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Posts posted by Midsblue

  1. How can people suggest sacking SC? Without him we would NOT have a club. Pure and simple. Anyone claiming that the club is bigger than any one person is deluded because without him we'd be a FC United but on a much smaller scale by now.


    Hill - I said sack because nothing has happened on the stadium development and I'm not sure what he's actually brought to the table.


    Barry - sack! PR disaster after disaster on a monumental scale and the warmth of a one bar fire...that's not plugged in. He's there to unify the fans but has done the direct opposite. Yes he's spent all his spare time doing club duties supposedly on behalf of the fans but if I was retired on a police pension then I'd volunteer as director too. Always comes over as smug on LP, gives impression that he's a bigger fan than the rest of us and tried to take all the credit when we signed Lee Hughes. Never met the bloke to talk to but I've see him at a pre-season match last season and he sat in the directors section blanking the fans with that smug look whereas Simon Corney was engaging with the fans and having a laugh. Ironic bearing in mind he's the fans representative but disliked by most!


    Newton - I've actually said back on the basis that I'm hoping he'll find someone with money to pump in. Just stay away from the training pitch, keep your nose out of managing the team and spend every second in a club capacity getting us financial investment!


    In all honesty, SC apart, I can't see what the others bring to the table that benefits our club. No financial investment, no effective strategy on or off the field....everything seems to come from SC.


    I just hope a financial backer comes in, replaces the whole board but keeps Corney on as Chairman.

  2. If Kuqi stayed in the 6 yard box, held the ball up and brought others into play then he could be on the end of chances. Thay way then he conserves his energy, would probably surpass the 20 league goals and be an even greater asset to the team.


    However playing in midfield, defence, trying to set up chances whilst being on the end of them too has led to us struggling. You have to commend him trying to do everything but he ain't Rooney nor got the legs or engine to do this.


    He shouldn't leave the 18 yard box let alone their half and hold up the ball and bring others into play in and around the penalty area.


    If he could stick to that next season then superb and I'd emphasise this instruction by paying him a very basic basic and a hefty goal bonus.

  3. Review PDs team maybe but if PD gets the push then we might as well as shut the place down.


    The squad he's created is nothing short of a miracle based on the funds available. Apart from LB, we have the players, the ability and the quality to have finished a hell of a lot higher.


    PD tried to get them playing but some seriously let him down and fortunately he had the option to dump them without it costing us anything and he can easily replace with better in the summer.


    Dickov is the one positive at our club whereas some in the boardroom need to explain exactly what they do....and I don't mean SC!

  4. I have a feeling that Kuqi isn't done and dusted just yet. His decline in recent months wouldn't have gone unnoticed in the boardroom as well as touch line.


    Playing deep and being a team player is one thing but a very expensive luxury if we have nobody to score goals.


    If it was me, I'd spend the funds elsewhere on long-term loans who poach goals and remain in the 6 yard box!


    Id ship Smith out, take the option on Marsh Brown and focus on Simpson

  5. ....before anyone questions I meant two different strikers to adjust our play dependent upon the opposition. We can play the two together upfront if we then drop a midfielder but I think we'd play better with my five-man midfield and Simpson supporting the striker.


    We don't need width unless we bring our fullbacks into play.


    What I'm saying is that we ALREADY have the players but the method of play just isn't right.


    We're not Barcelona obviously but our formation and play could mirror their approach and be effective at this level.

  6. Echoes my other message. We have some quality in the middle; retaining them is crucial as is getting them playing consistently and avoiding injuries. We then have the core to then bolt on the strikers, full backs etc


    My ideal midfield would be Wes and N'Changama sitting in front of the back four, breaking up

    opposition play, holding the ball and the bringing the ball into the opposition half to play short and effective passes to the bank of attacking midfielders and strikers.


    In front of Wes and M'Changama, I would have Furman, Simpson and then ANOther - be it a newbie, Marsh-Brown, Morais or even Taylor.


    Stuff this long ball! We have the players NOW to keep it on the floor, build up the play, bring others into key areas BUT need a pacey striker to get us pens, freekicks or even - dare I say it - convert the chances! The other striker is a goal hanger who doesn't come out the six-yard box apart from playing onside. With that midfield and style of play, they'll be chances aplenty - anchor someone in the box to direct the ball goalward and I don't care if it goes in off the left, right, head or even arse!

  7. Keeping Simpson is crucial for next season. He knows the team, the set up and is influential when the club plays well.


    Him along with Furman and Wes will give us the consistency in the middle, pulling the strings and moving us onwards and upwards. We can easily replace the striking options we have fire someone more prolific (it won't be hard) but failing to keep these three will set us back having to rebuild the midfield.

  8. Latics_Fanatic, based on the teaser we've seen on the OS, could you create your mock-up of what you think it may actually look like?


    Not holding you to it but would be good to then compare when its finally revealed and we have a straw poll as to whether yours is best!


    Personally, if I was the club, I would use you and others on here for ideas before finalising future designs. Your attempts have been spot on

  9. The only way I would let Taylor play for us again is if he signs a 2 year deal. I'd even get him to sign that before I pay for any treatment for him let alone allow him to train with us to rebuild his fitness.


    Loyalty's a two-way street. Stuff playing X games over X seasons for us. If he wants to move on then he can pay for his own treatment and train on his own in order to secure a contract elsewhere!

  10. The thought of McCormick playing for us sickens me to the point I would never, ever watch us again and withdraw my support. It does make me a hypocrite as I did give Hughes a second chance but I've changed my view totally on him too and regret that he ever played for us.


    There's certain people you should never give second chances to based on their actions and as I'm not religious then I'll never forgive them.


    Evans deserves everything he gets...I really hope the tables are turned when he's banged up and he receives the same treatment but from Big Dave and his mates in the showers!


    All four lads should have got the same sentencing purely for taking advantage of a girl who was clearly unable to walk let alone think rationally under the influence of drink. What type of scum has sex with someone in that condition....it's bordering on necrophilia!


    Sorry for my outburst but as a father of two young girls, this makes my blood boil that this could happen to anyone's daughters

  11. I would choose any of those four to be honest. They all look great and much better than majority of what we actually had, if pushed itll be A with tangerine instead of red followed by D or C. That other posters design looks good as a training top but IMHO not for me as home shirt.


    You should contact SC to offer your services for the next away and subsequent kits. Like somebody else said, the fans should really have the choice and your ideas are much fresher than what the club and supplier generate.


    Question - does supplier do similar and present say 4 templates and club have limited choice or does the club have full say on template, design, colours, material etc?

  12. Was he going out with someone from the club or Oldham area? Seem to remember he used to keep coming back to watch us when he went back to City.


    He had a stint at Huddersfield as was rubbish and the dropped before being released from

    loan I was told.


    That said if he's back to somewhere near his best and can repeat the impact he had on the team then worth a trial at least...if PD rates him that is?!

  13. Quick question........


    Did PD make it mandatory for injured players to attend or did they have the choice?


    I'm very loyal to my company but if I was off sick and had the choice to attend a sales meeting in Scotland but sit at the side and be not allowed to have any influence on it OR allowed to spend time with my family instead then I know what I'd do.


    This is an away match for f*** sake. Wes is most likely sticking to a recovery plan that will include attending the club or doing light exercise, which I would expect he's doing and following his manager's instruction.


    What do you expect from him? Attend every away match where the club probably has to pay for his ticket and donuts sit there? He can't represent the club in any hospitality position, he probably won't be allowed in the changing room due to space and just sit around like a spare part. Even if he cheered for 90 minutes or shouted instruction from the stand, you must commend the chap but what influence will that have on team performance? PD is doing that from the touchline at every match and having no influence(!)

  14. Honest opinion....what are Smith's strengths and with our current crop of players, could we play to them? He has a year left so could we still salvage something or is it a step too far? Fire crosses in and use his heading ability.


    Same goes with Reid but is Reid out of contract in the summer? IIRC we let him go last summer due to contract demands but he came back after negotiation of terms in our favour. Would you do the same or look elsewhere?


    Personally I'd try and get raw pace up front even if we have to improve on goal scoring. It proved effective with Andrews under Dowie because we got so many pens and free kicks around the box.


    Either that or PD will have to dig deep with his contacts and get a proven poacher on loan.


    We create the chances and our build up play is decent but it's the final quarter. Get a player or two who can latch onto passes into the box or just stays in the six-yard box.


    Despite the gloom this season, tinkering in defence, up front but retain midfield and I think we can really move up the table next season......

  15. ......forfeit the wage for Kuqi or another striker and pay Simpson extra to keep him here for next season ?


    I'd return to the drawing board for strikers next season replacing Reid, Kuqi, Smith and Parker. It's worth the gamble as apart from Kuqi's first few months, the lot of them are totally ineffective.


    Retaining Furman, Wes and Simpson in the middle is crucial for us to then build the team around them.




  16. Did I read somewhere that PD met with SC this week or last to start planning for next season?


    I hope PD's already agreeing loan deals or talking to targets rather than the usual scrabbling around mid-July to fill the squad.


    A LB is a must, a defensive CM to allow Furman and/or M'Changama to bomb forward and completely overhaul the forward line. That said I would like to see Tonk and Bunn playing together for the last 4 games and then look to keep the duo next season if they impress.


    Let's get 3 points on Saturday or even a draw (as I think that will secure safety) and let the gun and games start again for another season....starting with minimal holiday and then start early with stamina training for all retained playing staff!

  17. I'm unsure what people saw in Adeyemi. Ran around a lot but no real end product and Furman was having to compensate for him on Monday.


    It will be good to see M'Changama start, get a few games under his belt and earn a new contract with us. At least he's our player rather than us attempting to develop another teams player.

  18. Dickov is trying to get us to play decent football but doesn't have the personnel in key areas.


    Diallo is shocking; too slow and was a liability today.


    We're weak in midfield and missing Wes. I can't see why we persevere with Adeyemi.


    Up front Kuqi plays too deep and were toothless then up front. Bunn couldn't do everything on his own and needs someone alongside him as a front two.


    Pruning is needed come the summer and review the backroom team too - what value does Taggart add and what does Butler do?


    I think well stay up but next season we need a boost as I seriously think it'll be the last throw of the dice. Crowds will dwindle again anyway but more dross on the pitch then well be playing to sub 2000 crowds and Dickov will move on.

  19. Dickov is trying to get us to play decent football but doesn't have the personnel in key areas.


    Diallo is shocking; too slow and was a liability today.


    We're weak in midfield and missing Wes. I can't see why we persevere with Adeyemi.


    Up front Kuqi plays too deep and were toothless then up front. Bunn couldn't do everything on his own and needs someone alongside him as a front two.


    Pruning is needed come the summer and review the backroom team too - what value does Taggart add and what does Butler do?


    I think well stay up but next season we need a boost as I seriously think it'll be the last throw of the dice. Crowds will dwindle again anyway but more dross on the pitch then well be playing to sub 2000 crowds and Dickov will move on.

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