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Posts posted by Midsblue

  1. I doubt it's 12 months pay and will be a % I reckon without actually seeing the contract.


    Still a lot less than the reduction in income should we fall into the basement league.


    Manager contracts should have termination clauses in respect of poor performance to safeguard the club and exit clauses in event of other clubs headhunting in response to better than expected performances to safeguard the manager. Unsure why football world should be different to standard employment law?


    Not what we want! I doubt Dickov would do that though to be fair. If he wants to make it as a manager, with :censored: all on his CV and then sues his previous employer (rightly or wrongly), if I was a chairman looking at signing him he wouldn't be a very attractive proposition


    Loads of managers do it, fully backed by the LMA and come out smelling of roses, labelled the victim and with ££££ in their pocket.


    They then get new jobs as managers and we'll then public enemy #1 within the LMA fraternity....don't expect any more loanees from Taggart in future then!


    It stinks......If any of us possessed the same performance records as PD in our jobs then we would be searching the sit vacs long before now!

  3. Agree 100% with your post Latics76.


    Corney should be regarded as the continual saviour of this club as opposed to architect of its downfall.




    Remaining patient with PD will lead to only one outcome now. We need a fresh direction, a catalyst; someone who will kick the players up the backside and be more influential.


    Apart from this what more can Corney do? Bring in backroom staff but what's the point when PD's days are obviously numbered and we're simply delaying he inevitable. Top bloke but he's history I'm afraid; pull the trigger now and bring in his successor as its safe to say the club must have been looking for the last few weeks due to the situation and can strike now to have them around Tuesday night and in charge Saturday.

  4. I think the silence speaks volumes and I'm amazed that more hasn't been made of this latest loss...well apart from on here.


    I have the feeling Corney his considering his options - or more so considering his next managerial option - whilst Dickov is on borrowed time and enjoying the rest of his weekend whilst still drawing a wage from OAFC.


    Announcement by 12pm Monday me thinks with TP taking temporary charge Tuesday and Dickov's replacement named by Saturday.

  5. What an armchair supporting :censored: you are Derek.


    I don't agree with a word he says but that's a little harsh, isn't it?


    People are entitled to their opinion but it does get me how some can question Corney's motives. If must be the slowest 'get rich quick' scheme in history, especially one where multi-millions have been "invested" and the return is probably similar to or less than what has been spent.


    Their plan was always to buy the club to then sell the land and make a profit. However this included building a new stadium, making that profitable and self-sufficient to also sell on for a further profit and have fun running that club along the way. It happened as economic downturn led to the land becoming less profitable, red tape and nimbys killing every new stadium idea and the constant failure by every new manager killing their plans on the pitch.


    Great businessmen in the world of telecoms maybe but unsuccessful football club owners definitely..... if you're judging success on the pitch, the new stadium and self-sufficiency. However succeeding in keeping this club afloat despite apathy of locals, dwindling attendances and the absence of billionaires willing to buy the club then definitely....and Corney deserves recognition and praise from the town of Oldham for continuing to achieve the immediate future running of our club!


    Oh and Shez could have been one of our most successful managers but he was instrumental in his own downfall and you can't blame Corney for that. Lee Hughes helped in Shez being successful but the culture in the club that led to the exit of Huges and Shez was within the changing room rather than boardroom. Corney had to take necessary action and had the next manager been successful then I'm sure people wouldn't be throwing the same accusations around.


    Still interested in knowing what you think Corney could/should have done better and how you think this club could have prospered without Corney at the helm?

  6. I agree, all you fans giving Derek grief for staying away and then coming back to support his team and voicing his opinion like we all do. Should be ashamed of yourselves. By having ago at his opinion this is really going to encourage the fans that the club needs to come back to BP.


    I'm always open to opinion but interested to know why he's personally against Corney and what more he expects Cormey to do than he's currently doing?!

  7. Keep what faith Corney? Tell the truth property dealing :censored:.


    Derek, can I ask what do you expect from Corney?


    The world and his wife knew exactly why Corney and his two mates bought this club... it wasn't because they discovered that the car park was a burial ground for their ancestors. I don't give two :censored:s if they sell the land, the ground or whatever as long as it safeguards the future of the club.


    Corney's stayed and wasted his own personal wealth to keep it going. He's balanced the books as best as he can by wheeling, dealing and fortunate with cup runs whilst bringing in the best players affordable to secure League One football. His one and only downfall has been his dog:censored: ability to pick a decent manager. The last one :censored:ed his own career over with bad judgement nailed by a night at the dogs and the other walked when all was uncertain before Cormey got his feet under the table.


    If you have something to say...and the evidence to prove it ...then pray tell why you're so anti-Corney?


    If he's withholding billions, keeping back the money made from players sales or in league with Jimmy Saville then I apologise but all I can see at present is a decent bloke spending his own money to keep a club afloat despite the majority of the town's own people turning their back on the club.

  8. Unsure... On balance he's got injuries, new players need to gel.... However, the players knew this was a must not lose game and we've lost 3-1!


    I ways keep thinking what this team would do, especially now with my reinforcements, with another manager in place who's more experienced than PD.


    Reckon Tuesday is win or the sack and he'll survive another couple of days...delaying inevitable though

  9. My concern is that nothing's changed. I'm not referring to PD's position but the need to strengthen the squad to get us further up the league.


    It's the 29th tomorrow and three days until transfer deadline. Granted the loan window then reopens but we're at the bare bones in midfield and upfront, especially with injuries to M'Changama and Furman away on cup duty.


    We've just made :censored:loads from the Liverpool game and due to double that from the Everton game.


    If SC is fully committed to PD and honestly wants him to be manager come the Everton game then he needs to give him the resources to succeed starting with a striker, midfielder and winger.

  10. The opposition fired the lads up opposed to PD's leadership me feels. If it was down to PD then why hasn't he been doing this all season with the players at his disposal?


    It's sad as I like the man as a person but I want someone more influential managing the team as I doubt PD will secure us success and I don't want us just scraping 19th position.


    Yes the press will slag off SC if he pulls the trigger after today but they don't follow the club week in week out like we do.


    End his OAFC career on a high


    Was it coincidence that MH was in the director's box?

  11. I've always said he'd come good and we've not been playing to his strengths or he's taken longer than we expected.


    A classic centre forward is the praise coming from most professionals past and present!


    Whilst on the 'I told you so' ;) ..... I said a number of months back that Hughes will leave QPR and end up our manager....stranger things have happened :o

  12. He won't get sacked after today.


    That's what I reckon but why didn't Corney say his job was safe after the match rather than tomorrow? I doubt Corney is thinking of the website hits.


    I have a feeling he's going but didn't want to overshadow PD today after the win...however league position doesn't lie and those in the media will realise that one swallow doesn't make a summer

  13. Back Corney 100%. No Corney = no club.


    No hidden secret that him and his two mates bought the club for the land. However, he's stuck around long enough and suffered enough grief that suggesting the reason for this is to safeguard that investment is madness.


    He loves the club and yes he would probably walk if someone came forward and gave him his money back BUT he's kept us going and there's been some ups amongst all the downs along the way.


    Can't pick a decent manager though...if he had a bucket full of Mourinhos, he'd pull out a Dave Penney!


    We start again on the manager search come Tuesday I reckon and hopefully this time luck will shine on us.

  14. Just got back from a day of meetings and was expecting news that he got the bullet.


    I'm well :censored:ed off!


    I was expecting an announcement from Simon Corney at very least and his silence speaks volumes.


    A manager still in charge who can't influence his team, no assistant manager, a team full of holes and no sign of strengthening but a full house on Sunday, the fans still showing our commitment.....


    Yes our hard core is dwindling but in order to boost the numbers then action is needed or do we just let the club suffer until we slip through the trapdoor into oblivion??!!



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