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Everything posted by mickjagger

  1. Would it suit us to be called off taking into account we have signings come in this week?
  2. Sounds like his grandson has his fingers in more than just one pie then
  3. Cut SC some slack guys he maybe advising other chairmen on the following 1 How to have a three sided ground 2 Eventually build a new stand which gets you relegated when built 3 Slash player budget to achieve the above 4 Call supporters for not turning up when the above happens
  4. I draw a comparison with Aston Villa albeit they are significantly bigger club than us, they have flirted with relegation for a number of years similar to us, whilst making significant cost cutting on the playing front, the new chairman insulting the supporters by saying things have improved with of field activities, the Villa supporters are demanding answers as to where the direction of the club is going? Their owner has also openly made it known the club is for sale also similar to our owner. We have made cuts to finance a new stand which looks likely to see us relegated, will the income 365 days a year be reinvested back into the team? In this predicament it is understandable we are asking questions as it looks like the inevitable will happen and we get relegated after flirting with relegation for a number of years.
  5. So the club fund the stand which has had a detrimental effect on the playing side which has a high probability of us getting relagated. Once the stand is completed apart from matchdays, the other six days of income goes out of the club, was this a picture painted from the outset ? Will that income that is not going back into the club be reducing any liability we have to the current owners? Am i wrong to want the current owners to be accountable & transparent in telling us their plans for the club going forward?
  6. Ty for the update. So regards the stand all income related to the football side goes back into the club is that correct? All other income none matchday, gym , corprate events, hiring functions rooms etc etc, where does that income go?
  7. The furore is not just for a undisclosed transfer fee, it is for a accumulation of events 1 Moving to Failsworth 2 Three stands 3 Finance was in place for the new stand/ obviously not true 4 Numerous false promises when the stand would be completed then a total lack of communication? 5 Appointing DH when we have a chance of the play offs still 6 Appointing DK with no experience 7 Appointing DD with no experience 8 Promise of funds for JS 9 We the supporters belief we would see some of the sell on clause for player recruitment, then to find out it as already been cashed in I'm sure their is more i have missed, so i can understand the furore to a degree.
  8. Think we would pay for it, still not own it & pay rent on it like the new stand
  9. I am amazed serious questions are not being asked of the owners & answers being demanded! How low do we fall before we ask for the owners to be accountable & tell the fans their intentions for the club? Or do they further asset strip before leaving the club?
  10. Two club statements in one day makes you wonder why, no signings after selling TP for 75 K & already received the sell on fee for Tarky, they are trying damage limitation which is laughable.
  11. No pun intended just left wondering how much the shortfall is to finishing the stand, after being assured by SC in the GMR interview, was he factoring in money from cup runs?
  12. So did the the £75k from TP also go into finishing the stand?
  13. Obviously which has had a significant effect on the playing side You seem to have the answers, i'm asking again will any future revenue go back into the club or be redirected to a seperate company with the two amigos reducing any liability we have to them?
  14. Why was we not told? When did this happen? Any trust that was left in these owners has rapidly disappeared what else is being hidden from the supporters?????????????????????????
  15. Don't twist things i think everybody wants to know the following 1 How the stand was funded? 2 Where will any future revenue go? The building of the new stand has had an effect on the playing side & if it transpires the new stand has been built mostly consisting of revenue coming from the club & once the new stand is completed revenue is then diverted to different companies you can understand why people will not be happy and want answers?
  16. Sports Direct are paying to be there are they not? OEC so what future percentage of income/ profits will they be taking & what percentage did they pay to fund the stand?
  17. Ty If the Tarkowski sold clause rumour if true then it is another PR disaster on two fronts 1 Secrecy why was it not disclosed & where did the money go to? 2 Raised fans hopes falsely again thinking funds would be made available to strengthen the squad.
  18. Why did we have them then? Apologies in advace if it is a silly question.
  19. So we get a scoreboard to put the oppositions goals on wonderfull idea.
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