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Everything posted by mickjagger

  1. When do you stop defending Corney, appointing Holden whem LJ left , appointing Kelly then Dunne, it is a catalouge of major errors. Out of interest why did Sheridan leave?
  2. Is this why we have waited 2 months to appoint a manager, this situtaion could not have been handled any worse.
  3. So first 12 games or so will be 1 Seeing best formation to fit players 2 Players getting used to each other 3 Seeing which players are good bad average in which we will have a combination of with such an influx.
  4. How many days since Sheridan left? How many of think we are destined for relegation??
  5. Really not hard to answer so you think this has only occured for the last six months? Be intresting to know in the last three years 1 How many players we have bought? 2 How many players we have sold? 3 How many loan players & what % of the team they have made up? That would give us a clearer indication of what startegy the club are choosing?
  6. Poignant question how did we get to the situation of having so few contracted players & who is to blame for us being in this predicament?
  7. Simon Gillet is a good player looks very sharp to me & is a cut above what we currently have .
  8. Have we got anything else to sell looking more and more inevitable that we will get relagated !!!!!!!!!!
  9. Never in a month of sundays will the full 200k go into team strengthening.
  10. Looking more and more like a Blackpool scenario with each passing day
  11. A good solid base to build around things are looking up.
  12. Out of interest do you think Zidane has ever been compared to Winchester?
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