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Posts posted by Midsblue

  1. I think grabbing a microphone and singing the the crowd at Hull along with doing his half-time team talk in the middle of he pitch marked his card.


    Apart from doing ok with other people's squads, what more had he done?


    Same goes with Lee.


    I'm bemused why we would be talking to either unless we're making up the numbers? If they're genuine contenders then I'm worried about SC's ideas on next appointment. Is Barry involved in this? Can he not influence based on our views - surely that's what a fans representative should do?

  2. from what i am hearing, this is true and it is still possible.....................we shall see


    How much talking is needed?


    SC - thanks for coming for the interview Iain


    ID - what you on about Simon? We've been talking about it for weeks whilst you were playing the best friends act with Paul in the press.. That Liverpool win came as a shock and I had to dust off the headphones one last time when you then panicked to the media but Paul's gone now.


    SC - oh yeah....the jobs yours then


    ID - great, still have the company car anyway so best make my way over to the ground to meet the lads....I'll have them running through walls come Saturday starting with a lovely 5am swim in the morning

  3. I was unsure about Dowie when I heard his name mentioned as IMO, he should have took us up on the biggest budget in the division 9 years ago.


    Do you reckon we did? Yes we splashed the cash on Killen, Hill and Armstrong on transfer fees but apart from Killen and perhaps Murray do you think we paid massive wages per player?


    I still reckon the management was he defining factor on fitness, belief, motivation and tactical preparation. Remember Andrews ten second goal from k/o against Wigan? That's was planning as Wigan pressed from the off.



    I heard he wanted too much money so we pulled away. Don't know how true that is tough


    I wouldn't be too sure. He's not a fool and will know what our wage budget is for a manager. Therefore if he's in talks with us and wants the job then he's obviously lowered his expectations in salary unless we're offering peanuts. If that's the case then we not deserve him.


    You get what you pay for and if Dowie wants to stay here longer than 4 months and rebuild the club finishing what he started then we should snap his hand off. You may well question his integrity over conduct with other clubs but he's driven and I would relish the opportunity of him leading our team and squeezing the last ounce of energy, drive and determination from the players!

  5. Sorry for new topic but I wanted to bump this in vain hope SC is reading the board.


    The blokes ticks all the boxes, his son claims his dad wants the job and wants to deliver a long-term project and he will shake up the squad, improve it and get us ready for a title assault in League One next season.


    We only have so many games to avoid the R word so get ID in now and start the work rather than wait another league game or two.


    What's this issue of giving ID longer than one season? He's light years ahead of PD so deserves a longer term and the security if he's sacrificing his other jobs to dedicate to OAFC.



  6. I'm well :censored:ed off because I lumped on Dowie and its looking less likely unless SC was telling porkies regarding the recruitment process.


    Would love to look through the list of 80 to see which names have applied. Does Barry get involved in this then and probably knows who's on the short list (if there is one)?


    Interesting that SC was confident that something will happen regarding Scholes and OAFC in the future but not now....possibly coach or player/coach being groomed as future manager or silent partner?

  7. Most of those mentioned are out of work so hardly a pay cut unless they're earning :censored:loads in another capacity.


    They may be pundits for BBC, ITV or Sky but football is in their blood and they'd quickly admit that most miss being a manager. They've failed in previous roles hence why they're on TV and other clubs aren't banging their doors down.


    It wouldn't surprise me if some of the applicants already received by SC include some names on people's list regardless of people thinking they're out of reach.


    It's a chance to put themselves in the shop window; show their ability, achieve success and then the clubs at a higher level come calling again.


    I've read a few times that clubs in League 2 receive applicants for vacant manager positions from recently retired international players, ex-Prem managers and even players and managers in employment at a higher level.


    Apart from Dowie, I'd love a player/manager cutting his teeth with a seasoned assistant / director supporting him.


  8. Mark Hughes with Scholes as his player/coach?


    MH atones himself for that :censored:ing goal ... I predicted it months ago on here when he was safe at QPR and even suggested Harry would replace Hughes and then Hughes comes here. Said in jest but its spookily becoming accurate(!)


    I did also hear a week or so back that Scholes had been approached by Corney to become more involved when Scholes was quoted as wanting to manage Oldham if the vacancy ever became available. Probably bollocks but stranger things have happened.


    Brown doesn't fill me with confidence... Dowie my choice.

  9. Would like Grayson but out our price range. Dowie for me as he's publicly said recently that managing OAFC was his most favourite time as a manager and the lib is close to him regardless of what happened. Best thing is he'd kick their arses and have them aiming at 5am with no opportunity to hide should they not put in a shift each game!

  10. Top bloke but ineffective manager. No guilt by me but disappointment because he talked the talk, I really wanted him to succeed by he's failed, pure and simple.


    Amazing that some of current and ex players have tweeted their sadness - take a look in the mirror guys, eh?!


    Fellow players are always quick to defend players and dismiss "not giving 100%" but come on! If they gave 100% then we would have secured more points from the last nine or so games. They've let PD down and should be the ones coughing up his severance pay and not the victim in this; SC and the fans!

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