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Posts posted by Midsblue

  1. If I was the club then I would do following -


    1. Arrange a meeting between owners and fans ASAP

    2. Simon Corney outlines exactly what his strategy is and objectives are for the new season and beyond including following -

    - Stadium development

    - Team building plans

    - ST pricing and a joint strategy between owners and hardcore fanbase to attract an additional 1-3000 fans that is economically viable for fans and club

    - Improving matchday experience

    - New investment options (be it a joint owner/fan/local company funding in return for share options for the club/share on future ground sale but not to detriment [ie breaking even + x% rather than a killing or making a loss] to current owners)


    The club is dying and now is the time to build relations between owners and fans so that both have a major say in the running and future of the club.


    Stuff the Trust Director. I mean 3 (so there's at least a 66% majority) fan representatives on the board who provide input from the fans, have a proper say in how the club moves forward and building the initiative to extract interest, investment and new fans from schools, local companies, charities etc.

  2. Let's just accept that the club had a great opportunity to entice and retain extra fans through the golden ticket but activity ON field cocked it up.


    Be this bad luck because most of our influential players were crocked at the time - Simpson, Furman and Wes - but overall the players failed us on the pitch.


    Admittedly the state of our stadium and matchday experience in general isn't the most enticing. A decaying three-sided ground with piss poor facilities puts people off and the drudge dished up on the pitch is the nail in the coffin!


    Unless Corney comes up with something fresh and exciting regarding the stadium then OAFC as we know it will wither on the vine.


    We need an injection, a catalyst or even reincarnation of the current club to grab the next generation of fans.


    Last year with the new badge, the pomp of "We Are Latics" and promise of a new dawn came that opportunity but the mixture of inconsistency (yet consistently poor and boring) on the pitch, silence regarding stadium redevelopment and no new investor put end to that.


    We're an animal in pain...... The question is does Corney give it the injection to return it to good health or the injection to put it to sleep? Whilst we f*** around deciding, increasing numbers are starting not to give a :censored: either way!

  3. ..............we keep the current squad of players then do you think we could achieve a P/O place or even better?








    2 from Wesolowski / Furman / M'Changama



    Kuqi (or Reid if Kuqi asks for too much £)


    Subs - 1 from Wesolowski/Furman/M'Changama, Reid, Bunn, Diamond and Morais


    Plus the remaining squad.


    If we could retain that first eleven and the subs, avoid injury but rely on the extended squad then I think we can improve a hell of a lot from this season.


    What do you think?

  4. Is young Harry a Latics fan? Born here and appreciate he may have moved early once his Dad moved on but you never know.


    Would be good for him to do wonders this season and we secure his services for the 2012/12 season too. A bit of hometown boy back to his rightful home about this.

  5. How do we measure success and what are our realistic expectations each season based on a very limited budget, poor facilities and sub 3000 attendances?! Two decent cup runs, mid-table position/possibly touching distance of play-offs is a decent achievement based on what Paul's had to work with.


    Yes, tactics can be questioned on occasion but overall the product on the pitch is light years ahead of what has been served prior to Dickov's appointment. I would look to measure him against Shez because I still think Shez could have achieved something here given an extra season or two because we were making progress with him too and the events following tha night at the dogs was a serious knee-jerk reaction by all concerned. We imploded and had we kept Hughes then who knows?!


    Avoiding relegation i.e. team being in bottom four for most of season, I would give Dickov another two seasons (one at very least) to consolidate a decent heart within our team without all the chopping and changing. Let's then review his achievements at that stage.

  6. There's been disruption to the team every season for the last six or seven - be it a new manager or a major overhaul of the team.


    By retaining PD, retaining the majority of this current first team and allowing the youth players to have an extended run in the first team then we can continue to consolidate a team ethic rather than chop and change the individuals.


    We have some good players and some very promising players within the squad. We just need to maintain a "team" who know one another, know how each other plays and plays as a unit rather than building our play around two or three players.

  7. Wouldn't surprise me seeing Steve Bruce back there or even Colin. Owner has the cash and expected promotion with all the money spent on players and wages.


    Promising young manager tossed aside again and hope the likes of Leeds give him a chance.


    Patience is needed and Rome wasn't built in a day. Just hope we stick with PD and allow him to carry on into next season and beyond

  8. So our journey to Wembley is over but it doesn't mean our season's over.


    Starting Saturday, the players need to play 20 Cup Finals. I don't want the remainder of this season fizzling out or, dare I say it, a relegation battle.


    60 points to play for and Dickov needs to ensure that every one of the eleven players each game put in 100% and maximise those opportunities that went wasting tonight.

  9. In today's Sun it's claimed that Scholes is prepared to come out of retirement to answer an SOS for Fergie.


    Well if he feels he can still play at that level then will he overturn his apparent statement that he wouldn't play for us because he's past it?


    No need for a poll as purely rhetorical :wink:

  10. And I think football does take it seriously.


    Liverpool didn't help themselves with their reaction to the Suarez issue and, assuming the allegations from Friday night are true, the fact an individual wearing a Suarez t-shirt is involved adds significantly to the way Dalglish misjudged that situation.


    100% agree that the powers that be within football authorities do take racism seriously. However, I'm starting to believe that some clubs just play lip service to it.


    I was gobsmacked that Dalglish attempted to justify Suarez's comment and even more so when the players were allowed to wear t-shirts with Suarez on them. This was a mssive misjudgement on their part and one that needs addressing especially after last night.


    They'll hide behind the old "lets wait until the outcome of the police investigation" but that's b@ll@cks. There's no smoke without fire and Adiyemi wouldn't have reacted like he did if the comments to him weren't racist. Liverpool should have come out last night and said that they will root out and ban the individuals from last night, ban the Suarez t-shirts being worn by fans and players and reinforce their zero tolerance to racism.


    EDIT - had to amend the sentence with Suarez and t-shirt in it because this site created a link to Amazon where you could buy....yep you guessed it (How did that happen moderators??!!!)

  11. Well when their manager - a "legend" at the club and worshipped by their fans - attempts to justify Suarez's comments then would do you expect from the mindless minority?


    It's a real shame that a club with a long and illustrious history has had it's name tarnished over the last 2 weeks with the cancer of racism.


    Every club is infected with it including ours. I read on this post that fans heard racist chants on their bus to Anfield. I also hard last night the "Ooh Roger Palmer" chant from our fans...was he there? Now please correct me if I'm wrong but is this really a chant to recognise one of our own legends or is it purely coincidental that it tends to be sung when one of our black players plays well?


    It really sickens me in 2012 that players are singled out due to skin colour or nationality.


    Football needs to make a stand after last night. Irrespective of any police investigation Dalglish and Liverpool FC need to publicly issue an unconditional apology regarding their fans, Suarez and the Suarez t-shirt incident plus admit that Dalglish was wrong to attempt to justify Suarez.


    Fans also shouldn't be afraid to name and shame culprits - racism needs eliminating from our game before it gathers pace.


    We did ourselves proud last night but all that's been overshadowed now.

  12. Scholes wearing a cap also probably a bit conspicuous - the only non-teenage chav wearing a baseball cap in Oldham in the rain in October.


    His daughter had an Oldham coat on didn't she? Did PS get the club to run down and buy one from the shop or is she a fan as opposed to Aaron who I thought was a fan but, according to Scholes' autobiography, is an ardent Manchester United supporter.


    Good that he came and watched us. Is he still a ST holder or freebies?

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