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Posts posted by Midsblue

  1. The footballing world was in shock on Monday when Mark Hughes walked out on QPR.


    An even bigger shock for the gathering press though was the explanation by Hughes for his departure.


    "I've been in management for a number of years now but something's been eating away at me ever since I hung up my boots."


    "For 20 years I've had an overwhelming urge to right a wrong."


    "I was offside and that goal should not have stood! I've sat back and watched a club drop like a stone, lose thousands of fans along the way and be passed from one owner to the next. All this as a direct consequence of my actions."


    "Well, that will change. I'm going to use my managerial expertise plus all my millions to right that wrong"


    It is likely that Harry Redknapp will return from the football wilderness to be installed at the helm at Loftus Road.


  2. Has to be Dowie....if him and Corney have kissed and made up since Dowie left


    There's no doubting that when he was here the players were the fittest, ran through walls and we attacked from the off every game and never, ever gave up.


    Ok, he had a budget and a half under Moore but the current squad have the quality and potential to succeed at this level but lacked the influence...which Dowie has in spades


    I'm sure he's affordable too and confident that he'd prefer managing to punditry


    Imagine Wes, Croft, Baxter and the others swimming at 6am.....?!

  3. I just hope, with a lot of water passing under the bridge, him and Corney can put aside any petty squabbles for the good of the club...


    Can't see him coming back as he screwed us over when trying to get money from a financially crippled club. Furthermore he was pimping himself everywhere despite claiming his loyalty for the club.


    His 'my fondest time as a manager was at Oldham' doesn't wash but that said, he wouldn't take any :censored: from the players and would have them running through walls.


    The quality we have in the team, the potential etc plus Dowie's drive and determination could be a very rewarding blend.

  4. I think the intention is for Wes and Furman to interchange to support the front players.


    However Dickov has proved time and time again that the players don't listen to him or follow out his instructions on the pitch. He comes out with the usual flannel after the game and I was hoping that he would turn it around but today has confirmed for the very last Tom that he can't.


    If Dickov doesn't walk then I'd be more concerned if Corney doesn't act...that will signal the intent of the board and future direction of the club!



  5. I'm disappointed as I would expect him to fall on his sword immediately after this game.


    Coventry are struggling and they come here and snatch a win. It's inexcusable and Corney must do the right thing.


    Dickov had huge support from the fans but even the most patient is justified to demand his departure after the run of games culminating with the result today.


    A shame as he's a great bloke but if he can't get wins from the current crop of players - and with no injuries as an excuse - then we need to change the manager. We need a motivator with influence to get the most out of a set of players who are arguable the strongest we've had for many a season.

  6. Always remember him kicking off with the fans when we played Wycombe away.


    A few started singing "you're not fit to wear the shirt" to which Kelly turned around and let loose with an expletive littered tirade followed shortly by an invitation to one of the fans to join him on the pitch....and not for the half-time draw!

  7. Sorry but today was when my head took over from my heart. Sack I'm afraid.


    If we had a weak squad then I would be more patient but the quality now in and the performances point towards an ineffective manager and coaching structure.


    Time to change at the top - someone with experience who can motivate and who the players will listen to.


    Shame as I really want Dickov to succeed with us but it ain't happening.

  8. The life of a lower league fan. Occasional win and a weekend of celebration but inevitably the club rips your heart out in the closing months. All that money wasted on tickets, shirts, petrol, food, train fares etc etc etc.


    Then comes July, the sun tan is yet to be added or is fading and you realise there's a huge hole in your life and attention diverts back to OL1.


    The cycle starts again and the pain sets in......


    Come 3pm I'll be checking my phone every 20 seconds and thinking of events at Griffin Park.


    Wouldn't miss it for the world and in the flip side of Han Solo.... "I have a very good feeling about this"

  9. I really like Dickov as a person and really want him to do well but those stats have shocked me.


    Being less successful than Penney is probably the nail in the coffin to be honest. I hope the players turn it around from now and shoot Dickov up that chart. I really think he will become a successful manager and would love it to be with Oldham.


    Knew Ronniesaurus would be up there. I think we would have finally got promoted under him but he alienated the fans, me included, with his attitude. Same goes with Shez who I thought was a miserable :censored: but you can't ignore that he got players playing.

  10. PD put his balls on the line by stating 'judge me in 10 games' and all credit to the bloke for his confidence.


    Also saw above the people's assessment of upcoming games and quoting anything between 7 and 15 points. We should be aiming to win all those games as we are more than capable of doing so!


    No team in this league is head and shoulders above us and PD should be enforcing self belief into every one of the team and squad.


    The key is securing Derbyshire, Baxter and Wabara on longer deals to deliver continuity, competition for places and a winning mentality.


    We are that close to bringing success to BP.... think me mad but we have the players. PMA!

  11. Sack Dickov? Are you having a laugh?


    He's been allowed to bring in three extra players last week; all of which have added to the team. We're improving slowly but surely and unbeaten in three.


    It's early days, we're sitting outside relegation and 2 wins from a Play-Off position.


    Dickov will be given at least until Christmas and only then will he been on thin ice of we go on a losing run.


    Trust me; these players will very shortly gel and we'll soon be climbing the table.


    We'll be above 10th position come November 14th. Mark this post and prove me wrong if we're not!

  12. ...to try and secure Derbyshire and Baxter until end of season?


    Quality's quality and it doesn't take a rocket scientist to realise that the inclusion of these two over the rest of the season would have a massive impact on our fortunes. People are slating Simpson but he too is quality - unsure if its complacency or just the fact he hasnt clicked with the formation - but now with these two, we have options and this will give him the kick up the 'arris he needs. I'd even try to squeeze all three into a front three but where then does Croft sit (and Montano)? We could always invert the pyramid and try a front five with Wes and Furman as a sitting two and then the blend of an attack-minded quintet. Discipline on the training ground to understand who goes where when attacking and defending but could provide the most exciting, entertaining and attacking play we've ever seen at BP. 4-3, 8-5, 7-1 scorelines each game like under Big Joe!


    I've kept quiet last week when both were announced but signing both is a real coup regardless of how they've fared prior to coming to us.


    Ladies and gentleman, we now have the catalyst in our side....can SC & PD keep them?


    I hae to say I cannot agree with one aspect of that Mids.

    WE have had set back after set back and most sane people would have bailed out

    It takes an age to get planning for anything, much less on this scale, yet the club have done consultations, whilst retaining a not insignificant support of affected residents, Plans have been drawn up. Losing the CEO and another board member sidelines by illness, are garnering support to fill t he stadium on non match days-no mean feat, gained a "gift" from a Director who has left and further changes afoot.

    All this in the middle of the toughest recession in history.

    Whilst all is not rosy by any means, we are in a much better postion than many.

    As you say, Pompey is madness, I am sure they would kill for our position.


    Sorry chap as I didn't mean just the stadium but development off the pitch in terms of boosting attendances and gaining interest into the club from financial backers. This £10 ST appeared just this season but marketing has been stagnant for many seasons now. It should be en mass through local schools, links with national companies, exposure in the media from whatever angle possible - tv documentary, X-Factor type auditions for players via local tv, Sky etc, pushing the club profile via the likes of Talksport by calling in representing the club etc etc. We should be pimping ourselves to City, United as a feeder club too.

  14. Just read the BBC piece and Baxter claims money isn't a factor and just wants to play and kick start his career. Regardless of baggage I would sign him on a 24 month contract on par with the likes of Taylor or Smith. He's worth the gamble as long as the contract has conditions - if he plays up off the field then the club can release him without any financial penalty to us, if he impresses then in return the club get a fee should a club come in for him to cover his wages plus a profit in return for our gamble.


    I seriously doubt he would end up being :censored: because he's a quality player with skill and ability proven at Premiership youth/reserve level that is similar to League One.


    If Dickov is anywhere near where he claims to be as a Football Manager then he can get Baxter to play for us and be the catalyst for the whole team.



  15. How the hell can Portsmouth attract the attention of a middle east consortium when £61 million in debt and we don't get any sniff when effectively debt free and up for sale at £6 million?


    Granted they get gates six times but it would take years to clear that debt with very little else - no team, no saleable assets etc etc


    It's frustrating that the owners have screwed up 10 years with no progress OFF the pitch let alone on the pitch and never secured a plan b, c or d when backers dropped out throughout that period. There just doesn't seem to be an urgency regarding development, actively looking for other investment - especially if the club is on open sale - and general lethargy when it comes to moving the club forward.



    When I bumped into Iain Dowie on Sunday and had a short conversation with him (see "My brush with fame today" thread) he told me that he still lived in the area (Bolton) and wouldn't mind getting back into the cut and thrust of management one day. Worth a punt? I'd have him back in a heart beat...


    Did you ask him if he would come back? You must have done!

  17. Simpson needs dropping to the bench. He is a disgrace to his team mates at the moment.


    And that's the problem. Dickov spent most of the budget on securing three crucial players - Croft, Wes and Simpson. One's improving game by game, one's injury prone and come back to haunt us, one is regarded as the catalyst to our offensive play and if Simpson's off the boil then so is our attacking play.


    Worrying times but if that's our budget then is Corney expecting League 2 football for us ??

  18. Issue is what would / could another manager do with the crop of players that they'd inherit?


    If Dickov goes and someone else is brought in then it would be unfair on Dickov should that new manager get funds to strengthen.


    The only alternative I can see if Dowie because he has the passion and ability to motivate. All others mentioned wouldn't bring anything to the table unless they had funds to strengthen, which we ain't got.

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