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Everything posted by philliggi

  1. How high do you think we can finish at best? Where do you honestly think we will finish? Would you accept a lower league position for a cup run, similar to last year? 3 for promotion? 4 for the drop? Underachievers? Overachievers? Answers on a postcard
  2. One more loan? Back up Keeper surely? Or are we putting simpson on the benchAlthough i would want a centre half and rooney as well. Am i asking too much?
  3. Am i being stupid or is the fact latics have football league membership worth a tidy sum on its own
  4. :censored: that why cant we get top ten? Walsall and yeovil showed how to do it and with one of the most sensible gaffers around we can do it as well.
  5. The thing which pleases me is that ive heard of very few of them. There are no ego signings wuo will demand to be the centre of attention. Even baxter our key player is a team player and if they can play as a team for once we might just win as a team. Ive had enough of the derbyshire/croft/kuqi/windass/parker/ormrod/barnard etc signings who demand to be the it player.
  6. Not sure about that tbh i do however remember him having a stint as manager of a local team. Oldham town i think but might be wrong
  7. My sister bought richard grahams house and it was falling apart. The amount of red letters that kept coming through the door was ridiculous. Had the bailiff turn up one day wanting to recoup some of the 50 grand plus he owed. Somethin went wrong for him somewhere along the line.
  8. Why does the club board member and the chairman of the trust have to be one and the same? Surely the two roles could be carried out by different people, with the board member reporting back to the trust the goings on in the club and vice versa. It would probably mean a more effective system as well becajse the one persons workload wouldnt be quite so large
  9. Ive been keeping an eye on this thread from afar without commenting until now. To me its quite simple The trust is not in the public eye enough. I wouldnt know how to join or what the web address is. Other than a trust section of this website i didnt actually know there was any other online resource. If the sole aim of the trust is to represent the whole fanbase i personally believe it needs to be open house rather than membership status. Funds should be raised via donations, fundraisers and other such means. Too many supporters are not willing to join such schemes so never actually have a clue what the trust is about. I believe the role of chairman should be an elected position voted for in a one member one vote system (or if you scrapped the membership scheme another such system which allows every fan a vote) the present system is restrictive and closes doors on those fans you claim to represent. A weekly or monthly news letter or email, or even news item on the official site answering questions fans have. Basically a mini regular version of the fans forums. A blog as mentioned previously is a great idea, or you could use the chat room onnthis site for a live question and answer session with someone. Personally a radical overhaul is needed in my opinion. The trust needs to stay but it needs to be far far more accessible
  10. I would rather us put out the best team we can than a weak link in the middle just to get a couple of loan players in from the scousers. If he is decent he deserves a place in the team on merit not because his dad has promised us a player or two. I didnt go tonight so cant comment on his performance. But a couple of reports ive seen on facebook didnt think highly of him?
  11. Na we have already established he is a benchwarmer.
  12. My point is when people who would go regardless paying 20 pounds uses mulitple vouchers over the season. I presume you attend most games over the season. Can you honestly say you wouldnt go to any of those 5 games if you didnt get the 5 pound tickets?
  13. My case in point. Not having a go ryan id do the same.just showing how it doesnt make financial business sense from the club
  14. Bring a friend for a fiver was abused for fun last year. Very few went to those who rarely come to entice them back. Most went to regulars who dont have a season ticket and would go regardless. I know of people collecting them and using six or seven a season. Good call from the club getting rid, howevrr bad it is for those who used it as was the intention
  15. Squad numbers. I hate squad numbers. Bring back 1-11
  16. Suits me i work sat and tues nights so can only usually do home games.
  17. For 20 grand i would want more than 10mins. Although if i had that sort of money to throw away on my football club id be looking at proper investment anyway. Cant see them getting anywhere with it tbh
  18. Like the idea but i think it could be executed alot better
  19. On another note does everyone use the furtherwood rd entrance now? Was this already the case? I never go in the chaddy so im clueless
  20. Id be amazed if they didnt auction them. Some latics fan somewhere would pay 4 figure sums id imagine
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