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Everything posted by philliggi

  1. I don't fall for all this crap corney spouts Football is about entertainment and if you can't provide that to your customers your in the wrong business. Not to the extreme of Portsmouth or Bolton but I'd gladly have someone take a punt with an injection of cash with a gamble it could go wrong. We have been in this league far too long with too little too cheer about and have lost literally thousands of fans. We need to get them back or in the long term it could cost us far more than the outlay of any cash injection
  2. I know we will never know, but I would love to hear an honest answer from him to the question "do you regret leaving"
  3. I was at that. Rung my mate at half time 2 Nil up and he couldn't understand why I sounded like a miserable bastard
  4. Chris Hall could only ever score in the cup. Not even sure he ever scored a league goal
  5. Bored of the same old haunts so I tend to just do the newer grounds these days or the distance ones I've never done. Be giving this one a miss
  6. All the fans frustrations I believe are directed at the business side of the club. Ie the board and the new stand. For all dunns negativity in playing for a point he is right in what he says that he needs time. However some of those comments will most certainly be taken the wrong way by some and could prove to haunt him
  7. Think he is talking about the fact he has lost like a million games in a row
  8. If I remember correctly isn't this how we signed Andy Barlow? Always said we should be doing more of this. There are some real gems out there who don't necessarily play regular football for the usual teams on the scouting map, I'm the first and biggest critic of the club at the moment but it's good to hear some good news for once.
  9. Regardless though anyone is a gamble just as signing a player would be. You can liken it to signing a star striker or sticking with the 3 goal a season man. It's a gamble that he may not settle in, may suffer injury, may do a runner in six months time for more money. But you would take that risk because you know if your only other striker is only getting you 3 a season your going down. At the moment corney is our 3 goal a season man
  10. I'm fully aware of the risks but I'm also aware of the potential benefits a new owner could bring. We have as much chance of doing a hull or Brighton as we do of emulating Portsmouth or Blackpool. One things for sure though we certainly ain't going up sticking with corney
  11. So he reckons the championship league 1 and league 2 are popular with fans. I'd love to see a poll on that
  12. I would never chuck in the towel and stop going. And I'm talking worst case scenario with Moore. It's highly unlikely to happen again and at this moment in time I'm willing to take a risk if the only alternative is putting up with Corney forever more
  13. Does it really matter anymore? This club needs change and fast. Not that I would ever wish it again but even in the worst case scenario and we got another Chris Moore, at least that stirred the passion up amongst fans who rallied. This is just a slow and painful death
  14. Making me want to go to games again. I'm a season ticket holder, and I often question myself with that decision
  15. Was just thinking the same myself. Get your foot down dunno and tell them how it is.
  16. I'd be interested to see a full list of the playershare signings to date. And actually how many of them have made a serious impact on performances. I don't contribute purely because we seem to sign too many 3rd rate bench warmers with it. If it was saved up and used on the star striker we need or the dog of war captain we have missed for years I'd be tempted to change my mind
  17. I'm past reading too much into what corney says. What he says and what he does are 2 completely separate things. I just want him gone now
  18. Barnsley play York in the jpt tonight. Has anyone ever been sacked after losing a jpt game?
  19. We need to forget about player share for about 10 years and then blow it on a promotion push season
  20. We may have played worse football or had cause to get the blood boiling over the years but in terms of apathy and sheer boredom this season wins. By a country mile and then some. Mansfield attendance will be sub 2000
  21. Read my post properly instead of twisting it into what you want to hear and you might get a better understanding of my point. Firstly I say until they can make a profit not we. This maybe by developing the land, selling the land, oec or whatever. Coupled with a prospective sale fee a profit for tta is more than possible. Even if not in the short term. As for supporting the managers, yes I fully agree he has done in the past but the past is the past. Vardy is just a drop in the ocean and quoting names like Joe colbeck from years ago isn't a reasonable argument. I'm talking the present and the only player we have put reasonable investment in in recent times is baxter who would virtually guarantee a return. A no brainer if you like. It's quite clear for all to see he has no ambition to provide the fans with a product we can back anymore. The minimum we expect as fans is to see someone who is literally doing everything they possibly can to bring success to the club regardless of capital but he has no inspiring qualities. He and the tta used to inspire so much optimism but these days he doesn't want to be here. As for the manner of your post I could take you seriously if you had a constructive and we'll worded argument but to suggest my post is bollocks, that I'm talking crap and I should get a lesson is business management is condescending and looking to get a reaction. Not the words of someone I will continue to have a reasonable debate with
  22. The Mansfield replay will be very telling. I can see the attendance being sub 2000
  23. It's got the point now where I believe no matter who is in charge of team affairs this club is going no where but down. Corney and his crew are determined to suck the life out of oafc and they are succeeding. Like all of you I want the new stand to succeed as a business but this has got to work in tandem with the football side of the club. The team has basically been left to rot this year and I've had it now. I'm sick to death of hearing the crap that comes out of the boardroom. I'm not nieve and realise we are never going to have the biggest budget in the league. But what I do expect is a boardroom with the guts to support its manager. To make an appointment they truly believe in. To give them a budget we can really compete with and not have to fill the team with loan players. To me Corney and Co are ticking us over as a subsiduary of the oec until they can make a profit. They no longer see us a football team. I don't honestly know their ultimate goal but we as fans are being taken for mugs and quite frankly I've had enough. I've been a season ticket holder for more than 20 years man and boy and even I am struggling to keep the faith so I really don't blame the casuals for finding alternative things to do on a sat afternoon. If I had the know how or the respect of fellow fans to do something about our current situation I'd be at the forefront but I don't. I would certainly however support any movement from a fans group to take action . We need to stand and be counted
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