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Everything posted by philliggi

  1. I just want him sacked because he is :censored:
  2. Thats what they all say after nights like this but nothing ever changes usually
  3. Not beyond the realms of possability. But why be so bothered about seeking someone else? Surely they would take the money and run?
  4. Quite a statement when less than 5% reckon he will succeed with us. I reckon most of the "give him a chance for 4 games/til christmas lot are doing so because of the naivity of sacking a manager so early in the season. But for me this is a completely unique situation
  5. Honestly believe the fans have reached such a level of apathy with the club they are virtually passed caring as well. These days you wont see sit in protests, people just stop coming
  6. The failings of the board have been brought up a few times in the kelly thread but i reckon its worth a thread of its own For me the board are the sole reason we are in the current predicament. Whatever you believe their part in the new stand fiasco is, i think the bigger issue currently is that of the management of the football club So what can this board do to rectify the current situation? Which board members are at fault or is it a more communal :censored: up? Is it that serious someones head should role? We all know we cant buy our way out of this mess, but what exactly would you like to see?
  7. Completely agree with this Paul, for me the board must take the majority of the blame. I dont rate kelly but he should never have been given the job in the first place. However i made the poll purely about kelly as to stay on topic. The discussion about the board could start a whole new 10 page thread.
  8. Poll time. Some quite strong opinions on here. I didnt want to add the poll yesterday so soon after defeat but 24 hrs later, whats the thoughts now?
  9. Sadly this is what we have become. The board want shooting for appointing him initially
  10. Mentioning moyes - i ridiculed utd when they had him in charge. Kelly is our very own version. Well out of his depth, and will eventually fall. I just hope it doesnt take until february. Id he disappointed if he aint gone sooner rather than later
  11. Never was for dowie personally. Im firmly in the never go back camp. However if we cant get better than this monkey we might aswell be tranmere or stockport
  12. His recruitment i cant fault The players in this squad compare to any squad over the past 12 years I cant even say we are playing bad football, because good players font play bad football. But for me they are perminently in the wrong place at the wrong time. For so many players to be way off the mark so often its purely down to tactics and it ai t going to improve. If he comes out and plays 442 next sat fair play to the guy he might have an ounce of common sense but we all know it will be 1 up top again
  13. Lets keep this adult like and debate the facts. For those defending him, what does he bring to the table?
  14. Agree forte needs fining. But how can.you accept 1 up front at home. And then accept sitting on your laurels til half time 1-0 down. The only reason we looked anythin like in the last 15 was we had 2 up top which we should do most of the time especially at home. Excusing forte i cant actually pick out a player who had a bad game today but what i will say is they were perminently in the wrong positions. That screams tactics to me
  15. And yes The board must take a huge chink of responability
  16. Only scored cos he chucked all eggs in one basket. No tactical nouse about it. 1 up front at home is the safe option for a man who doesnt want too lose no ambition. We have got a far better team than is being allowed to play at the minute
  17. I have always been willing to give kelly a chance regardless of the fact i didnt agree with his appointment in the first place but frankly this is :censored:e. His tactics today have been worse than clueless especially since the sending off. I cant actually see what he is tryi g to achieve. Starting to have questions about his position even at this early stage
  18. I pity anyone who started watchin us while.in this division. My first season was the year after we won the division 2 title so i never actually got to see us win anything but i got to see some awsome players at bp. Its what keeps me going to think we will see them days again sometime. Back on topic its ritchie all day. Last 20 years id say eyres and sheridan. No one else comes close. Ironically they signed on the same day didnt they?
  19. Still doesnt eclipse the 1.7 mill villa paid for barrett.
  20. We won. Its early season things aint gunna have fully come together yet so im more than happy with that today. We certainly wernt up for walking away with the league with a performance like that but nowhere near as bad as some would have you make out.
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