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Everything posted by philliggi

  1. Are we really that far wrong though? The defence is as solid as it ever will be, midfield is energetic and doing the things it should be. Granted maybe the wings aint delivering enough quality balls and the strikers aint hitting the back of the net with enough regularity, but i dont think thats the fault of the system johnson is using i believe thats a question of personnel. Clarke harris is only young and will get better. Whilst we cant break the bank and go for marquee signings we will always have some issues. Stick with the system i say. Id rather us win 5 1-0 and draw 5 0-0 breeding consistency than change tactics willy nilly cos we aint scoring enough.
  2. I dont actually think we were that bad on monday we had 4 or 5 half chances and if just one of them had gone in we wouldnt be having to listen to this moaning. the fact it finished 0-0 gives people an excuse to criticise. Not the lack of chances created.
  3. Personally i dont care less about fringe players getting a game im much more concerned with points regardless of safety or not. If we were crewe et al producing two or three a season who were mainstays in the team id say go for it. But our recent record at producing young talent is crap quite frankly. Sod experimenting. Lets go for that top half finish however unlikely.
  4. I actually thought sparta was kinda cool. Best kits we have had since the premier league days. Unique designs and the logos and badges were stitched not printed on. Id have them back in a heartbeat
  5. Id actually agree with that lonesome. Bit gutted for mellor given the debut at scunny and the performances that led to fulham looking at him but its just not been a good couple of years for him.
  6. He came on at cov away at xmas and i thought he changed the game. Gave us real impettus for the last 10 mins. Him and petrasso ran them ragged and he would have scored had petrasso let the ball run instead of going alone. I thought he would make a real imput and was glad he got the start next game. He was pants and got subbed at half time never to be seen again. NEXT!!!
  7. Ha cheers for that. Edited. I got carried away in making my point. Ya got the jist tho. Edited
  8. Having read this topic from afar and considered the opinions of both chaddyenders and rocky roaders, i recon its simple At any given point in the season a chaddyender can make the switch to the rocky fkr free. You mights sell 500 season tickets in the chaddy and thats a lot of people to upset. But im sure over time as people see how busy the rocky is and how dead the chaddy is more and more will move over at a time that is right for them. Id hazard a guess that the 500 season tickets you sell pre season would become 300 by christmas, maybe more when the new stand opens. Lets face it sitting in a stand on your loansome is crap. Given time people will make the decision to move on their own. Force their hand and they become stubborn and set in their ways. Its human nature. For what its worth im a main stander and wont be moving even when the new stand is built so im quite impartial, but the atmosphere at the brentford game was supurb and i believe for the good of the club we must get as many fans as possible in the rocky. However you cant do that by simply shutting the chaddy. Those fans need to be given the choice, and i believe most would move eventually.
  9. Tbh i never get it when people say they want teams like birmingham wolves leeds sheff u sheff weds forest and going further back city etc down here. The easier this league is the more chance we have of doing well in it so for me you can take birmingham and stuff it where the sun dont shine. Give me yeovil barnsley and blackpool any day of the week purely as i think they are the weakest three teams potentially.
  10. Am i right in thinking the fact season ticket holders will get a membership and vote at an agm is a new thing? Never heard that before and is a step in the right direction for me. A supporters trust should be accessible to all and fans actively encouraged to participate. This needs advertising
  11. Vale fans slate him as a left back and more than a few say he should be an out and out winger. Funny how fans can see things sometimes that managers never try. I always thiught taylor should have been given a run on the right
  12. My favorite ever latics player. Stitch and palmer took all the headlines down the years but adams and co made it happen. And he scored the winner against man u
  13. Tbh dont think you can base your comments on col u the whole team were gash. Cant fault his effort today. Would have scored had petrasso passed. Im not saying he is a world beater or even a key player in the team. Hell im not even saying he will stay at the end of the season. But his performance today deserves a mention. Granted we were a little open down petrassos side but the tactics before half time left both our wings open to attack, and the change at half time left us sitting far too defensively as a whole team not just one side. once in a while people who criticise players can actually hold there hands up and say " today he had a good game". Both are young kids give them credit when its deserved
  14. Both played exceptionally well today. Millers introduction changed the game and he ran himself into the ground. Petrasso ran rings round them and was a constant threat albeit he should have squared it to miller at the death. Both players have come on leaps and bounds. I thought miller was heading for the conference last year but he hasnt disappointed in the games he has played this time round. Its also no secret petrasso was shocking in his first games but the last couple he is producing the form which makes me want to keep him for the season.
  15. On our way to anfield We shall not be robbed On our way to anfield We shall not be robbed as we march with the boys through stanley park weeeee shall not be robbed!!! Obviously to the tune of we shall not be moved. got sung in the pub last night and worked well
  16. Hes just a typical fan watchin a neutral game. Just so happens he has a mike infront of him
  17. Car. Went on the beer bus from the rifle last time and it was farcicle
  18. This is a special one just for the arse hole refereeing tonights game. We are being assaulted left right and centre and he is doing nothing about it. Sooner they sort out refs :censored:e performances the better because the general standard in lower league footy is shocking
  19. Just been told tara do have it on for all those interested.
  20. Cheers for that. Was hoping to go to tara but dont think they have bt
  21. Anyone know where ya can watch the replay with it bein on bt? Preferably in the shaw area
  22. Not read it but surely this is just another way of offering credit like we do with zebra?
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