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Everything posted by mickjagger

  1. To be fair Corney has a point we can see clear improvement both on and of the field i wonder why people are having a go at him? HNY everyone.
  2. Indeed lets finish the year how we started it KTF
  3. To sack him now makes no sense when the transfer window is about to open, if he was to be sacked it should of been weeks ago. Unless Corney has a replacement in mind but told him to be identifying targets?
  4. Question What was the vision for the club when bought in the short medium & long term? What changed the above and why? What is the vision for the club going forward in the short medium & long term, is their any evidence to suggest it is being adhered to one way or the other?
  5. Pleased for Coleman question is can he do when the heat is on and under pressure in the Championship?
  6. He couldn't finish his :censored:ing dinner pass it to Cofty he will
  7. Even if we did sign i fear it is to much to little to late unfortunately.
  8. If we had Holloway back, do people really believe he would be our get out of jail card !!!!!!!
  9. His record is appalling he is creating the wrong records, question is how on earth has he not been sacked?
  10. Agreed we have never replaced Roger that would take some doing !!!
  11. Well done and good luck, im assuming why the manager has not already been sacked or does the chairman concede part of the predicament or indeed most of it is his fault will be asked?
  12. Anyway back for Robinson now after the negative tactics & claptrap he keeps spouting?
  13. I'll toast to that totally agree, the guy has enough on his plate without this we should all chip in to help without everyone sticking the knife in .
  14. He has a point i did not know they had named it the Frizzel stand.
  15. Why does Banks generate so much intrest in threads?
  16. Corney saying he will only sell to someone who can take the club forward is complete and utter horse :censored:, if someone offers him somewhere close to wants he will sell, the reason he has not sold the club is he is asking to much everything has a price, i do wish he would stop talking utter claptrap !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. Does anybody remember any positivity coming from the club in recent times? Does anybody agree we are being run like we are in administration & bad administration at that?
  18. We have a increased budget from the sponsorship of the ground & the new stand, imagine where we would be without them?
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