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Everything posted by philliggi

  1. Im on 72 For me its any competitive game while watching latics, be it an old ground or new. I only count the current 92, so i lost tranmere last season and stockport a few year back. i count city cos ive seen us play at maine road but not the ethiad although even if we had played them there i would still only count it as 1. I also count coventry as i have seen them play at northampton but not at the ricoh or highfield road. I have also seen latics
  2. I dont actually think a back 3 would be that bad for us. We certainly have the midfield to play it, and i think wilson would do a fantastic job as king pin, only stumbling block for me would be brown wilson and mills. Could they cover the other 2 defensive positions between them?
  3. Us score 2? That only happens against the scots or none league pal. 1 is a bloody miracle against anyone half decent
  4. Focus solely on the football aspects and we barely created anything yesterday, while players were clearly out of position and the backup we have for our first 11 is clearly not up to standard. For me only green of them subs was first team quality and he looked to do it all himself far too often
  5. Full strength teams as far as possible. Far less subs giving the majority 90 mins. Realease the trialists bar gunning. None are good enough. Got to be treating this as near as a league game as realistically possible. Fact is- as melia said yesterday - we have only scored this pre season against third rate opposition. 2 wins needed here if only to build confidence
  6. First half i was pleasantly surprised. We had bog all up top but without forte poleon and cassidy i wasnt hugely concerned. Yet the second half we looked feable. Going forward i would hope kelly uses the next two games to give our strongest team possible a chance to play together and cut the number of subs. Need movement on the centre half situation and tbh id be questioning whether philly has earnt his place in the team
  7. Apparently this is quite a strong blackburn team but the game aint suggesting that. Latics have it all at the mo. But its the same old same old. Very good up to the final third and not much else. Need something in the box
  8. Cant be arsed reading all of this thread but 2 trialists on the bench today. Chances of 1 being dunn?
  9. End of the day they are both of a very similar standard but for different reasons. Where brown excels wilson struggles and vice versa.
  10. Is it me or is he the spitting image of joseph mills ten years ago?
  11. Gut it. Rip the roof off, side walls,and everything downwards keeping literally just the outer wall. Build a new modern stand (reclaiming bits as ya go for character) using the outer wall. Would be a first in football wouldnt it? And im sure wouldnt cost that much more than throwing up a complete new build. Residents on furtherwood couldnt complain as it would stay exactly the same from street side. You could also extend each side to pitch length if you so wish.
  12. Very much doubt it would happen but if it did it would be the most important signing in a long while. For me he was the driving force behind the team under dowie and he made us tick. No surprise dowies managerial career hit the wall when they parted
  13. Happy with that in theory. Experienced pro doing both coaching and back up goalkeeping gerrard-esque. Good to see kelly looks likely to give coleman a chance. Obviously tho, i know nothing about him and its only good if he aint dog :censored:
  14. Lol i made that comment. Hardly a moan tho. Just an observation
  15. Speaking purely on football merit and not what baggage comes with them its gotta be ched. Easily a 20 goal a season striker at this level. While the other is completely unproven and comes with an assistant who cant fair much better in the experience front. Politics and football should never mix and any latics fan who took the moral high ground regarding the ira tweet yet still supported the team during and after lee hughes wore the shirt wants their head testing.
  16. He said in the press conference golden has been working for the last few weeks on a few things they have talked about. Possibly why we had a couple of games where they just didnt turn up. Having influence over the last few weeks i would have thought he would have a say on the kusunga situation as well. Soundsd like its been a done deal for a while to me
  17. I would have thought "listen to the rocky roar" was blindingly obvious
  18. To me its not whether or not it was or wasnt a corner. Its the fact he has overruled his linesman who had a clear view when he must have had 10+ players between him and the incident.
  19. Give the same line up at minimum 45. If its not working them consider changes, but not changing a winning team is one of the simplest decisions in the game. Id rather stick with what we have- a confident team who have just got 6 out of six and look to the bench if its not working to find what probably will be the strongest bench in months than ask players to come on and change the game after you have just dropped them and pissed them off for no apparent reason. This isnt football manager
  20. From memory, 12 or 13 years ago they laid the semi artificial stitching in the turf at a cost of £500,000. Thats why its been so good in that time frame. However, i also recall that that technology only has a lifespan of 10 years. That could be why the standard recently has fell dramatically. Feel free to correct any errors but i dont think im far off
  21. Tbf havent most of the injuries occurred in training? And two of the 4 who went off for dale looked perfectly fine injury wise to me, we even commented that its more likely sickness than injury unless anyone knows different
  22. I said at 0-0 that regardless what the result was the signs were there that holden was getting his team to start performing for him. I didnt go on sat to crewe so cant comment but tonight we were making the right runs, looked hungry and wasnt afraid to go in where it hurts. We got hard and low crosses in where it really matters and it paid off. Holdens team looks much more robust with the additions in on loan and much less powder puff. They have made a difference, especially gerrard and woodland who were both supurb tonight. For the first time i can see what direction holden is attempting to take us. We are far from the finished article and it probably would have been a whole different ball game had they not had the early subs but we were doing the right things even before their first sub. Going forward, for me turner and coleman must keep their places and be given a chance to continue their good form. Neither made any errors of note and both made a good claim for motm. Much rather play them than wilkinson and kean, purely on the basis they are doing well and they are our own men
  23. Yet arguably the best thing to come out of his reign on the pitch was winchester
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