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Everything posted by aaronoafc

  1. Thought Jabo was a decent target man, I would take him definitely. Away at Sheffield united he was like Benteke, they couldn't handle him. Not sure what we can afford but I imagine Jabo would be do-able - who knows what better there is out there in our price range.
  2. Lockwood will be given a coaching role. Mellor will be binned off, Think bove will be too. Lot of hype about Truelove but I don't get why we haven't seen more of him, he was out injured most of the season but has been back for the past couple of months. Connor brown, what a difference that carlisle loan spell made, came back completely different and much more driven it seems. There's a quality player in Turner you can see it, he'll be offered an extension.
  3. Can only see Kelly and Wilson going. Probably both to Barnsley. Winchester won't go Barnsley apparently he hates LJ. I think if we lose Winchester it's to someone like Huddersfield. Forte again I doubt we will lose, his knees are an absolute mess + he's getting on a bit. Unless we are willing to literally accept like 20-50k I can't see someone forking over much cash for him. Dieng's on a 2 year deal he'll be kept. If we keep Forte, Mills, Jones and winchester I'll be happy. Murphy might be a completely different player with a full pre season and if we play to his strengths - not stick him up top on his own and hoof it to him all game...Depends how the new manager wants to play.
  4. Where are these's Consultations over the past few years in which the consensus is to keep things how they are? Every time this debate crops up it seems the majority are in the camp of Giving the chaddy to away fans or not really being bothered either way. There's an example on this page right now - 3 out of 70 odd votes saying they won't be going. Rest are either in favour or not bothered. I would be stunned if the average attendance next season is any lower than the past few years. Once everyone calms down they will be filling in a ST application form like normal, just having to check a different box.
  5. Yawn. Murphy upfront on his own? Our options weren't great but jesus Christ Holden give it a go fella. Surprised Chesterfield didn't go for it more. Completely different to the match at their place early in the season which was the best quality match I've been this season probably. It was at an insane pace for league 1. Poor from their fans, they looked bored. I realise their team didn't give much of a go but Christ imagine us in their shoes? The away end would be insane. Again yawn.
  6. I can see the nostalgic factor to it but at the end of the day you Support the club not a plastic seat. And if it's because you weren't asked Well I sit in the RRE and get shifted here there and everywhere without being asked but we just get on with it!
  7. Is truelove injured? Wondering why he didn't start at left back, Browns been great since coming back but surely he could have gone RB and Truelove LB I mean what have we got to lose? Keep hearing how he's this great prospect but we have barely seen him
  8. Well the police decide every game whether home fans will/should be moved depending on the opposition following, more so whether home fans can go in the small section which they used to allow now and again but never seem to now (except oddly mboro this season). Could just be a rumour like you say, seems it has legs though lots of people said this.
  9. Going round on twitter that He's been at Sheffield Uniteds last 4 games. Can't see anything from Sheff U fans on there, or their forum though saying that but that's whats been said. Doesn't make sense he'd sit with us though, surely Sheff U would have had directors there
  10. Someone mentioned on twitter that their interviewing this week with Corney so maybe it's in prep for that. Still a good sign though
  11. Was just to the left of me in the chaddy and looked a corner all day long, the players reactions where because the liner flagged for a goal kick and the ref changed it, resulting in a goal. Every player pointed to the liner
  12. Surely this is the chap then? As sjk said, Why else would he be sat at the match, with our directors, taking notes on the game... Would be a terrific appointment. I thought he would be out of our price range. Is this a sign the budget may be half decent next season? Can't imagine he would come for pittance. I realise he ballsed up after Brentford but imagine a few higher end league 1/championship sides would have him if offered.
  13. Not surprised at the attendance, nothing to play for and more than likely was set to be a hammering, I'm a ST Holder and was considering not bothering today, glad I did though was a good match. Thought we knocked it round brilliantly in the first half, Turner is a right handful. Quite small but battles well, wins tons of headers and has pace - needs signing up for next year. Thought Philly looked much better, and Poleon where do I even start? Great performance and 2 brilliant goals., even his general play in the second half when we were under the cosh was good, flicking it round 2/3 players at a time. That ref though.... (Though I do think it was a corner the pissing lineman flagged for a goal kick!!!)
  14. Will be the wage budget. Think ours is rumoured to be around 1 mil.
  15. Think mills could be a good option for last 20/25 especially if we need a goal. Him and Sadler on the left could be dangerous. Turner should cause them problems with his pace and movement.
  16. Don't think you can change the defence after back to back clean sheets, plus I fancy Lockwood in this particular fixture over Wilson, when the going gets tough with wilson he can be a mardarse and Locky will show the fight.
  17. Love the optimism Chaddy. WHEN we score lol Turner Hat trick
  18. Only kelly for me. Mills could be a good option in the last 20-25 on the wing? Him and Sadler could be decent together. We know Mills loves to attack and he'd track back
  19. Any news about people being back for saturday? EDIT: never mind just been on the chron website
  20. I reckon they'll be around 600 or so sold by tomorrow. I'll find out tomorrow late on - loads will pay on the day tho can see about 1200 going. Can usually judge it quite well on twitter and a lot seem to be going.
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