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Everything posted by mickjagger

  1. A scrappy 1 - 0 would do ugly victories over performances.
  2. We already have a sad cafe constantly running out of pies.
  3. on dab radio FM 95.l very crackly - i thought DAB was supposed to be clear as a bell?
  4. For being in this position at this time of year again yes we applaud you Mr Corney
  5. Would be delighted to see Wilkinson arrive he would give us the cutting edge we so badly need.
  6. Is that really a good example they have been a real pane to deal with at times.
  7. Are you saying we should be paying rent of 100k per annum in the North Stand?
  8. So we are losing 1.3 million per year with SC plugging the shortfall that is why he gets annoyed and frustrated when we are knocked out the cup competitions and preys for a very lucrative cup tie each year. How long will he continue to do this for & what are the plans to reduce the 1.3 million shortfall per year? Without SC putting in 1.3 million where would we be in terms of playing budget would we be be bottom four for playing budgets? When we secured the sports direct sponsorship it was said we would be competing near the top of the league which has not materialized when this ends this will reduce our budget even further. In terms of recent manager appointments can we say the following where a success Paul Dickov? Dean Holden? Darren Kelly? David Dunne? Steve Robinson? Key to any club going forward is appointing the correct managers do we feel the above has done this? Not having the nucleus of players on contracts is doomed to failure can anybody name an example of where a team full of loan players or short term contracts has worked? So we own three stands will we in the future have to pay rent for the OEC for matchday income?
  9. Bough a ticket from form the ticket office for the family stand the price of the ticket was £18
  10. Definately needs to get his :censored: together, he is being a dope if you ask me.
  11. I am sure he will soon get up to speed again.
  12. Never a good idea to lock horns with the press from a club perspective.
  13. In all fairness we have been kept upto date with developments.
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