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Everything posted by philliggi

  1. what if - one of the 50,000 shots we had against chesterfield had gone in. on another note, would you swap the 5-2 home league win for a 1-0 scrappy jpt win?
  2. id love him to be give a 15 or 20 game run on the right wing. he made his debut there and thats where i feel he was at his best over his latics career. granted thsat year we had a belting team, but personally i dont feel he has ever been 100% playing on the left.
  3. looking at this poll, its quite worrying if only 50% of all season ticket holders renew. there will only be kids there next year and ten pound tickets certainly aint going to boost the coffers
  4. Personally i find that arguement ludicrous. Im single with a mortgage to pay and had 2 jobs up until recently because one just wasnt giving me the money for a life. without the scond job there is no way i would have afforded a season ticket, so i worked 50+ hours every week to give me time at the football, nights out, cinema etc. asking for a discount because your unemployed is in my opinion scrounging, and im sorry but there is nothing i hate more than scroungers!!
  5. id rather employ a gamble than someone who has already proved they cant do it like the bunch we already have
  6. I agree we should bring in that sort of player, but for me it should be along side simpson not instead of. get rid of kuqi instead
  7. if we lose today the possibility of relegation is more apparent than it has been in a long long time. but there is nobody who could do a decent job on the budget we have. it aint dickovs fault. its a team of freebies and kids with one or 2 players on a half decent wage. most of whom happen to be injured at the moment
  8. tbh i would imagine the majority will be taken by adults already attending. is there a stipulation that you have to have an accompanying adult?
  9. realistically, how many of these tickets are the club going to sell? if you have clubs like chaddy buying every player one, its not unforseeable that the club could sell 4000+ of them them. in terms of future fan base thats great, and as ive said before well done to the club, but is this offer in danger of encroaching on the allocations we usually give to the big clubs? ie (pure random figures i know) 4000 kids st 2000 adults st 1000 pay on the day means we could only ever give the big section of the rocky away realistically. even when the big teams visit. also how will this effect the allocation for cup games? if the numbers above are anything like that would mean only one ticket for every season ticket holder for the cup games instead of the usual 2. Not a moan, and the numbers above might be well over estimated, but it is something the club must have thought about. i wonder if there is a maximum number of kids tickets they are willing to sell
  10. If we dont lose ill take that as a good result cos it then means they have to go to sheffield or charlton and win for us to go down
  11. http://news.bbc.co.u...tor/default.stm 19 Walsall -20 48 20 Wycombe -20 48 21 Oldham -22 48 I purposely put that we would lose all our games to get a worst case scenario. Wycombe beat us and notts county, while losing at charlton and sheff weds. that realistically is their best hope, and notts are flying at the mo so that would be a good achievement. Even then it all hangs on goal difference. We are shockingly bad, and I can see us finishing 20th, but realistically 21st is unlikely.
  12. Not necessarily a golden ticket scheme, but for the last 3 years at least a special offer of some shape or form has come along which offers significant savings. when you factor this in, and the fact that most miss one or two games on average a season anyway for one reason or another, a season ticket offers very little saving financially. i must add that if it wasnt for work commitments i would be buying a season ticket regardless as i have done for the last 20 years. discounted special offers for pay on the gate wouldnt stop me buyng a st
  13. Personally I dont believe any one of us could do a much better job than Dickov has done. My gripe isnt with Dickov (i dont know about his backroom team so i cant really comment), He had 2 choices. spread his budget thinly and get a squad of quantity, which realistically would have meant a squad without Diamond, Mvoto, Kuqi and Weslowski, But with probably 4 extra proffessionals on top of the current numbers. the other alternative is what he did. Personally think it was a risk, but the injuries since January have been ridiculous. My gripe is with the business side of the club. Quite frankly the budget is dwindling year on year, and the decisions that are being made to attract numbers are laughable. Until the budget increases the club will continue on its downward spiral no matter who is in charge. I don't buy into this "Corney is the savior of the club and keeps us afloat year on year" He is the captain of a sinking ship and needs to actively offload us sharpish. Is he actively trying to sell the club, and if not why not? One thing is for sure i will not be happy if we go bust and he turns round and says i tried my best.
  14. Yeah thats maybe just me with a poor choice of words. basically i mean family work and finances can Force you not to go, whereas giving almost any other reason is a consious choice for you not to go. so the poll is about those who arnt getting a ticket, is it out of choice or do they have no option
  15. Its easy to say you aint renewing, but there are so many different topics where people have given varied different reasons I think it needs clarification on just how bad the feling is around BP and the reasons why people are drifting away. Some reasons are acceptable, Work, Family etc, but it will be worrying if the vast majority give other reasons, and send a clear message to the club. admin feel free to add other options if ive missed anything
  16. Compensation shouldnt have been mentioned UNTIL it was confirmed. stopping speculation.
  17. thats not my point. either the club give out a proper compensation package, or they do nowt. quite frankly i would prefer nothing. if the club cant afford a proper compensation package then fair enough but to offer something so meaningless and useless IS taking the piss. Its like offering an eskimo a freezer to keep his beer cold. It will never get used. They would have been better off giving free entry to all of next years pre season friendlies instead of just 1. least it would be used, would be free of cost to the club, and wouldnt be asking us to fork out yet more money to someone elses club! If this is a stand alone offer then fair play to the three clubs for taking a different approach. if it is compensation the club is taking the piss either way, the club is at fault for not making it clear either way, resulting in us having this debate in the first place.
  18. because if the club says people will be compensated, they should announce something sooner rather than later rather than have people wondering. if it does turn out to be the rochdale burry tickets then quite frankly the club is taking the piss out of the season ticket holder they would have been better giving nowt
  19. Like you say you are the exact type of fan it was aimed at, and im glad its worked. but for every type of fan like you i could probably name 10 who bought a GT and have no intention of going to another game until the next big game, cheap game.
  20. Ive just asked the same question on a national forum site. see if everyone else thinks the same
  21. regardless of what the club has achieved over the course of the season (jpt, fa cup etc) the season is looking like a failure, and i have voted just so. a successful season in my eyes is one where the club as a whole is in a better position than that at where it started the season. are we likely to be in a better league position than where we finished last year? NO is the club in a financially better position than last year? NO Is ground redevelopment at a more advanced stage than last year? NO Are we in good form at the end of the season standing us in good stead for summer and the start of next season? NO Are Attendances improved any on last year? NO Infact I could go on, but I cant see one area of the club where we are in a stronger position. FA Cup success and an area final of the jpt is just papering over huge cracks
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