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Posts posted by Midsblue

  1. Forget the tactics, injuries, ineffective midfield, forwards lacking a cutting edge and general negativity around the place.


    We're going to win because it's my birthday today. The big 4-0 and I've spent more years of it supporting us than I haven't. The wife and kids brought me a cake in the shape of our shirt with badges, FILA on the arms, everything.


    I'll be celebrating tonight and I predict I'll be celebrating our first win too. 4-0? I doubt it but I have a feeling Smith will score in the last 10 minutes ;)

  2. You own a company selling laptops and want the public to buy them. You employ production staff who prove to be no good and allow them to buy in shoddy and defective raw materials. End result is laptops that break down after ten seconds, the sounds goes and the keys break off. Now you had a loyal customer base but they start to desert you because they're sick of the empty promises that these laptops are :censored: hot but basically they're just....... :censored:. Who needs to act to address the situation and increase turnover?


    I'm sick of the finger being pointed at us fans. We've been as patient as you can after 10+ years at this level and the same dross being dished out and early promise being dashed.


    Sorry Mr Corney but in order to boost crowds you need to beg, steal and borrow to win the fans back. Let's start with supporting your manager with signings that can play out his tactics. A striker that has a proven record rather than PD having to bring in kids or lower league gambles.


    PD you're the manager, use your connections to get in some players for as little outlay as possible. That's why you were employed due to your connections as at the moment your motivation and influence with the current crop,isn't working.


    I'm well :censored:ed off that the club just seem to accept that mediocre and mid-table or relegation battle is acceptable and the entertainment that will bring fans flooding back.


    The way to bring fans back was to bring in a wow signing to get fans salivating - like the Kuqi deal last season. It didn't pay off in the end but it got the place excited... at the moment it's like were in the queue at the local hospice and just waiting for the inevitable!

  3. Rumour down here that Villa have tabled take it or leave it £2m bid for Stephens ahead of window closing.


    Will pocket us around £160k as I believe the 10% is based on nett of what Charlton receive less what that paid us.


    Do we need to pay Bury anything?


    Also do you reckon this will go towards new signings as we need another 2 or 3 players but more so a striker like Clarke.

  4. Was an 8 a few years back. Majority of home games and a number of away games even though I was travelling 250 miles each match. That we even during the bleak days of Ritchie when I worshipped the manager but are squad was even more depressing that it is now.


    Now it's a 3. Will never, ever give up on them. However even cancelled LW this season as I couldn't be bothered to listen to commentary as I was finding other things to do and avoid the frustration by just seeing the result via Sky or on the web. Same goes with Saturday as I now have kids and work all week so weekends are a luxury - if the players aren't bothered then why should I be?!


    That said I do have local away matches pencilled in and will be taking my eldest to her first games.

  5. Dowie all the way for me IF Dickov were to go. He'd lower his demands and will definitely have unfinished business with the club he started his managerial career with. Depends if him and SC have kissed and made up though but time heals as they say.


    Only concern is that he would need funds to strengthen and is more influential with Harbin alongside him to do training and motivation. He would get these players playing though and none of this rubbish that players are doing what the manager wants from them.


    Frustrates me though that it's evident that we're weak and even more so with Wes injured yet we don't seem to be doing anything to resolve situation. Get some prem kids on loan & for free by using connections at City, Utd, Blackburn, Leicester, Arsenal - basically clubs that Dickov and SC have dealt with in the past who have bloated squads who won't kick a ball in anger.


    If there's no flurry of activity by 11pm tomorrow night then I fear the worst. Well struggle on pitch and the fans will vote off the pitch with dwindling attendances. No paying visitors and even the £10 ST holders won't turn up and spend money at the club because the ST price is throwaway regarding incentive to carry on regardless.

  6. I really like Dickov as a person - never met him but comes over as honest, hard-working dedicated and ambitious. Shame some of the players he's signed haven't echoed his qualities!


    He needs a fair crack of the whip though with extra faces in the squad. I'm bemused as to why he hasn't exercised his connections with City to get loanees for free. I'd even suggest we exercise the Richards clause in return for a steady stream of long-term loanees for coming seasons or even accept that we become a feeder club and blood the City kids within the laws of the leagues.


    If the budget's gone then no matter who we get in the it's mission impossible.


    If he does get the bullet - and it'll be a damn shame - then we need to get Dowie and Harbin back. Dowie admitted just this week that his time at Oldham was some of his favourite and memorable. He'd have the players running through walls and Harbin would get them fit!

  7. Definitely in! He's up against it with the playing budget available.


    Pre-season we were playing some good football and the players have let him down over recent games. That said he's needs to rethink selection, formation and tactics as something isn't working at the moment. The team shouldn't be that dependent upon Weslowski and I think mentally the rest of the team feel that the team is at he moment. He needs to have a little faith in some of the younger players on the bench with Hughes,Winchester and Smith to change things around.


    Above all the fans needs to give him time. We shouldn't be expecting a winning team every game with the players we have and it'll be a struggle. Even the likes of Mourinho would struggle here.


    I'd even give Smith an extended run from the start each game because I still thinks there's a decent striker there.


    The problem is that this level time is a luxury and the fans (and I'm assuming the owners) want results and to be mid-table at least early in the season. If that's the case then he can only gamble on his connections at City, Utd, Arsenal to bring some youngsters in up front, in defence and in the middle.


    If only Corney could find the dosh to get Clarke in so we have someone immediately effective in front of goal.



  8. Sorry to break it to you but he isn't good enough!


    Smith proved himself majorly at conference -1 level and there were loads of scouts and managers certain that he could make it at lower league level. We beat a lot of competition to secure him.


    I'm hugely disappointed but not necessarily at just the lad but also how we've treated him. It's a massive step up and he's a confidence player. He needs games and if we can't afford to play him then he needs loaning out ASAP. Granted that happened last season but even then the Silkmen needed immediate response from the lad and he soon became a bit-part player.


    Due to our limited resource he'll be #1 pick in the stiffs and needs to deliver now he'll get regular appearances. If he scores a couple then it'll build his confidence and hopefully he'll deliver.


    His far from a broken flush and has the intelligence and level head not to implode. He has all the qualities to become your typical #9/centre forward but I agree he needs to grow balls amongst the opposing defence but that's confidence.

  9. I'm the eternal optimist and predict top 10 every season. I'd be amazed if we match or better last season unless we add at least 2 more players but even then additions with proven ability rather than potential.


    We've only improved at LB and RM from last season and currently weaker at CD, RB, LW and up front. Shuffle the pack with Byrne at CD and Brown at RB and it could improve a little.


    We're relying too much on potential and avoiding injury that worries me. We've never been blessed with key players remaining fit all season and if the same applies this season then the heart of midfield could be ripped apart with nobody decent ready to step in.


    Up front and on the left is a major concern.


    Reliable service proved to be effective on Monday with Croft so we need to replicate on the left flank.


    We need a proven striker though. Slew may have been PDs #1 target and shows potential and promise. We over rely on key players, which is our ever repeating downfall, so young Jordan needs another to deliver the goals when he's misfiring or to provide a plan B.


    A VERY big season for Smith, Taylor and our youth players and I really, really want two or three to prove PD right, answer the doubters and set the league talking.




  10. Rolling one year deal! New contract everyday! Ha


    That means its a 12 month contract that automatically renews annually if both parties don't intervene to terminate or changes T&Cs.


    I would suspect there's a break clause normally 3-6 months prior to renewal allowing either party to severe the agreement subject to a specific notice period.


    In eyes of law though it had no specific value in comparison to a fixed longer term agreement. Therefore if same applies in football legislation then we wouldn't get a bean for PD should he decide to leave and trigger the break clause.

  11. For anyone in the know, if we totally cleared the debt then would it have any impact on the playing budget?


    Just wondering if x% of income is being swallowed up servicing debt and once debt free that'll go into strengthening. If that is greater than what SC's funding personally then happy days!

  12. Worthy of a bump even though he often talks :censored: but Talksport's Moose is claiming Real Madrid and AC Milan are in a bidding war for Micah.


    AC Milan are flush after selling Zlatan for €23m and Mourinho won't want to lose out so hopefully it exceeds €30m.


    £5 million in the pot; totally clear the debt making the club more saleable, not enough for a stand though but a few quid for strengthening. Luvverly jubbly!

  13. I just love football and can watch any match, whatever level and regardless of whoever's playing. Have a soft spot for Derby County as I lived there for 3 years and the BBG was in walking distance.


    Don't have any hatred or dislike of any team and always want the English clubs to do well in all European competitions.


    As I've posted many times before; I have no links to the town whatsoever, being born and bred in midlands. Just a strange twist of fate in the 80s led me to support the club for over 25 years now.


    Nothing compares to watching my beloved Oldham though. I'm fortunate to attend a lot of games through corporate events and in five star surroundings. However, I'd give up any one of them to sit in the Chaddy whatever the weather and watch us play.


    I've never experienced growing up an Oldham fan amongst United and City fans. However I've spent all my adult life having to field questions of 'why Oldham?', 'who the :censored: are Oldham?' and 'what division do they play in?' from Villa, Blues, Baggies, Wolves, Derby, Forest, Coventry fans...and the list goes on.


    To me I'm part of a very exclusive club, away from the theatrics of the Premier League and one that gets the occasional mention in the press. I like being 1 of the 3 or so thousand as opposed to being 1 of the 3 or so hundred thousand.


    When we finally repeat some success and experience a promotion or cup win, I can say that I've been there at the bottom and in the bad times, cheering on the McNivens, Boshell, Dudley and others.


    Why waste your time debating your feelings for other teams when the only team that matters is the one you support already?

  14. How did M'Changama play on left of midfield?


    How do you reckon we'd perform with Chris Taylor on the left had he stayed?


    I do hope young Taylor from Newcastle comes good as we're still screaming out for a striker to play alongside Simpson.


    I know we have 3 weeks before start of season but the current crop of trialists don't seem to be working and we could do with a striker, LW and CB at least!

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