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Everything posted by philliggi

  1. Wouldn't say murdering but definitely having more joy down the left than right both attacking and defensively. Poleon looks out of sorts even for him
  2. Just arrived. How daft is it there is no official parking for away fans. Permit holder only
  3. I'm gunna go via wrexham. Setting off from picadilly at 4. No one is daft enough to come with me so I'm on my Billy tod ticking off another of the 92. I must be mad
  4. I'm front row of the upper and imo I've got one of the best seats in the house. No posts. Decent height from pitch level, fairly central, always dry no matter what the weather, no sun in eyes. No matter where you move me to it would be a down grade (viewing wise) and I include the new stand in that. I'd still go but it would be with a heavy heart I leave the main stand behind.
  5. I've given up the fight now tbh I'm resigned to relegation. But I'm going to this one. On my own as well, purely to tick it off the 92. Might not get the chance again for a while if we do go down
  6. We asked the same question yesterday. The general consensus was a minimum of 18 months or a rolling contract. He won't have left a safe job just to come here til the end of the season. Nobody really knows though
  7. I don't mind Stockport really. One team I hope will make the bounce back but I really can't see it
  8. Must of missed that one. Either that or I've had a few too many Tuborgs since then
  9. This has been tried so many times before. Even on an official level with the club when we got andy Williams I love you baby. It'll never catch on. These things are complete spare of the moment never planned
  10. Wasn't going to this whatever. Made other plans as part of my dad's Christmas present but that's been cancelled as well now since I've been struck down Ill. What a time to get a bug I'm gutted I'm missing "the return"
  11. Very true that. Given the small window of time the new man will have (18 days is it?) Whoever he wants the board must go all out to get. The Tarki money could well be our saviour
  12. So we are getting a new gaffer in. And about time. I will refrain from saying she just yet, but this appointment can't just be something to shut the fans up. Whoever it it needs supporting fully to make the most of this transfer window, or what's left of it. Can we really see corney loosening the purse strings, or will it be "as you were" on the playing front, with a couple of loanees additions?
  13. A bloody miracle! No wait I'm getting confused with simply staying up
  14. Not a chance on current form. Be lucky to get 15 points if our recent history is owt to go by. More likely 5
  15. I don't think we would be world beaters by any means, but would it have scraped us 5 or 10 more points? I recon so. Just shows how important commitment is to winning games
  16. All season would we be good enough to stay up? We were hungry for it, and showed pride, passion and belief in the shirt. If we did stay up how far would it take us? Clearly confidence is a massive part in our game as the drastic change in our play when firstly, we scored and secondly when they got the winner was plain for all to see. Question is, if we could play like that for 20 mins, why have we not seen it more often this year? Motivation? Tactics? Commitment? Quality? And who's at fault for the lack of it
  17. Holden has to go as well I agree. Get Murray back as no.2 and an experienced no.1 Club gone down hill rapidly since holden came back. Wonder how many games we have won since he came back. I'm guessing less than 10
  18. Just a stab in the dark. What's the possibility of blitz giving the club away but us then having to rent the ground back, with blitz et Al keepig the land the stand and any profit that goes with it. Would it be a viable option for both parties? Would we be better or worse off in that scenario
  19. Put him at centre half then. Millwall are massive compared to our pair of lettuces
  20. Says a lot that your reading the programme during the game
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