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Posts posted by Midsblue

  1. Scoreline irrelevant as the lads did us proud fighting to the end


    The financial windfall is much more important


    Game over, cup run at an end and let's focus on the league....starting tomorrow SC get the new manager in and take the spotlight and pressure away from TP. We've made enough money, lets speculate to accumulate and bring in Dowie to start his legacy over the coming seasons

  2. pd wasnt a :censored: manager,he was in his first job as a manager,which wasnt the best job to take,but he took it on and it didnt work out,big joe did the same but it worked out for him because at the time we could pick players up for next to nothing and give them long contracts unlike paul who had no money and had to use the loan system which is pure crap.


    Sorry as much as I liked PD the last few games have shown just how ineffective he was. PD had a limited budget granted but still managed to acquire decent players but failed to influence them and get the most out of them. Tactically he was naive too.


    It sickened me when he conceded that he considered leaving at end December but didn't. What a difference it could have been had he left us sooner !

  3. Confidence player who is now showing his true form. Play to his strengths and he'll deliver....frustrating is that we never did, he struggled and was soon dropped to cameo appearances.


    Always said he was a quality player and we needed to be patient.


    He's a grounded and intelligent guy and I suspect would demonstrate the same loyalty that Jose has shown.


    Give him the new contract......

  4. I don't get it myself. TP doesn't want to be manager, publicly stated the fact but totally devoted to the club and burning himself out performing numerous roles.


    I hope SC isnt attempting to fill on the cheap by exploiting TP's devotion and hoping he gets bitten by the bug.


    We have the money now to secure an ambitious, driven and influential manager who will increase our chances of delivering success over the coming seasons.


    Dowie ticks all the boxes and pairing him with our squad would be exciting and successful bringing a refreshing product to the pitch. Him and TP got on well I believe and ID is a massive supporter of bringing through youth players. His son said he sees us as a long term project which implies he'd be here for a while.


    Don't go cheap on us please Simon.....






  5. My 14 year old boy said to me, "Dad, I understand now, I understand why you go and watch the rubbish year in year out - you watch it hoping for moments like that Matt Smith goal."


    I had similar yesterday. I had to attend a family party yesterday so couldn't attend in person. It was touch and go - divorce mentioned in jest - but when it was confirmed as being televised then the wife won. Condition was I watched the match in another room and only joined the party afterwards.


    I got the usual "why do you support a :censored: team like Oldham?" from those who didn't know me as I'm not from Oldham and should be supporting the likes of Villa, Birmingham City even Wolves. I then had to explain why I started supporting us 27 years ago, which was backed up by close family explaining how passionate I am despite being born and bred down here with no connection whatsoever.


    We went 1-0 up and some drifted into my room when I almost brought the house down. They drifted back out towards the end of first half and we then decided to have the large TV on in background of the party room so I could join them for the 2nd half. As the excitement built up more and more started to watch the TV.


    When Smith scored and I exploded someone said "that's why someone sticks with a team through thick and thin!"


    I'm really proud to support OAFC and despite continually justifying not being a glory hunter when we reached the Prem, most recognise how much of a diehard I am when I continued paying thousands each season watching them despite dropping to League 1with the likes of the McNiven twins, Dudley and the like and we got battered by Cardiff, Luton even Wycombe.


    I get messages following events - mostly mockery when were at the bottom of the league - but littered with congratulatory comments when over the seasons we beat Derby, West Ham, Wolves, Forest and recently Liverpool in the cup.


    27 years on and I'm devoted as ever - converted a few midlanders along the way including my wife and 2 girls too.


    I consider myself a chosen one for falling in love with an unfashionable team from Lancashire in the shadows of United and City. Days like yesterday make me even prouder for making that decision.

  6. If ££££ was he issue with Dowie then do we have that issue now? If Dowie is asking for something unrealistic then thanks but no thanks.


    Pay him in region want he wants within reason BUT have it performances linked... If he can deliver what he thinks (and what he majority of us think) he can achieve then it can only benefit the club.


    Dowie at the helm with TP, PG, CB and PM in support. Just a more influential fitness coach and well be laughing.


    Do you not think ID can attract similar players to PD on the same budget? He has the contacts too but has more experience as tactician, motivator etc. in fact, do you not think its the unaccounted ££££ that has brought in Barnard than PD's influence? Not taking the gloss off PD but Barnard was in the stiffs not getting a game.

  7. It's like asking you or I to take over as manager!


    I think we're caught up with yesterday by suggesting this, especially because he was over the moon when Matt scored. He loves the club granted and a really, really nice guy, especially returning yesterday as pundit and was in support rather than bitterness for leaving OAFZc.


    Let's not take the gloss off yesterday being TP's influence though.


    Had it been PD then Furman would have come back in, Byrne possibly. TP has given us a something back in his temporary role that we've had lacking.... Belief. Even Crofty looks and is playing different.

  8. Id take Samny Lee on certain conditions -


    1. He's part of ownership buyout meaning millions coming into to redevelop ground AND immediately strengthen team for this season and next


    2. His connections being in loanees from Bolton and Liverpool


    3. He gives me back my sizeable bet I've had on Dowie


    4. He brings in Mourinho or similar in his management team


    All four are non-negotiable and any less than the 4, he can :censored: right off

  9. Is there definitely an announcement planned tomorrow? I know Jack Dearden inferred something on radio but was that just his opinion or a source? Funny that Chron or MEN haven't said similar.


    BBC Manchester have their mind made up its Dowie. Gone quiet with Matt Chambers and Mike Keegan..even Ian Cheeseman.


    I've heard it's definitely Dowie and that we've in dialogue for a while but that was from same person who said Scholes had been approached to get involved with the club. He's normally reliable as he's in the game himself and has loads of contacts. Admittedly it's more Prem but keeps an ear and eye out for OAFC rumours for me.

  10. Based on what do you think he'll be announced on Thursday/Friday?


    I said after the Everton game in my post.


    If he wasn't being considered or talks had broken down then Dowie would have announced something by now....purely to distance himself from the post. Also funny that nobody has mentioned the Latics post to Dowie when's he been interviewed or hes been asked about it on TV when he's doing his punditry.....unless its off limits.


    He's in regular contact with SC - SC has stated that in the press - but that's the first time that has ever been mentioned and only after PD left. Doesn't take a rocket scientist to work out why the regular contact....just means SC's been planning on recruiting one for a while now.


    Those apparently 'in the know' have said as much too and recommended people should lump on ID being next manager.

  11. If Dowie wasn't in the frame then he (or his son) would have publicly distanced ID from the job by now.


    He wouldn't want to be tagged as being second best to the likes of Sammy Lee and losing out to him for the job.


    Also SC and ID talk regularly so wouldn't you think they both mutually know what one is offering and what the other wants in terms of salary?


    Finally he's wearing a French blue tie on Sky tonight...need I say more?!


    Roll on Thursday/Friday.....still think though he'll be announced after the Everton game.

  12. Surely the coronation of Dowie will happen tomorrow.


    SC not back from NYC until Thursday. Surely it doesn't need him back to announce Dowie? A statement etc can be one over phone and allow us to focus on the new reign. Unless......


    SC's extended stay in NYC is to do with sale of club...with SC staying at helm?! Only last week did he intimate he'd be here for a while...them again Moore did the same in that pub outside Loftus Road!

  13. Speaks volumes. No mention of Latics means he's in talks and its out of bounds. You know what Talksport are like; they like to get the scoops and would have mentioned it if allowed.


    Same happened yesterday with Richard Keys and Keith Curle. One mention on solicitors, negotiations etc and the interview was cut short.



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