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Everything posted by mickjagger

  1. Yes a few lovely attempts i am more upbeat now and now that we might score a goal at home in Jan now my friend.
  2. Won 3 games in 24 - played against a side who are on a horrendous run with no manager, i stand corrected i apologize my friend on second thoughts we should extend Robinsons contract in case he gets headhunted.
  3. A lot of people oh here importance on today's performance against a poor side with no manager. These facts are horrendous P 24 - W 3 - D 10 - L 11 - goals scored 12 - goals conceded 27 - GD - 15
  4. Why does it not surprise me that would be your response keep saying that when the crowd keeps on falling and falling, why did the crowds keep falling? But well done my friend you keep believing your horse :censored:,
  5. So the supporters who have drifted away because of the lack of entertainment who still love the club are not entitled to an opinion it is a very sad day , i cannot believe some are siding with Robinson after the :censored:e that has been played this season he's breaking records all for the wrong reason unfortunately. Do the same people siding with Robinson also agree with Owen when he was having a pop ?
  6. Never works calling fans the stay away might say in response the reason they are not going is because of the boring negative crap on display, tut tut Mr Robinson
  7. Played a team with no manager and still drew a blank facts.
  8. Heard a whisper it will be in the next 7 days
  9. Was the last two fixtures going to decide Robinsons future, one point out of six is that enough to keep him in a job?
  10. Port Vale score a lot of their goals in the 2nd half lets hope today's not one of them and we get a scrappy 1-0 win
  11. Exactly communication from the club is appalling only things that makes sense with the silence is Robinson will be sacked after the game regardless of the result.
  12. So you would let the current owners do whatever they like regardless of consequences to the club?
  13. A number of managers have now played defensive football, has this been a directive from above if not why has Corney not insisted the managers change the style of play and have a go?
  14. If Morecambe chose not be wise that is surely down to due diligence?
  15. Very very true when will people realize this???????????? What could possible be worse than we have already have now?
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