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Posts posted by Midsblue

  1. Why do people get slagged off on this board if they even dare question the owners or manager? There seems to be an unwritten rule that any criticism is forbidden but we should be eternally grateful to the owners and manager without opportunity to question.


    As like other ST holders who have forked our hard earned money to watch the team for the WHOLE season, I have a right to be unhappy and angry that we've switched off and simply accept that Play-Offs are out of our reach despite league position and available points suggesting otherwise.


    IF Sheridan used the funds available months back to strengthen then we wouldn't be in the position we are now with a lenghty injury list. Injuries should be expected and a squad built to accommodate - obviously that never happened, we've placed our eggs in one basket and those funds probably weren't readily available as first thought?!


    Attendances are dropping and the lack of ambition isn't exactly going to entice them back. By giving up on this season - Sheridan has been DIRECTLY QUOTED that he feels that Play-Offs are unlikely, which illustrates that he HAS given up - then the club is at fault if they never return.


    Even if we didn't strengthen then at least paint a smile on your face Sheridan and tell the media and the players that the Play-Offs are DEFINITELY ACHIEVEABLE and that we're giving it OUR BEST SHOT. If the leader has given up then you can't expect the players to put their heart and soul into winning our last six games and generating further income through the Play-Offs.

  2. If you want someone from the Club to confirm that they are deliberately throwing games in order to stay down, then you'll probably have quite a wait. That's the implication of "purposefully avoiding promotion".


    In the meantime, the 28/1 price for promotion would suggest the apathy and lack of expectation is not necessarily of the Club's doing but is based on cold, hard probability.


    I'm not suggesting that games are being thrown but simply that we're not bringing in new faces etc to increase that probability of going up. Remember, this conversation has been rumbling on for weeks now so you need to include 3 or 4 more games into this equation and the 3 or 4 weeks for players to settle in ready for that final push.


    I just get the feeling that owners have calculated that promotion would cost us more then if we stayed down due to bonuses and then expectations from the fans to strengthen further to stay up next season. Add that we're developing the ground so if money was needed for bonuses and further strengthening then this could impact on off-field activities.


    It's just strange that we've had weeks to address this situation but we've limped on and now accepting failure to go up.

  3. Are we purposely avoiding promotion?


    Not trying to be contraversial or sarcastic. However we're only four points off a Play-Off place and have eighteen points still to play for.


    I just don't understand why Sheridan and club officials are so negative about our chances. This is compounded in today's Chronicle where Hardy is forecasting no activity before deadline day because further success this season is unlikely.


    It would be great if a club official (I know you read this board) could clarify the situation as the apathy coming out the club is concerning.


    As we're developing the ground, would promotion have a negative impact on our club financially so this IS the reason?!


    Staff bonuses for promotion and then expectation to spend bid next season to secure survival in the Championship would mean major expenditure to the club. Promotion doesn't guarantee a major boost in attendances or ST holders so it could cost us and divert funds from developing the ground or drain resources further if the owners were expected to fund the two. Perhaps it's such a concern and is why the club is avoiding promotion like the plague and have told Sheridan that funds aren't available for that final push this season.


    This is the only thing I can think of in light of the injuries and reluctance to strengthen with a chance to succeed well within our grasp.

  4. The money was there to bring players in, not world class players admittedly but decent league one players. I wasn't saying that we should sign full time replacements for all our injured players but a bit of cover and experience in some key positions would have been useful instead of having to throw so many youngsters into the first 11 all at once. We did sign Livermore, Jarrett and Constantine eventually and all three are decent players for us it just seemed to take an age to bring players in. People will no doubt say how its not easy to get players to join us which is probably true but isn't that part of Shez's job? Other managers seemed to get players to sign for clubs in similar circumstances to us.

    Yes we are a league one club, with very poor attendances at the moment, we are starting a redevelopment of the ground - and TTA have said in the past that money will not be taken out of the transfer/wages kitty to pay for it - but when TTA got here they said they wanted an established championship side in abt 5 years, they want us to move forward, most of the fans want us to move forward but the only way to do that is to be successful on the pitch. Next season hopefully Shez and co will have learnt from some of there mistakes and the success wil come.


    Never a more true word spoken on this board. I cannot believe that some people have simply shrugged their shoulders and conceded to this defeatist "well there's always next season" rubbish.


    Where is the evidence that suggests that our current league position will improve next season? We're three points from a Play-Off place with a number of games left. OK we have to better those teams between us and sixth spot but we have a great chance of achieving that if we only bring in some fresh facesand boost the depleted forward line. The owners have stated more than once that funds are available so why has Sheridan just stopped looking even with Deadline Day a week away? Will there be the same knee-jerk attempts at 2359hrs next Thursday evening once realism kicks in and someone actually looks at the table??

  5. Agree 100%. For Shez to quote that he thinks it's too late for the Play-Offs is madness. We're only three points behind and have more than just the one game to get those points. When it's mathematically impossible then we can down tools BUT only then!


    What message does that spell out to those players on the pitch but more importantly to those fans who have shelled hard earned money to watch the remaining number of games? If we're shutting up shop in March then will the club give the fans a refund on the remainder of their season ticket?


    How many loan deals can we still do this season? Deadline Day is next Thursday; let's get a few new faces in - up front, in defence and in midfield - and have a damn good go at getting that Play-Off place.


    I can't see any negatives if we lose once we reach the Play-Offs. In fact, imagine who we can attract to the club WHEN we win the Play-Offs and ONCE we're in the Championship?!

  6. From the back.........


    Lee Grant

    Chris Armstrong

    Clint Hill

    Fitz Hall

    Paul Murray

    Kevin Betsy

    Richie Wellens

    Lee Croft

    Luke Beckett

    Carlo Corazzin

    Jermaine Johnson


    Plus bionic implants and rejunevation methods for Sheridan and Eyres


    Get the kids in around these with Hughes, Davies, Hazell etc and we'd be a force to be reckoned with................would you think we'd have a chance at next level if this was basis of squad?


















    P.S. Spot to impostors!

  7. Apart from being ugly, him being uncovered as an extremely poor manager who took all the credit from his brother (scouting players), Jon Harbin (motivation and fitness) and Chairmen (for bankrolling quality players above the level of the club) is penalty enough, would you not think?!


    In the stupid world of football I'm sure that some naive chairman will give him another chance to promise the earth and then moan when it all goes wrong by blaming insecurity within the club, lack of funds and then deceive fans and players by hiding away in Bolton again until the circle begins again.


    Me bitter? Never(!)


    Do I care what happens to him? No


    Emperor's new clothes springs to mind and the true villain during THAT summer and the aftermath.

  8. How can anyone question this deal...well apart from the negative PR and flak that we received when it was announced.


    The lad has kept his head down and committed himself fully on and off field. He's been hit with injuries, which is understandable with his time out of the game and either us pushing him or the player pushing himself into playing rather than a gradual reintroduction.


    Regardless of injury, when he has played, he has proven his worth and his someone that we miss and would never have if circumstances were different. Get him fit, free from injury and I reckon we'll get 25+ goals out of him next season. Then the fun and games begin when interest increases from clubs who were less inclined to gamble on him when the spotlight was firmly on him.

  9. Not a travesty IMO but a tad disappointing, however the youngsters seem to be very promising with Alessandra being the pick of the bunch!


    I'd seriously question whether this season is a travesty or not. OK, we need to put into perspective but have we developed or moved on from last season? I think we've gone backwards as we haven't replaced quality despite Sheridan given a budget to sweep the necessary changes back in the summer. Failure to address this over the last few months too has had a major impact on attendances and general interest. Fans are voting with their feet because we're lacking signs of ambition despite the early promise and there's a general feeling of apathy now amongst the management and players.


    We may have peaked too early last season by reaching the Play-Offs but that was the benchmark for this season and Sheridan and his team has failed to deliver so far. Rather than seize the opportunity and readdress the situation, we seem to have written off this season already despite the guff spouted about trying to get in players. We're that desperate for new blood and if we can't convince players to come here when we're on the verge of a Play-Off place then questions need to be asked.


    Failing this season will drive one extra nail into our coffin because fans are becoming impatient with the lack of progress and failing to deliver on promises. It is evident already with dropping crowds as we're failing to attract new punters to add to the diehards. Despite progress off field with the stadium development, I'm unsure how longer progress can be expected if we maintain our position in League One.

  10. No chance I'm afraid and the blame lies firmly at Sheridan's feet.


    Either he has money to strengthen or he doesn't and at the moment the evidence suggests that the owners are funding new signings but Sheridan is struggling to bring in the much needed new faces.


    He panicked on January 31st and today he's signed another youngster on loan who may turn out a good un but we need experience. Oh yeah, Sheridan is trying and trying but all his targets want too much money to come here so he's bleating in the press. Ignoring the fact that other clubs around us appear to be able to attract decent players and I seriously doubt that they have the funds that we have. My gut feeling is that Sheridan simply can't attract these players, convince them to come here or persuade their owners to subsidise wages. He then panics at the last minute by drafting in fifth or sixth options and is embarrassed when his "targets" turn him down at the eleventh hour or walk out during the signing of contracts(!)


    The crowds are dropping, interest is waning and the only remedy is to improve the product on the pitch. We need another striker despite bringing in this lad today on an emergency loan because the kids ain't converting and we need to win to get into the Play-Offs. Forget next season as the promotion push because fans are losing interest and are not prepared to fund another season that lacks ambition, preparation, resourcefulness and direction.

  11. Totally agree. If can't fire his players us - players that he's signed and not inherited - then questions need to be asked. How many times do we have to keep hearing this? All Shez is doing is making himself look a fool in front of the media - I'm the Manager but my players won't listen to me!


    Also, I'm totally fecked off that it's two weeks or more after the transfer window shut and we can now sign loan players. Hughes is injured and now add Davies to the list; Shez has stated today that Alessandra and Smalley are too young so he MAY need to dip into the loan market. MAY? FECKING HALLELUJAH! Why the hell hasn't he been ringing around as soon as training ends and until he goes home?


    He's made a comment one that Cloughie had an impact on him; well take note that Cloughie was tenacious to the point of harrassing managers into the early hours to sign players when they were needed?!


    Something smells....we either have funds or we don't and if we do then why has Shez sat on his laurels and making do with the strikers we have? If we miss out on the Play-Offs then someone has to answer serious questions - Shez or the Board. They expect us to pay out for season tickets to fund the hope of getting promotion so when we generate funds that we're unbudgeted for then FECKING use them!!!

  12. That's what I thought but the bloke I spoke to knows people within Wolves very well indeed.


    Apparently the add-ons are based on bonus payments based on goals per season (scaled bonus of 10k a goal each season up to £250k maximum), £250k payment on promotion and 25% sell-on. If the lad scored 25 goals for each of the next two seasons and we got promotion then we end up shelling out £1 million in fees.


    Sounds too expensive for us but is performance-related so kind of makes sense as an investment.


    He knew a fair but about the offer being discussed with these four clubs, which made it sound credible.

  13. I had a call today from someone who's connected with Wolves.


    Knowing that I was an Oldham fan he told me that apparently we're one of four clubs talking to Wolves about a loan deal for Freddie Eastwood. Apparently Wolves are looking to sell him off as Eastwood has failed to shine at Championship level and the lad also wants out because he's dropped down the pecking order and can't get a sniff in the first team.


    Obstacle is that Wolves will only loan him out for a non-returnable fee of £80k immediately as part of loan with the option of an extra £120k plus add-ons paid in summer as a permanent deal. One of the add-ons is based on goals scored this season once on loan, which means that we could end up paying £250k come the summer including the initial £80k.


    Did we do something similar with Beckett the season before last but decide not to make permanent?!

  14. Good grief I must be getting old as i'm getting pessimistic with upper bottom half!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Me too, which is a shame after last season. Very, very disappointed with this season despite the cup run.


    Some poor signings, poor coaching of the strikers, poor decisions on and off field. I still have faith in Sheridan even though I reckon he needs someone more seasoned alongside or perhaps in a Director capacity that has the connections in the game and ability to influence/attract players.

  15. I take your point but that a multi-million pound deal not a loan. Also, they targeted one player in Benjani and we can't be that choosy so should be creating a list of targets based on budget, likelihood etc as a contingency in one fails.


    It just appears that we put all our eggs in one basket, leave it to the last minute and then shrug our shoulders when it all messes up. No contingency, no plan B, no idea.


    I'm just seriously disillusioned at the moment because we're going backwards from last season despite the apparent ambition at start of season, some signings made and the money we have received and is - apparently - available. When we were struggling without a pot to urinate in, Ritchie came up trumps with signings despite having his plums squeezed by Lees.

  16. I may be proved totally wrong here because things may be afoot behind the hallowed walls of BP.


    However, come Friday, I'm confident that no new faces will be signed and sealed ready to grace the pitch on Saturday. Now, I'm unsure whether this is Sheridan's fault or the budget that he's been given.


    We had 31 days during January to validate targets and get them signed. Trying to close a deal for the Liverpool lad and Moore in the last few hours of January 31st illustrates how naive or ill-prepared the club has become. If we left it to the very last minute then the question must be asked what we were doing for the other 30 days and 15 hours.


    Is our club that bad that we can't attract players who would much prefer to go elsewhere..even the league below?


    Are you telling me that Livermore was someone we have been tracking for a while or a quick deal last Thursday afternoon?


    Was Jarrett signed independent to the Trotman deal or was it a case of they wanted something we had, which tipped the balance in our favour?


    I am concerned the we have fallen to a position where we don't have targets lined up, already validated, homework done and ready to sign when the opportunity arises - where is our scouting that used to be once an asset of ours? The owners confirmed that a sizeable fund was available to retain Kilkenny - was that not still available when Neil turned us down? Add to that the gate receipts and the Trotman windfall and it does ask questions that we couldn't have someone in against Swansea that could have meant one or three points.


    We'll now endure a mad scramble on Friday, F5 bashed to within an inch of it's life and then all our hopes dashed when the manager or owners don't come up with the goods.


    Ungrateful? Yes I am! I'm sick of missing out year after year and remaining stuck in this league. Don't for a second suggest that I should up sticks and support Arsenal, Chelsea or United. All I'm asking is for an effective use of our resources and delivery of success. If we didn't have it then I'd accept it but we have and I've frustrated that things still aren't happening.


    Spleen well and truely vented after a week of bile boiling over..................ignore my rant, move on.........move on............!

  17. He's been a free agent for a while following release by Plymouth but was training with them I think.


    I'd gamble with at least a trial or non-contract terms. Has I mentioned a few weeks back, he has the ability and skill that players never lose but is missing the application. Linked to my message this morning on coaching, I'd bring him in under the tutor of Tony P or even bring in David Cross.


    We're desperate on the striking front with players out of form, too inexperienced or injured. A freebie who's desperate to get back into football could be ideal and investing in a decent coach isn't wasting money. I've noted comments that money spent on Cross is better used on players but we're now limited to loans so developing our own stock makes more sense.


    We're still got a great chance of a Play-Off place so make best with what we've got - focus on the strikers, get dedicated coaching in place for finishing, confidence, positioning etc and we'll reap the benefit.


    Surely people must see this as investment?!

  18. I know Tony P is more this area but he's with the kids. Do we have anyone remotely striker-orientated in the first team coaching staff?


    Probably explains why our strikers act like distant relatives or don't appear to be developing as expected from the youth to the first team. If we had someone dedicated to the strikers and focused on the seniors and well as juniors then this could well improve matters.

  19. Hi Barry, welcome aboard.


    Appreciate that all efforts were made yesterday to sign a striker. Will this mean that plans are afoot to sign one, maybe two, on loan now? Still very much a critical area with Davie misfiring, Hughes injured and I concerned that there may well be too much reliance on young Alessandra.

  20. We're not that desperate but with 255 minutes to go until midnight, we could still steal in with one or two signings.


    Shez must have his eye on more than just Moore and Ij..Ij..Ij..whatever his name is. I'd even gamble pending a medical if it meant someone up front come Saturday who has a chance of hitting the back of the net. Then again how many clubs are within one hour's driving distance of BP??? Get on the phone to Sven, Taggart, the Ginger Chimp or others.

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