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Everything posted by aaronoafc

  1. Already renewed, same seat in RRE with my dad but will be looking to move to the new stand if possible
  2. Yeah think around 1200 good following that to Carlisle didn't they bring similar numbers final away game for them the other year when they had the chance to get in the play offs?
  3. There's a rugby club just down the road that lets away fans in and has screens up showing the early kick off. Gets busy though, was busy when I went in before the 3-3 a couple of years ago and oldham only had 300 fans there so imagine it will be rammed tomorrow with 1000+
  4. Who are the stand outs for the youth anyway? Who should we be waiting for? Obviously there is Bove who seems to bag for fun and always seem to see Byrnes name popping up. The club must think highly of Truelove to offer him a deal even though he was out nearly a year. Looked decent when he played for the senior side a couple of times late last year.
  5. me and my mate going, late decision. I wanted to go for weeks but had people I usually go with dropping like flies! My Dad's getting the tickets today. Coaching it. Reckon 1000+
  6. Thought the atmosphere was much better on saturday, definitely improved and let's hope it continues on sat, hopefully a lot of the chaddy end regulars move too the RRE and help with the atmosphere. Like people have said in earlier posts I think it looks/sounds much better with a few older heads in there as well, rather than 30 or so 12-15 year olds. The drum was excellent too and should be used every home game as when people stop, it really gets them going again. Looking forward to saturday, could be a top atmosphere with brentford hopefully bringing more than the usual 2-300 now that their in the automatic promotion spots.
  7. Played with/against a couple of youth players from the lower league teams, 2 from Rochdale (1 now released). But yeah playing against Tarky is my claim to fame! haha
  8. If I remember correctly too I went to Hopwood Hall College doing sports diploma and a mate of mine had a trial for the football academy - he said Tarky was one of the names on the list who didn't turn up so I imagine he'd signed professionally for Oldham around that time.
  9. Played against Tarky, I'm the same age as him. Played against him when he played for Medlock Rangers I believe and at the time he was a centre midfielder. At the time he was easily best player on the pitch and was physically double everyone's size
  10. On a lighter note, we best not go down. just had a double or quits bet with a mate (city fan) who I'd bet £20 at the start of the season that we would make the play offs. now that was a mistake (albeit pretty sure it was a drunken mistake). As for this subject - I voted NOT to sack him. The vast change from the start of the season is obvious, some is of the fault of LJ, other parts isn't at all. The football at the start of the season at times was excellent however let's not forget we weren't winning week in week out...it's not as if we have fell from a promotion contending side to a relegation threatened side. I do feel next season he needs to find a team and stick with it, FAR too much change has happened this season. I also think he needs to improve tactically with substitutions, It was probably mentioned in the Crewe thread which Ive not looked at yet but it was so obvious that JCH needed to come off as he was GOOSED (and rightly so it's easily the best shift I've seen him put in) and Worral should have been off as he did piss all all game... Anyway - sticking with him is my vote.
  11. Cannot wait for this sounds like there should be a half decent following
  12. Is Mills out of contract with burnley in summer? If so would love to see us make him an offer for a move her permanently. Not sure how he's getting on at shrews but he was top quality
  13. MK Dons won without even coming out of first gear, they are laughing back to milton keynes. They won't get an easier 3 points all season.
  14. You'd think were the only team in the country who has fans that moan/criticise/complain at the drop of a hat. this happens with ALL teams, it's not just us. This happens in football, it won't change either. The players will receive overwhelming praise at times and others they will be treated like a persons worst enemy, this is the same for all clubs. It's not ideal but it's just the way it is, I imagine everyone posting has called/slagged off a player in their day. Edit: The above sounds like I'm supporting booing, I'm not, I'm just stating how it is in football in general
  15. Heard he almost had korey out for the season? Could be a factor but in all honesty like others have said whenever he had/kicked the ball is either went completely "west", bobbled, or sliced away
  16. Same the couple times I saw him for the first team I thought he was all over the place. Could be nerves but just didn't look comfortable. Not sure how he coped in reserve games
  17. The exact same team that scored 5 goals in the 2nd half against (at that time) 4th in the division on saturday
  18. Harkins should start - he changed the game at liverpool. What about Worrall? He's supposed to be really good and LJ says he wants to sign him permanently despite not playing yet (other than a behind closed doors friendly). So he will feature in one way or another Defence I would probably go Kusunga Tarky Grounds at the back and go for 3 at the back or Kusunga Tarky Grounds Mellor
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