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Everything posted by philliggi

  1. Although i use owtb regularly its sometimes a bit one sided cos we all support latics. I like to get the oppositions opinions about us before hand, and after the match talking about match changing incidents etc. Theres the banter with the tranmere fans as well (oh how i ripped them when they went down) Ive always used it. Could really do with a more adult medium really of a similar vein but old habits die hard. As for numbers theres prob 5 or six of us on there.
  2. Tbh i agree most are pricks but i stay out of the general topics and stick to the oldham matchday threads.
  3. I post on another forum for all league one fans, and every year a guy runs a challenge whereby 2 posters have a bet about anything and everything over the course of the season. At the end of the year the loser pays up. Difference being the money always goes to the forum. It does however create a bit of banter throughout the year for posters. I know owtb is always asking for donations i just thought this might be an idea you could use. I know your not meant to post links to other forums on here but as its kinda for owtb benefit anyway heres the full link to the page http://www.thefootballforum.net/index.php?/topic/219507-tff-challenge-201314-now-taking-payments-deadline-300614/?p=5393248 now the guy who runs that particular challenge doesnt do a very good job but im sure someone at owtb towers could do it much better
  4. Gotta ask (this is about 4 years before my time) did the away fans used to sit in the lookers? Why is it so empty on the right hand side?
  5. I know three or 4 getting one for the first time in ages but no one who is letting theirs lapse. Can only be a good thing
  6. What would you give to have a week like that again as a tic? Closest i can think of post premiership is beating leeds at elland rd and beating everton 4??? Days later. Pails in comparison really
  7. Disregarding realistic costs and time scales what is the general consensus with the main stand? Demolition with a modern stand? Demolition with a tribute stand (ie same style but complete new build) or a full refurb? Personally i would go for the full refurb. I love the fact we have a stand that bends in the middle. I love the fact our turnstiles are antique. There are elements of the stand which seriously need looking at (toilets, bar etc) but i personally feel that to simply demolish it would be a sin against the football gods. In an ideal world the current vp lounge/ would become an open matchday bar with access to the stands, seats be updated to modern ones, etc etc. I do realise this will never happen due to costs, but in a money no object world, which of the the options above would you choose???
  8. I went the other day. Didnt realise matalan had been moved to a new store and the rest has/is in the process of being bulldozed.
  9. 20th when it comes to life expectancy. Pretty :censored:ty really. But we get promoted to the championship for binge drinking and are infact mid table. Mid table league one for obesity. So we aint dying from being overweight or alcoholism. Must be watching latics week in week out thats bringing us to an early grave
  10. Notts spent 86% of the season in the relegation zone according to some boffin on another site
  11. The league structure in england is the best in the world imo. How likely is it we would get doncaster or yeovil playing championship football or stevenage,crawley, hereford, rushden, dagenham etc playing leavue 1 footy under that new structure? And where are city b gunna find fans to fill a stadium? Are they gunna just stop watching city? What happens if 7 b teams finish top of the league but aint allowed promotion cos all their teams play in the league above? Promote the 8th placed team? Makes a mockory of the league structure. And what about the cup? Do all these b teams enter the cup? What if they get drawn against their parent team? Would be the biggest load of bollocks to happen to football in its history imho. It works in spain etc cos thats the way its always been but this would kill the english lower league game. If you want to get more english players at the very top of the game limit the numbers of foreigners coming in, award more value to the reserve leagues (rename them english development premier league, championship league 1 league 2 etc) and put so.e money their way. Fair enough introduce the b team structure but dont let it interfear with the current setup in our pro leagues. I do agree england are crap because of the lack of talent at the top end of the game but there really is more to football than the premier league and the england team. Its about time the fa realised that
  12. You have took me completely out of context. Of course i would love to sign a sheehan or mills and i can clearly see brown makes mistakes. What i am saying tho is we are a small club who clearly cannot afford to buy quality in every area of the pitch. I would rather sacrifice quality at left back and take a chance on a rough diamond than doing the same with a striker. We already have 3 young 'could be's' up front i want a proven goal scorer. And that takes money. Given the choice id sign a key striker than a left back any day of the week. Question: Mills/sheehan and tounkara or (A.n.other brown) and Lowe/leon clarke/leigh griffiths/ etc etc
  13. Ill be the first to say it and i know o4u rates him highly. Ryan lowe Also, whats happened with lee miller at carlisle. Heard summat about him falli g out with kavanagh but dont know details. Rated him last season
  14. Connor brown is more than capable. Im sure he isnt on championship money. Another connor brown at left back would be fine with me and prob give you another grand a week for a striker
  15. Grounds is more than good enough for us. Id prob say he is in the top 5 or 6 left backs in the division. BUT If you are going to give a player one of the biggest wages in your squad would you want it to be a left back, or a striker? Personally think he is good but not that good he justifies such a high wage for a left back. I would say trim the wage budget down in that position, get an adequate replacement and stick the big bucks up top and land ryan lowe for a season
  16. All spot on except i said corney wouldve gone by now.
  17. Same thing could be said of teachers and firemen Would you say to a fireman "sorry old chap theres been no fires this week so we dont believe we should pay you?"
  18. Winchesters for me. Not just the finish either. Might not have been as long a run as smiths but he beat a couple and the finish was a pearler!
  19. When you consider that stat it shows how woefully short we are upfront. And to consider many said that would be our strongest area this term
  20. Tell me, what happened in the second half. . .
  21. Undoubtedly go for the unbeaten run. If we are 3-0 up at any point then give the kids a run out. Somehow though i cant see us being 3-0 up.
  22. I hear what your saying, but i would hope that its just a small piece in the bigger picture. This,coupled with new stand income (non match day), plus bigger matchday revenue (both bigger footfall and higher average spend in the bar etc) help us achieve the goal of making a small profit in the not too distant future. This way any additional income from fa cup etc has a much greater chance of findi g its way onto the pitch. The screw has been tightening for quite some time and i dont think its finished turning just yet, we aint quite there, but i would also hope once everything is in place and up and running, we can start to reverse the wrongs of the last 20 years
  23. So what happens to the current shop then? I the not too distant future i can see it being a temporary changing rooms etc when the main stand is flattened
  24. I want peterborough and shrews to stay with us as im yet to tick the list. Also want trannies to go as i really dont like them. Anyone else it becomes geographical
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