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Everything posted by philliggi

  1. Is there such a thing as destructive criticism? Cos if there aint this guy wants to patent it
  2. The pretty football wasnt on show against crewe and it wasnt on show yesterday. For me lj is messing with the team too much. Changing two or three players each game as well as our tactics and formation isnt helping one bit. There were cries of "johnson sort it out" yesterday and i can understand the frustrations. I firmly believe johnson will go on to do well with this club and regardless of our fortunes in the league this year (barring relegation) i will be fully behind him in august next year as well. It was never going to be an overnight job but i just think all the hype generated on here pre season is biting us on the arse at the moment. People expecting instant success are living in a dream world whereas people insisting we are going down are too far the other way. We have a good nucleus of pro's, some of which will go on to do very well in the game and we have the squad size to be able to cope with a deason long campaign instead of faultering in feb. However we dont have 11 names who virtually pick themselves. Until we get that settled side we will continue to struggle. Its up to the players to make themselves undroppable, and up to lj to believe in his tactics and formation instead of keep swapping and changing. Ktf
  3. Whatever we do we need to find a partnership up top and stick with it swapping and changing is doing no good whatsoever. Strikers need consistency to breed consistency
  4. Thats what i mean by tradition as highlighted in diago's post above. And its hardly stupid pete its relevent with the current everton story.
  5. Is it just me who doesnt like these ref threads. Purely because the focus should be on the play not the ref. And inevitably someone always goes back to when he sent three of ours off and dissallowed a perfectly good goal. Personally i prefer it when the ref isnt noticable
  6. After everton recently changed their club crest in a move which attracted much criticism from fans. As a result the club have moved to change the crest again, this time opening the vote to fans. This reminds me of when latics did the same and were greeted with a wave of criticism themselves. The reason i bring this up is personally i would love the club to do what everton are doing and give the fans a vote. When it comes to things like the club crest im a traditionalist not a modernist. Is it just a case of everton can afford to correct their mistakes whereas we are strapped for cash and are lumped with it?
  7. Id rather be eternally :censored: than someone elses reserve team
  8. Loads are out on loan. Nurturing a youth set up takes years
  9. If we can keep in touch in and around mid table until feb there is no reason our strength in depth cant take us on a late season charge as blackpool did. On the national forums other fans continually bleat on about how poor their squad is and how little quality cover they have. We could really put a run together around that time and thats the key to our season
  10. Still no panic from me. As long as we play the right way at this stage of the season the results will come. All we miss is luck both infrontof goal and with the officials. Both things we missed today. I still say noone has dominated us with only rotherham and walsall matching us.
  11. He told me it includes furtherwood rd up until the roundabout and all rds off sheepfoot lane. Didnt actually mention sheepfoot lane itself but if you intend parking there be very careful and check all signs first
  12. Iv always sat in the main stand upper but with front row seats. Great views but j wouldnt reccomend it for a kids first game. Kids want atmosphere and regardless what the perception of the mid teen brigade in the rocky an 8 year old kid would buzz off it and make the day memorable. The view is one of the best behind goal views in this league as well so not too shabby
  13. Just been for my rotherham tickets and i presumed this restriction was a match day only thing in the streets directly opposite the main stand. However as i was there a warden pulled up ( decent guy believe it or not) and explained its a perminent fixtureday or night match day or no matchday. Apparently nothing to do with latics. Only in place cos of the hospital. Maybe its me being dumb thinking it was just match days but just thought id put it here so no one else gets stung unexpectedly.
  14. Although i agree mills is a good solid player i would prefer us to bed our own players in early IF they are good enough. So i agree with tbe kusunga comment. Tbh i. Not worried about results at this stage of tbe season its obvious we are going abiut things the right way and it will come together eventually. If it still hasnt clicked by oct/nov then i may start having reservations but it doesnt become a battle against relegation until well after new year. Im willing to give this team the chance to grow and develop they are all on decent length contracts so its all about next year. Im not bothered about our league position this year as long as we are stronger and ready for a decent promotion push next season
  15. We are good but not quite there defensively. I dont expect us to do anything this year but the signs are very very good for the future. Irrespective of the result tonight. Im very expectant of next season
  16. I mean the tall guy with glasses. The jock has had a pop in the past though they are both as bad as each other.
  17. Its always good to stick two fingers up to a plastic manc. All the better to see what they could have then :censored:em off the next time
  18. Really dont understand the situation i thought rushton went bust a few years back so how can a bankrupt club seek debts owed?
  19. I actually thought they had already gone bust with there talk of coventry taking over their ground.
  20. Yeah cos its actually a good place to watch footie. Not after you comin from the opposite side of oldham just if ya in shaw
  21. Also any other time i would go to the game i travel up and down the country watching us but ive not seen us on tele since we played bardiff years ago (cos im usually there) taking the chance to see what the pundits have to say and the pre match build up
  22. Ha anyone who knows me on here knows i aint a landlord i drink too much for that. I dont even go in there that often only to watch football. Usually go in shay wake. But utd plastic landlords really grate on me
  23. Latics play preston on monday night on sky and the landlord at tara leisure in shaw has been taking the piss something rotten making out we couldnt fill a broom cupboard never mind a pub. He has jokingly stuck a reserved sticker on the best seat in the house for us "because we will be unindated and they will be queing out the door" All i ask is if you are in the shaw area on monday and considering watchin it in the pub come to tara and blow the house down. Lets show these plastic mancs how proper football is played. Got two massive screens plus 3 smaller tvs as well.
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