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Everything posted by philliggi

  1. so what did we do in 07-08 that was so different? whatever it is, do it again next year!
  2. Personally the best kits we have ever had imo during my time were those by sparta. they were different than the off the shelf ones everyone has these days, but also classy, and good quality. BRING BACK SPARTA
  3. Alan Groves. not from my era but some of the stories you hear - tying shoe laces, passing to opposition purposely, sitting on the ball- thats what dreams are made of
  4. seems good to me, at that level anyway. those goals wernt just about them coming off his arse, some were technically quite good, while a couple were about taking risks and throwing yourself at miniscule chances. we have lacked in both departments this year.
  5. I refuse to use that its for celeb junkies.
  6. i think they get told today. we probably wont know til tommoro or weds
  7. I actually met Jim on the campaign trail yesterday and i must say im very impressed with the way he talks about oldham and its future. i didnt actually raise the subject of latics, but when talking about the town in general i got the impression he wouldnt announce anything to the public without fully believing in what he is saying. He is very down to earth, and tbh i don t believe he would announce the plans last year without fully intending to carry them through. I am the first to admit im am not a labour voter by any means at national level, but i reckon good things are happening locally with labour in charge. i dont see why latics shouldnt be one of them. just a pitty that bastard sykes got in again in bloody shaw. what the hell do people see in him. all he bloody does is point at bollards and pot holes!
  8. not knowing what the owner of these fun bags looks like, it has to be asked. would ya?
  9. people keep going on about this big tit ticket office woman, but i dont believe any of you i need pics. being a season ticket holder this year i never use the ticket office.
  10. he is one of those players ive always thought would end up at latics. you see players all the time like ormerod and keigan parker, heffernan, etc banging them in and ending up at latics. sadly i reckon he would end up the same as them. just based on a gut feeling. although if we got the chance to sign him id snap your arm off, id love to be proved wrong
  11. Problem black has is he can only play one position. in these times of financial hardship, clubs are looking for players who can play multiple positions, and this is something he cant do.
  12. end of the day his wage will probably pay for 2 or 3 extra players in the squad next year. decent squad players who are able replacements for furman wes etc when they get injured. its this that has really stumped us this year cos quite frankly the replacements havent been good enough. we have to realise that he aint no spring chicken anymore and he is only going to go down hill. cracking player when he first came, not so much now. thanks for the start of the season but its time to move on. On another note that interview stinks of "im out the door come summer", as did simpsons.
  13. http://www.google.co.uk/search?q=boundary+park&hl=en&prmd=imvns&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=GSKVT9yLA8PQ0QXDytmDAg&ved=0CEgQsAQ&biw=1366&bih=665&sei=HiKVT5LOBIW-0QXQub2AAg
  14. Im actually quite surprised Newton is almost as unpopular as Owen. And to those who have voted yes to owen, could we please have some reasons as to why, and what you think he brings to the club? Ive not heard one person say a good thing about him on here, yet he has 3 backers so far. Surely one of them is Barry Himself?
  15. we have a poll for each of the players, why not the board. should be interesting Chairman: Simon Corney Director: Ian Hill Director: Barry Owen Director: Mike Newton
  16. its so bloody predictable tho. if we did go with that, whats to say it wouldnt just be a carbon copy of this season? wheres the creativity in that side? we are desperate for a playmaker in the middle of the park, and without one the same threads will be appearing on here in 12 months time. we aint made of money and as such any new signings are just going to be freebies as we see every year that do the rounds around these parts. it hasnt worked this season so why should it next? i would rather have lee in the middle and a bog standard right back, than our most gifted player at right back where he cant have a huge impact on the game. All im looking for is something different. something to lift the doom around here. if it doesnt work pre season, fine, drop it, it was worth a shot. I still believe my team would be more entertaining, and provide more clear cut chances over any given 90 minutes. The team this season has been plain boring!
  17. ok lets just plod on watching the same old :censored: week in week out. prob for the best really
  18. tbh when was the last time you saw latics successfully play with wingers? we are piss poor strength wise in the middle of the park, wingers cant cross, and when they do our strikers cant finish. we are much better playing the ball on the deck with sharp passing going forward and that is a much more balanced team to do it.
  19. thats my point tho. would we need to sign a central midfielder if lee played there? Lee Furman and Wes in a midfield 3 with simpson playing just behind a front 2 is a cracking midfield. it also eliminates the problem of replacing taylor. we have never been gifted with wingers who cross with both quality and quantity, as for replacing lee at right back, thats what summer is for. if we were talking about left back then i agree that is a problem area and good left backs are hard to find, but right backs? i would say that is probably the easiest position on the pitch to fill. GK Cisak RB New signing CB Diamond CB Mvoto LB New signing CM Furman CM Weslowski CM Lee AM Simpson ST New signing ST New signing Using that as a backbone i reckon you have the basics of a cracking team, IF the new signings are much cop If things arnt working we could always switch lee out wide, push simpson up and bring morais on to go to a 4-4-2.
  20. He did the same thing at liverpool, putting it in the side netting from an impossible angle when simpson was on for an open goal tap in
  21. He is a footballer who has the ability to play in many positions, the most used being right back, but what would the harm be in using our most gifted footballer in central midfield?
  22. i agree, but i would still be tempted to try him in the middle. he obviously possesses quality, and it sems wasteful to leave him languishing in his current position when he could have greater impact in the middle of the park. i also seem to remember him saying he would love to play out his career in the middle of the park. this was when he first broke into the team at full back
  23. Right we are all agreed that we are desperate for a little creativity in midfield, aka ritchie wellens. we also know that we cant afford such a luxury. Personally id like to see kieran lee given a chance in there. we signed him as a midfielder, i think if he is still here pre season he should be given a few games in there. he isnt scared of putting a foot in and is probably the one player capable of playing a decent thru ball. im sure with our budget its much easier to find a half decent full back than the creative midfielder everyone is so desperate for.
  24. The ball bobbled but he had the ball a good five seconds before that and it should have been played long before it. Kuqi isnt half the player he was, even six months ago, and i would offload this summer tbh. Id rather play someone young and eager
  25. surely he is better than ronaldo. or messi. i wouldnt accept a penny less than £100 million!!
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