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Everything posted by philliggi

  1. it worked for the brentford game. got over 1000 extra My old boss went today for only the third time. he considers himself to be a utd fan but admits he doesnt really bother that much with them. think hes turning into a latics fan myself. His other to games? City friendly pre season, and forest away. I'm buying the :censored:er a season ticket!
  2. i never get the point in an invasion. except the few who actually intend to run up and congratulate the players, what do you do, run on all excited, and get in the middle of the pitch, look back at the stands and think, oh well, best be off now. much rather celebrate with those i go week in week out with, from a high vantage point, but hey ho thats me. must be getting old
  3. On a side note, have latics ever made anything of the link up with frankfurt? a line in the club shop is a good idea, and a pre season friendly wouldnt go amiss
  4. Yesterday was the best by a mile. Okay, so we beat everton at goodison. yeah, so what we scrapped it 1-0 (with an admittedly great goal). but when i looked around did i see a full stadium bouncing round? did i see a team who had not won in eight beating a team worth over £100 million (and thats without the unvalued gerrard). the fact it was at home, in a full boundary park, against liverpool, for me one of the top 4 clubs in english football wipes the floor with anything else ive ever seen. you can compare it to city if you like but again city at the time wernt as good as liverpool were yesterday. as for those saying games like arsenal and west ham, we were in amongst the best days this club has ever seen. we had an awsome team ourselves, so realistically the victory was far more likely than a victory yesterday if you are to top that, it will have to be with something very, very memorable.
  5. no, dickov in for me at the moment. for me he has 1 game. get through that and he has one more game. get through that and he has 1 more game. for me he has to get at least a point from walsall, and 4 from the next 2. the performances have to be there, and that is what i set as a yard stick.
  6. im usually first to comment on the money orientated threads, but today i couldnt give two hoots. we just beat liverpool and put 3 past them. i have one o f the worst hangovers of my life but i dont care. WE JUST BEAT LIVERPOOL. pinch me
  7. i had a lad, late teens next to me. funny thing was he pretended to be a latics fan, but im sure he had a scouse top under his coat. he didnt cheer the latics goals, and he was at the loo for their first goal, but for the second he sat on his hands, but his reactions took over and he started to cheer and stopped himself. under his breath he was saying things like go on jonjo, and please stevie g make it happen. made a swift exit at full time made a point of celebrating with him for the third goal
  8. My throat is sore my head is banging my wallet is empty my tongue is like sandpaper my memory after 9pm is gone BUT BOY WAS IT WORTH IT
  9. basically it all comes down to three choices 1- try and sell the club, or attract significant investment - Hope it turns out well acca Wigan/hull/blackpool/swindon etc if it goes wrong see point 2 2- speculate on success and see it go wrong entering administration acca portsmouth or see us die the cold miserable death we currently are acca stockport the last 2 points are unthinkable, so you gotta give point 1 a good go, even if you fail
  10. Ok, we all know that each and every one of us wants to win on sunday, but there is a difference between a good result and a respectable one. what is the worst scoreline you would consider before you become embarrassed about it?
  11. good way of looking at it though Bouzanis / Cisak - Same 0 Lee / Wabara - Lee much better -2 Mvoto / Mvoto Same 0 Diamond / Byrne - +1 Taylor / Grounds - +1 Taylor isnt a full back Adeyemi / Croft - 0 Adeyemi isnt a winger but crofts performances arnt up to scratch. same 0 Wesolowski / Wesolowski - I would actually say he is far worse than last year somehow. -1 Furman / Mchangama - -2 Scapuzzi / Baxter - +2 Simpson / Simpson not the player he was last year. -1 Kuqi / Smith - Kuqi was much better -2 so i get us at minus 4. god help us
  12. For me Too many things are wrong with the club at present. Derelict ground - Lack of investment. not only has the lookers gone but the main stand gutters are falling off, the chaddy roof is an eyesore, and the whole ground generally looks like a throw back to 1960 Budget cuts year on year meaning even if we survive this year, its highly likely we will fall through the trap door at some point in the near future. Dwindling crowds - coupled with the point above - leaves us in a vicious circle, which left unchecked is a serious threat to the future of the football club A complete lack of action in the respect of the poor management of this team. It has been clear for 4 or 5 games Dickov has to go, but we are not seeing the bullet. Its all very well and good saying we have no money, look at the economical climate etc etc, i wouldnt mind that if He and the club actually looked like they gave a :censored: about the situation. We have heard countless times we need the new stand to break even, etc. but what happens when the new stand comes? what are they gunna blame our downward spiral on then? Im sorry but anyone who believes the new stand is our saviour is living in dreamland. You have to speculate to accumulate, and it seems to me all corney is interested in is penny pinching. If we had gone out of the cup at the first attempt both this year and last year, what would have happened? the money earned certainly hasnt gone on improving the club, playing staff or management. its easy to say we wouldnt have signed baxter, but im sorry, signing him is a no brainer. we will make a profit on that deal even if he is on ten grand a week. im not buying that one. Im not asking for miracles. all im asking for is a decent wage budget, so anything outside our first 11 isnt an untried kid from the (failing) youth system. Im asking for a bit of pride in our surroundings, instead of letting the ground go to wrack and ruin. Im asking for action regarding the dickov/coaching staff situation. You ask would i be prepared to put my hand in my pocket in the same situation. well personally, If it was my business, I wouldn't be letting it simply evaporate in the way Oldham Athletic is currently doing. I would either invest money to make it successful again, Seeking investors to help my business become successful again, or be advertising the hell out of it to cut my losses and run. I certainly wouldnt be sitting on my hands waiting for miracles. Lets get a bit of pride back around our club
  13. Maybe the way I worded it wasnt the clearest, BUT THATS EXACTLY WHAT I WANTED TO SAY. finally someone who can see past the smoke and mirrors. you dont have to believe everything that comes out of the club. as much as everyone slates the club for how bad it is at pr and playing the media, i feel that corney is actually the complete opposite and has used it to pull the wool over everyones eyes. There will always be buyers for football clubs, Its how attractive you make the proposition.
  14. Ive been saying it all season, and most of last, that our current predicament is largely down to corney and the direction he is taking the club in,but many a time I have been shot down for voicing my concerns. Year on year we see budget cuts, and rants at the fans, council, or anyone else in his line of fire, never shouldering any of the blame himself. I hold my hands up and say I do not know what Corneys intentions are towards the club, good or bad, but to me, they aint 100% in the interest of Oldham Athletic, and its fans. For me, as a club we are at a crossroads. not only in the case of dickov, but corney as well, it is time to put up or shut up. we need drastic action to not only turn this season around, but secure the future of this football club. for too long we have seen budgets cut, and this blamed on the lack of fans coming through the turnstiles, but do you not realise Mr Corney that people simply will not pay more to see inferior products? the club needs investment. if Corney cant provide this investment why isnt he actively pushing through the sale of this football club? or at least actively seeking outside investment? its sad to say that over the last ten years we have gone from being one of the major teams in this league, to being a league 2 team punching above our weight. well we have come to the time when the opposition is ready to deliver the knock out blow Regardless f you agree or disagree, if we continue down the road we are currently on off the field, the product on it will only get worse and the numbers in the stands will continue to dwindle. no matter what the success of the "latics for life" and "Playershare" schemes, the club will fail, because at the end of the day, it doesnt matter how hard us as fans work, there is only one man currently who can improve our fortunes off the field, and quite frankly, im not convinced by his motives.
  15. The Boundary Blues. As in Crying blues not the naff kids club formally known as junior latics
  16. im fast losing faith in corney. this season i believe is down to corney as much as it is dickov. getting baxter signed up has papered over some of the cracks, but its an eggs in one basket situation. great signing if he has players who can play around him, but as useless as the rest playing along side these cueless muppets. we need a wage structure in place at the club that can support a decent team of 11 plus at least five or six good quality back up players. as it stands we have 3 or 4 quality players tops (and even thats being generous) if corney cant fund this, then the club needs placing on ebay sooner rather than later
  17. by that token, if by some miracle we did a bradford, it keeps dickov in a job for the season. cup runs cannot be allowed to overshadow the league if it puts league 1 status at risk. put it this way, last season, when chesterfield beat us in the jpt, i would much rather finish the season trophyless with league one status, than jpt winners and relegated. swap jpt for the fa cup its still the same in my opinion. league every time
  18. what exactly would happen if we beat liverpool? fans were singing his name at forest. would it roll over to the fifth round?
  19. Couldnt have asked for a better weekend really without us playing. but then again, as has already been said, its pointless if we continue pointless
  20. Tbh sunday just seems like another game im expecting us to lose. im neither dreading it or excited for it. no doubt when im in bp on sat though ill be doing my usual mad man act
  21. sorry the link for the original comment is here http://www.thefootballforum.net/index.php?/topic/216872-notts-county-v-oldham/
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