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Everything posted by philliggi

  1. who would you fear most, the giant killer smith, or the ex player jose baxter, who just happens to be our best player?
  2. i agree the league is more important than the cup but i would never swap this season for love nor money. its one thing having the excitement of it, but other people have already touched on that. for me the far more important outcome of this cup run is the greater foundations it has given us going forward into next season. we have easily covered a seasons worth of losses, and a good result tommorow could cover going on for 2 seasons worth. presuming tranmere stay down, which of our 2 clubs do you believe will have a greater chance of success next year? Tranmere, who have had a great deal of success in the league, but ultimately will lose their better players (purely what the tranmere fan said), have had minimal crowds all season, and a chairman looking to sell, or latics, who have just made a million plus on a cup run, and covered their losses for the season already (remember we made a packet off the cup last year as well) personally think this season can be a real turning point for us, and provide the footings for a successful season next year with the money we have made, the feel good factor being about the place and with the new stand seemingly getting the go a head.
  3. personally i can take it or leave it. how you lot can remember if a drum was at preston or not is remarkable. i remember it for simpson having a stormer and weslowski scoring a rare goal
  4. my dad is absolutely cluless at pronouncing players names. even simple names, so you can imagine how hard he finds it at the minute with cisak/bouzanis/weslowski/tarkowski/mchangama etc, its a comedy of errors.
  5. well we will just have to sing that little bit louder then
  6. why shouldnt we have a chance? its a 2 horse race. and i can ni on guarentee we will want it more
  7. does the walsall game get considered? might sound a stupid question, but it was this month, albeit not under his leadership also, has anyone won 4 in 4 or 5 in five, a lot of teams have played more league games than us this month with yeovil being postponed and preston being rearranged on tues
  8. i would love that to happen, cos it will mean we are winning in the final few seconds.
  9. I dont blame him for trying to get the best players in. however, putting distinctly average players at that level on £100,000 a week is not a wise move in anyones book, and he wasnt forced by anyone to sign these players
  10. Harry Redknapp has a lot to answer for at a lot of clubs. Portsmouth and Southampton both got relegated to our level with serious financial problems and QPR are odds on to be the next one down at our level I recon. only Spurs have seemingly survived his poison touch. Certainly wouldnt want him at our club. very much a wolf in sheeps clothing
  11. I reckon thats what itll be, get a good three points today and this season is starting to look very rosy
  12. let mikey priest run the youth set up and give tp an overseeing role, there for the new gaffer to bend his ear regarding tactics and matchday stuff, and also there for mikey priest
  13. yeah i actually meant league games, not games in general
  14. We should change the old pogo song to fit Dean Bouzanis "we've got an aussie. . . "
  15. we're playing wigan we're playing wigan your not! your not!
  16. yeah but tbf villa and arsenal are problem clubs at the moment always a chance of an upset. swansea seem well drilled and always likely to be victorious. but still, you can never account for the magic of the cup
  17. its not about getting the fact he doesnt want to be manager, its about living in dream landthat we carry on winning and he may actually be swayed into the post, addicted like a drug. am i right in saying dickov never won 3 in a row in 3 years, yet philliskirk can do it in his first 3 games?
  18. if the everton game goes to penalties, make a sub, and stick them both between the posts. Simples
  19. Highly doubt he will get it. Defeat at Walsall (will they count this one tho) coupled with the fact that other teams have played more league games than us makes it unlikely. afterall he has only won two games in the grand scheme of things
  20. stop trying to slag off our keepers and appreciate the fact that both are quality at this level
  21. This this and more of this. ive never been more assured of our keeper situation in the last 20 years. no coincidence our solidarity in this position came about with the appointment of gerrard. oh and id play bouzy. better attitude
  22. joke thread, had me for a minute, until i read the opening post and realised it had been done very badly
  23. Ill never forget singing "Chelsea!! You are next, Chelsea Chelsea you are next! 5 minutes later i was crying
  24. you say it has made huge sums for the club, but can someone more in the know than me add up just how much money these transfers of youth and former youth players have brought in? taking the last ten years as a rough outline, how much have we made, compared to the £2million (£200,000 per year, estimated by the club) it costs us to run the youth set up over the same period. not a dig at TP or the club, im just curious
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