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Everything posted by mickjagger

  1. Good point hence people will not contribute because of this factor a vicious circle.
  2. Out interest whem will the stand be 1 Finished? 2 Paid off?
  3. Why has it nothing to do with the fans?????????????????????? So it would be ok if the transfer received was filtered out of the club whilst we have threadbare squad? If we don't know it will lead to speculation rightly or wrongly especially the way the club is being run.
  4. Adams is one of the family surely he would be welcomed back !!!!!!
  5. Joel seemed a uptown guy to me all the best.
  6. If it is bunn i will not be raising a toast to that appointment !
  7. Gerrard organising & demanding higher standards, made players around him raise their game so to speak.
  8. Most appointments over recent history have been number two's
  9. Legend where would we be now if he had not produced the miracle?
  10. How long as Dowie been out of the game now? How long is to long before not getting back into the game?
  11. Eggs on the the pitch & all the comings and goings my head is scrambled
  12. Straw that broke the camels back for a lot now.
  13. Player managers dont work play 2 or 3 games then just manage, dickov dunne it's a route into management
  14. Maybe if they did the above snippets may be leaked to the press what is really going on behind the scenes, so Shez may have them over a barrel, just a thought !
  15. After calming down where would the club be if we got relagated taking into account our financial situation as it is?????????? Good luck Sheridan can't blame him for leaving we would all do the same ( would love to know the reasons why he felt he had to leave ASAP ? )
  16. Can we be surprised? Renaming the ground where did the money go? New Stand on GMR Corney said all the finances are in place - clearly not delay after delay & still a long way from being finished. Pitch should have been replaced 4 years ago obvious no funds for a new one. Sheridan has come and if we are all honest produced a miracle to keep us up we thought we were doomed !!!!!! Sheridan has obviously seen something drastically wrong at the club hence he has been looking to bail out, been saying it for a long time finances are way way worse than we are being led to believe, not enough hard questions are being asked of the board, it is looking extremely bleak especially as season money already took in will have already been spent, a very dark chapter of our history is in progress.
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