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Everything posted by philliggi

  1. We are done for this season. It's a write off. Just hope we have sorted our off field problems before next August. Ie got decent owners in
  2. Labour at national level ain't for me. I struggle to find one who is tbh. However they are a breath of fresh air locally. Just wish others in shaw would see it
  3. Supposedly spring 16. But having been on site a couple of times through work I'd be surprised if it's ready before july
  4. Very reasoned argument there. Why would that be then?
  5. It's much more than a cinema. Complete regeneration of the town centre underway including the town hall, sports centre, mumps, the business triangle. Something I fear will not be seen through to completion by his successor Also developing district centres like Royton where new health centres and sports centres have pushed on. I actually live in shaw, the forgotten town but I believe it's the shaw people fighting against the council which has seen the deprivation flourish, rather than the council not caring. If they had voted labour 10 years ago we might not be in the position we are now. McMahon was welcomed with open arms by tta when he got in. Maybe, just maybe we might have a sports Park 2000, redeveloped boundary Park or some other entity by now if he had been around at the time working with us rather than against
  6. Done wonders for the town as council leader and him getting mp is a big loss. Could've done with him staying in that position for another 10 years
  7. Hopefully it's got something to do with not letting the door smack his arse on the way out
  8. It's just another loss to add to the collection. It saddens me more that I'm really not that arsed about the defeat I expected it. I don't even know who we play next week but I'll be there if it's at home. Think the battle on the pitch for this season is virtually done already. Much more important what goes on off it between now and may
  9. Yes please I'd take a walking zombie over corney at the moment. Got more life in it anyway. I wish to God he would do something to prove me wrong but it ain't gunna happen
  10. That my friend is an epic read. I can't say I've suffered as long as you have having only got my first games under my belt in the late 80's, but so much of what you say I can relate too. Like you, going to a match is father and son time with my dad. I've never really been one to attend games with mates especially at home. God forbid anything were to happen to my dad I do wonder sometimes where it would leave me. I would still go, I know I would but if I'm honest it's because some insane voice in my head says I have too rather than out of enjoyment. I actually prefer the pub pre match and I can't even say I get hammered. Only go in for a couple of pints
  11. In no way am I saying you would get the same result if every single fan was polled but regardless it still speaks volumes
  12. I think everyone who posts on here cares about the future of oldham athletic. Wouldn't be here otherwise. But I'm more concerned about the future with him than I would be without him
  13. Regardless what your thoughts on the way forward it speaks volumes that a quarter of the fan Base who have voted are willing to risk the future of the club if it meant seeing the back of him. Also says a lot that only 20% want him to remain in charge for the forseeable
  14. Not sure if I understand your question but I take it you mean why am I not willing to wait for him to sell to the respectable person he apparently wants to find? It's simple really. It's a pipe dream. He isn't willing to sell for the current market value and nobody will pay his asking price. It's catch 22 and all the while this stand off continues we continue down :censored: Creek with no paddle.
  15. How many games does corney attend these days? Last time I know of him being there was Peterborough. I'm sure the main stand will make everyone else aware next time he's there He's in for a lot of flack when he does bother to show his face
  16. OK Let's all sit pretty, get relegated and watch us play in front of 500 fans at harrogate within 10 years then Sure as hell know which way we are going if he stays in charge and no matter what it is I would rather have the alternative. Who knows we might actually find someone better, but let's not take that risk eh
  17. Is it? I'm beyond bored. I'm livid at this dick we have as a chairman who bleets the same old :censored:e about how privileged we are to still have a club. I don't expect success. I don't even expect to be remotely good. All I want is 100% from all involved. If we can't even get that from the guy at the top we are :censored:ed. I've been the most loyal of the die hards over the years. I've done seasons without missing a game and protested down at Oxford against Moore. I've stood on the steps of the town hall when the council rejected planning permission. I will never walk away from the club like so many thousands have done but I sure feel like doing with what we as fans get back in return. Mugs the lot of us to put up with this crap
  18. I've been saying for a couple of years now I'm not sure corney has our best interests at heart. However I have always been shouted down. I'm getting the feeling now though that more and more are turning against him. I want him gone regardless of consequences now. We are on the same road that took tranmere and Stockport to where they are today, and we need to take a side road and quickly. The risk is obviously that the side road we take leads off the edge of a cliff, but we already know the current Road is leading to oblivion, we need to at least give it a try
  19. Do you not see this as free fall? No doubt about it we will be relegated with this form. Yet we were play off contenders last year. It's only one step behind what tranmere did.
  20. If a large proportion of people are united in a concerted effort to rid them from the club and put pressure in the right places things get done. Granted there would be no guarantee of results but imo any effort on our part is a damp site better than the apathy which engulfs the club at the minute. I'm amazed there have been no shouts for heads to role aimed at the directors box this season, but I guess that just shows the apathy we have accepted as the norm. Gone are the days of sit in pitch protests and masses congregating on sheepfold lane. No one can be arsed these days which is sad
  21. The sooner the masses see that tta bought the club to asset strip the better. So much land has been sold off and a large proportion of the North stand revenue will not benefit oafc it will go to oec and in turn brass bank. They are not concerned with how well oafc do on the pitch as they are making their money out of us elsewhere. Corney and Co are like a dry rot and it set in many years ago. It seems only now are more starting to see it. They must go
  22. I think it's daft in all honesty I understand they want to push the phone and online facilities but then to still make you go to the ticket office seems stupid. Just let them pay on the gate and save everyone a lot of effort
  23. You have taken me wrong What I mean is its about the fans not about business. Without the fans you have no business. If those fans are not happy they will go elsewhere ( another club or some other sat afternoon activity as we have already seen. If we can't get the masses attention eventually the club will die no matter how sound a financial footing we are on
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