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Posts posted by Midsblue

  1. Do you think the opinion is greater than it was for Ronnie Moore? I think it is and look what happened then.


    It has to be Dowie - knows the club, knows TP, will knock team into shape and would likely return for a realistic salary and probably for remainder of season...plus he would have something to prove. Time heals and him and Corney should shake and allow us to have a realistic chance of avoiding relegation and repaying the fans who've paid to attend so far this season

  2. Also, a happy New Year to Paul Dickov and his family...despite all the sniping and name-calling, he is a son, brother and father, like many of us...and deserves our best wishes...not only for himself, but for the team as well.


    As said, you can't help but like the fella but his he manager material to lead us to success?

  3. Happy New Year to everyone on here.


    Two things always spring to mind just as the bells chime.....


    1) Next year COULD be the year


    2) No matter if it isn't, you can stick your Manchester United/City, Chelsea and the like because we are the chosen ones and we will always support the greatest football team in English football


    Recent events epitomise that no matter what happens, we will always have our club


    Goodnight and have a truly happy new year!



  4. I personally can't see how Dickov can stay to be honest.


    Agree 100%. How can PD bring in his "own" back-room team when SC decided PD's current team that PD recruited wasn't up to the task?


    It'll have to be SC's decision and that'll undermine PD even further than the events today.


    New broom definitely needed at the top to instil new discipline, direction and motivation to the current squad. Bit of tweaking, which can be done in January as no need to completely rebuild, to playing staff.


    Nothing to lose and a lot to gain.......

  5. Dowie as manager, Harbin as fitness/psychologist/sports science and TP as Assistant Manager.


    Granted our success under them was at a time of a really strong squad but its more than coincidence that some of the more raw players developed stronger, fitter and more productive under this regime.


    As said earlier, Dickov's position is untenable now and despite SC liking him, it's delaying the inevitable. Lets complete what we started......

  6. The fact is that we have a squad more than capable of a top half, even top six, finish.


    At the moment were struggling and its not temporary but evident since start of this season.


    The finger needs to be pointed firmly at the manager. He cannot motivate the squad that he's put together to win consistently so needs to go immediately so we have some chance of finishing further up the table, away from relegation and possibility of attracting back some of the fans.


    Keeping him shouldn't be an option and the only reason I can imagine for keeping him is the pay-off needed for PD, GT and the other back room staff.

  7. What difference would having Dickov or someone else in place for the Forest game?


    Absolutely nothing and in fact, a fresh approach and time between now and then to introduce new tactics, formation etc could result in a win and progression to next round.


    Dickov still in charge means just one thing - failure and a cup exit. Last two games I've predicted we'd lose and I've been proved right unfortunately. He's a broken man, incapable of motivating the team and needs to be put out his misery. He's overstayed his welcome...I like him, still do but unfortunately not as manager of my club. I wish him well I the future, hope he succeeds elsewhere but I can't see him succeeding here.

  8. Gutless..............that's Dickov AND Corney!


    Dickov for not falling on his sword.....he has a squad very capable at his disposal and can't get them playing successfully.


    Corney for not deciding Dickov's fate for him......Everyone apart from the man himself can see that Dickov is unable to influence the team that he's put together.


    Simple question....could someone other than Dickov get this team winning consistently? In my opinion, the answer is clearly yes and now we have the likes of O'Driscoll, Hill etc to add to the likes of Dowie available then Corney really needs to review the position immediately and ready for the January window.

  9. I hope he pins his letter of resignation to the dressing room door.


    I was a firm supporter but PD has soured my relationship with OAFC at the moment. I've spent thousands supporting them over the year but this season is the first that's left me cold with inconsistency and an absence of passion, ambition, commitment, drive, direction and desire to succeed. It's probably there somewhere so the question is -


    Why is a team with quality, skill, ability and potential in the team under performing and continually failing?


    SC has delivered yet again by subsidising the team and is let down majorly by the management employed to deliver his plans on the pitch.


    2013 should signal the return of someone who is available, would come cheap, would want the job, knows the club and demonstrates motivation and discipline to squeeze potential from the players - Iain Dowie. We have nothing to lose.

  10. This salary cap and % of turnover surely can be worked around?


    SC or a pal donates £x to the club as sponsorship / advertising. If only 60% can be used for wages then that payment to the club factors in 60% of £x being whatever we agree with Jose to sign him on 2 year deal.


    Jose market value then escalates and the donor gets their 60% back with interest (say 5%), club get c25% and Jose gets 10% when he moves on.


    Speculate to accumulate as its obvious that the return on Jose will only increase from today's position regardless of what is spent to secure him longer term.

  11. I'd be more happier if he said "I want to stay at Oldham until May" and quickly followed up by "I love playing football rather than warming a bench so much that I've done a deal with Forest on wages so Oldham can keep me on the same terms".


    Same goes with Baxter and committing himself now rather than "seeing what's out there in January"


    It's a two-way street and a sense of realism and loyalty would be refreshing in the tainted world of professional football.

  12. Hopefully this will be the day we light the blue touch paper to our season.


    A win under our belt on Tuesday with a promising performance followed by another win...a resounding win with goals...against Preston.


    The catalyst to a very successful season.


    We have the players and despite the recent doubts, we have the manager to lead us onwards and upwards.


    4-2 to OAFC with Derbyshire scoring at least a brace

  13. It's just bonkers. I was a big supporter of Dowie and because I had a fair inside knowledge of what went on at the time I never blamed him for leaving Latics at the time he did.


    However, since then he has fallen out with most boards that have employed him and the fact that he has been out of management for as long as he has, despite some impressive achievements in management, suggest thtat the word has gone round.


    Based on your knowledge Dave, what was his relationship with Corney?


    When recently interviewed I understand Dowie made reference to how much he loved being here and his tenure at Oldham is up there as his favourite time in management.


    Having re-read the Jordan autobiography on Dowie, he did lie to get out of managing Palace when things went sour. Things didn't click between Jordan and Dowie but I'm guessing because Jordan was so out-spoken and got involved in football matters whereas Dowie believed this was the managers area with no interference from the boardroom. Also he was quick to moan when funds werent available to strengthen and whose solution to a negative blip was to bring in fresh faces.


    Could it work here a second time for him under the circumstances were in?


    He'll inherit a strong starting 11, small number of promising player waiting on the bench but nothing else. Also would he get the squad firing if Harbin wasn't around?


    Hmmmmm. I'm back to square one on who's best to replace Dickov....but it's academic as the incumbent is still on the throne.

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