly back on the map of awareness and interest but I seriously doubt well entice some of those extra fans if we don't keep the squad and we recruit a boring manager.

  9. There's plenty to be proud of.


    I didn't need a reminder of why I love and support Latics - but if I did need a reminder, thus cup run has been it.


    I've celebrated goals in this cup run with more uncontrolled joy than seeing me country score in World Cups.


    We might be in a constant fight, a struggle, we might often battle against ourselves more than anyone else.


    But I'd rather be us then one of those big rich bunches of "match day experience" :censored:e. There's no real heroes there. There's no real glory. There's certainly no real football.


    It might be pretty in the premiership - but I couldn't care less for it. In my opinion it's nothing more than pantomime.


    Oldham 'till I die. Now lads - three points next league match please. More effort, more heart, more passion - and more giving everything for a great club.


    This....well said sir!

  10. I'm not convinced Dowie is the messiah but he's streets ahead of Sammy Lee or Phil Brown in my opinion.


    He's exactly what we need - a disciplinarian, a motivator, focused on player fitness and determination plus worked very well with TP - the one constant we need to keep at the club - and a firm supporter of developing and introducing youth players.


    ...plus I had a bet on him ;)


    My post back to you was in reference to TP publicly saying on numerous occasions he doesn't want the managers job. Why force someone to do the job who's reluctant to do so and exploit their loyalty and devotion for the club?

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