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Everything posted by philliggi

  1. Personally i think we need some utility players in midfield. attacking mid (simpson?) and a defensive mid. we have shown this year we havent had enough cover in this area. definately 1 experienced mid minimum extra req
  2. Top Draw. Delighted with that. surprised we managed to tie him down for 2 years, but all the better for us.
  3. could you not have said exactly the same thing about Simpson? arguably one of our best players?
  4. No way i can lose this, Ribery Podolski Klose Robben Sneijder all in my starting 11
  5. Ive said for months its not dickovs fault its the budget. we need investment and fast. mourinho would struggle next year if he got the job under the same circumstances.
  6. People keep referring to "the player v Carlisle". have you forgotten the fact that he didn't score from January onwards in his first season, or that dickov saw fit not to play him in a team that couldn't score for toffee? one swallow doesn't make a summer, as one performance doesn't make a good player
  7. i know other people have said he cant hit a barn door bla de bla, but for me its not the quality of the player thats in question, its the style of player. I must admit I dont actually think he is good enough, but its more a case of why do we need him when kuqi is here? for me we cant have both, and if htounkara comes in kuqi has to go.
  8. I would have thought league 1 minimum. Thats a cracking signing for burton. I would have also thought a move back to scotland would be more likely. Obviously thrown money at him
  9. im not saying smith will make it, i was just asking if anyone thinks he will actually prove his worth after a disappointing first season. Im not a hard man to please, i just hate seeing :censored:e players.
  10. If He does come, and does have a season worth remembering ill be the first to admit i was wrong, but i just dont see it happening. If we do sign Tonkara I very much doubt we will be seeing kuqi again. on another note, anyone fancy Smith to have a second season like Porter had? Porter was shocking in his first season.
  11. as for the reeves comment i was basically saying i would be more excited ab out signing him than tounkara. wasnt comparing the two
  12. Personally neither. Id prefer my second striker after kuqi to be a whippet type, who aint afraid to stick a boot in. someone in the mold of wayne andrews, Tounkara is just another Ben Burgess! Im not hot on whats available, but there must surely be this type of player out there available and on our wage budget.
  13. Obviously Damien reeves isnt the answer either. Reeves should be signed as the third striker, with another proven experienced striker coming in to partner kuqi. Tounkara isnt the answer and if we are dreaming if we think he will get us 10+
  14. why do we insist on re signing players who havent worked for us in the past. he will clearly never be prolific and i would much prefer the signing of damien reeves over tounkara. I fear he is is just another reid, with a better attitude.
  15. nice work, but how would that fit into the land currently at bp? for instance, where is furtherwood road on your mock up? presumably on the main stand side? i doubt there would be enough room on that side of the ground for the main stand you propose. and why the really long stepped rise to the the zen office stand? i dont really see where that fits in. but all in all, top notch effort, really like the bar and grill idea overlooking the ground
  16. I followed your example. DOH!!! Stevie my email address should be pretty obvious. phillhigginsoafc@ sorry i cocked up
  17. ideally i want cisak to stay. if he goes i wouldnt be confident with bouzanis between the sticks and would want a replacement in. i dont get this bouzanis love-in that we see on here. he really aint that good
  18. Id much rather have tommy lee than bouzanis
  19. there is no question that the holes will be filled. the question is can we attract sufficient quality, and not just plug holes with crap
  20. i say revert to three, and bring back the entertaining days when the likes of beckford went in goal when gerrard got injured. for those who dont remember, more recently windass went in net when we played leicester. vice versa sometimes a keeper ended up playing upfront. it makes it much more tactically challenging for the manager, and much more entertaining for the fans. bring back 3!
  21. the quality of the players definately here is certainly worrying. some serious quality needs to come in if we are to be competitive. that team would almost certainly be relegated
  22. Yeah but to be fair you have to start somewhere. no where in oldham centre is an exceptional place for a hotel, but start building these things and overtime it will become a good place. especially once the metrolink is up and running. shaw has already got shay wake, and the cricketers is supposedly becoming a sports bar. give it 5 years and im hopeful it will become somewhere to rival lees rather than the :censored: hole it is now for a night out. and it will have far better transport links. no dig at anyone in particular, but one of my biggest gripes about oldhamers is the instant wish to knock things before they have had chance to happen. i know its all been done before, and flopped, but i have a gut feeling this council might actually get things done for once. and that includes aiding the development of bp
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