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Everything posted by philliggi

  1. Really makes me laugh how wound up some get over the dickov/doncaster thing. Im actually interested in whether he really is a :censored:e manager or whether it was just us and the surroundings. Now you have the furman wabara and wellens angles as well.
  2. Who cares if we have 10 different write ups they are all worth a read
  3. Belting day and all our fans want to discuss is how many threads we are allowed on the subject!!! Internet police or what. Lighten up wewon!!! Go Get pissed!!!
  4. Welcome aboard!!! Any foreign new fans we gain has to be a bonus. We are on a bit of a high right now and we wont always be this happy with the club we all grew up with. But things are seemingly going well. We havent been stuck in this league for 17 yrs for nothing though so be prepared for the lows as well as the highs. As for the cap, they aint too popular this side of the pond but im sure someone will be able to help you out somewhere
  5. Pointless bet for a bookies to offer. Its the sort of bet you have between mates and the narrow odds on offer makes the fiver your mate will give you much more appealing
  6. Just watched the 92live video and it got me thinking. When both father and son go into management usually the father is the better of the two, the son doing ok but never eclipsing the dad. Alex better than darren ferguson Brian better than nigel clough Even when you talk about playing ability the dad usually comes out on top Roberto mancini and the crap son Hopefully lee johnson and anton rodgers are about to buck the trend. You can probably add many more to them examples if you wish
  7. Way i see it the league is the main target when we kick off in august. First securing safety then if we are doing well promotion. Its like this until christmas. All cup games before then are meaningless and all winnable. We should try to win every game but meh if we dont win the cups Priorities change through the course of the season however. Nobody can tell me if we are in the third round of the fa cup at liverpool and the northern final of the jpt in january, but having a mediocre mid table run in the league they wouldnt be bothered about not winning that final. It happened a couple of years ago and when chesterfield beat us everyone was gutted and there were (correct me if im wrong) about 6000 people in that ground that night. As i say priorities change and i would gladly see us to wembley and the fifth round of the cup if our league campaign has hit the buffers. Granted if we are top or in the top six i couldnt give a damn about playing the scousers
  8. I dont know id love to have jordan slew in instead of rooney. Pure quality that lad.
  9. Its surprising just how much hasnt changed since royles first season. Lack of money Build a team with no transfer fees involved First season since retiring from playing Going on to win promotion. . . Becoming one of the best managers in our history. . . So many similarities between royle and johnson (What,i can dream)
  10. Im putting a bet on sat. 0-0 nailed on now
  11. Is this the best front line we have had at the club in this league? We have had better individuals over the last 17 years but i cant remember having players of the quality we have now while at the same time being backed by depth and supposedly decent wingers and midfield as well.
  12. Ive never doubted he would sign tbh. Id be shocked if he didnt
  13. Am i the only one to seriously not know anything about another forum? Really, please enlighten me
  14. Quite impressed with how un temporary the temporary police box looks. Perminent fixture perhaps?
  15. We have belzika jokdts tarky byrne and seemingly mellor who can all play there. Unless one of the first 4 leave i highly doubt another will be coming in. 5 players for 2 positions is a luxury at our level and one i cant see the wage budget extending too. However i do agree we need somethjng else there.
  16. I like to think its our season every season yet i do actually see us having a very good year this year
  17. Ive had a bet with a tranmere fan we will finish above them this season. Personally i think its achievable tranmere fans reckon im daft. What do ya reckon?
  18. Tbh i have full faith in johnson and im excited at the prospect of watching a team shaped by him. He could sign mr blobby to play centre back and i would still have faith. Until so.ething happens to change this he has my backing
  19. Gotta say a big well done to the club this close season. All three stands have been rebranded, new kit sponsors, 2 new kits released progress made on the new stand. Things are developing off the pitch now lets get it right on it Im feeling the feel good factor!!!
  20. Think this is the first season ever i wont have been to a pre season friendly. My shifts at work dont change until the stevenage game and the lack of a glamour tie means im not motivated to swap shifts. All the more exciting at the walsall game then
  21. Are you havin a giraffe? That is seriously the worst kit ive ever seen latics produce.
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