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Everything posted by mickjagger

  1. Is it cheaper if you buy a ticket in advance for Saturday?
  2. Cant do wright for doing wrong in this situation.
  3. Would not touch him with a barge pole he would shaft us for sure.
  4. Clarke is a good defender for sure, he is definitely slow as soon as a forward has turned him or has room to run into he struggles and tries to block them or bring them down hes no Earl Barret or Paul Warhurst in terms of recovery.
  5. Edingburgh no way we should be looking for an English manager surely?
  6. Heard Cheltnham mentioned but i believe there is a few obstacles to overcome first if it is to happen.
  7. It can hardly be worse can it why do you feel the need to be silly?
  8. Would it help if we boycotted Robinsons fruit juice?
  9. Would love to know the strategy MM kept saying it appears to be a well kept secret?????/////
  10. Freddie might get better serice and produce the goods i hope not.
  11. Hand to mouth which confirms to me what a financial state we are in, the clubs around us have already signed players so therefore are at an advantage & have a better chance of survival sigh !!!!!!
  12. His standard response if questioned or have an alternative view.
  13. 4 points out of the last 24 - with the progression being made - we might achieve 6 points out of the next 24 - onwards and upwards.
  14. Indeed and did it go to parts of the OEC which either benefits the supporters or the football side receives the income generated, would be interested to see a breakdown?
  15. We should get one from Aldi we do everything else on the cheap.
  16. Should we not be looking for an English manager?
  17. Maybe it would free the midfielders to make more forward runs.
  18. I would not put him in charge of a garden can imagine what it would be like come summer time?
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