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Everything posted by philliggi

  1. not at all. i applaud those who go every week and pay on the day. at the start of the season you effectively plan to spend more than a season ticket holder during the course of the season. but how many of those who did buy golden tickets were people who dont go to most matches anyway? id guess very few. the point of the frustration amongst season ticket holders is that the offer was aimed at those who rarely attend, but have seamingly been handed a 55 pound saving when compared to season ticket holders over the course of the five games. If there was a way to prove you have attended 20 games a season pay on the day, im all for giving the last 3 games free or something like that, rewarding your loyalty, but to put an offer on which leaves your season ticket holders out of pocket is ridiculous. i still believe they should bring back the old membership scheme or something similar. i know for sure i would take that up next year if i could
  2. So 9 in 11 it is. Regardless of the points difference Sat is a must win game. The confidence boost they will get, along with the effect it will have on us in unthinkable. if wycombe beat us it leaves us 3 points clear, with 3 to play, and in probably the worst form i care to remember. if we do end up 3 points clear by 5 o clock on sat i must say i think we are in very grave danger, and reality will start biting. WE CAN NOT LOSE ON SAT!!!
  3. Id employ a team of business executives to form a holding company, give them 70 million to spend developing bp and its surroundings as a real attraction for the town throughout the year, one which is profitable and can fund the football club, and then on that board of directors have a real respected figure in football who would use his knowledge to get us up the bleeding leagues. one things for sure i wouldnt just pump 20 million into the playing squad and hope for the best
  4. How much if any would go to Latics, and what would you have latics spent the money on Just wondering like
  5. Personally i would have kept the old badge (banner ball and owl) just updated it a little. agree it was aging and needed updating but the new one is truelly awful. they should have run a competition in all the schools in oldham. then the winning design given to a graphic designer to make it look professional.
  6. always expect the worst then anything else is a bonus. ill believe it when i see it
  7. keep cizak lee furman kuqi mellor simpson the rest are all easily replaceable to the current standard we have. so im not really fussed if anyone else goes. however ill be glad to see the back of reid if dickov sees sense this summer.
  8. I wont be getting one for the first time since the premiership days. id have got one if we had done a hartlepool, but ill miss too many games through work to justify the 308 pricetag
  9. Year in year out we go over and over the same scenarios. poor run of form-debate sacking the manager-sack the manager-new guy in-optimism-poor run of form-debate sacking the manager - sack the manager end of the day you can only go so far on such a tiny budget. yes dickov may have made some bad decisions but show me a manager who wouldnt. until we get the budget increased we will be a mid table-relegation threatened team. fact. we may have one or two class players but over the course of 46 games they cannot carry you, you need a whole squad of decent players. until we increase the budget by some means we have to stick with dickov. if we go down we go down. this season or next. it would happen eventually on this budget. a budget that gets smaller year on year. its in the back room of the club where we need a major overhaul. yes corney has done a good job but we must face facts. if we continue as we are we are facing relegation/administration/liquidation. its not a matter of if, more a case of when!
  10. This really is shaping up to be a massive game. can we really see us getting anything from charlton and sheff weds? if (some would say when) we lose these two games we will have lost 9 in 11, and potentially be sitting within touching distance of the drop zone. if things get to that stage, with the form we are in it really is squeeky bum time. at the minute it is a must not lose. by then could it be a must win?
  11. im 27 and realistically ive only seen 2 relegations. was about for the division 2 title but too young to appreciate it
  12. http://wck2.companieshouse.gov.uk/5e9f5c53134b37068df2d7947b25ac29/compdetails According to companies house that company, based in wallingford is still active Interestingly, so is the 2004 company http://wck2.companieshouse.gov.uk/5e9f5c53134b37068df2d7947b25ac29/compdetails http://www.duedil.com/company/04917927/oldham-athletic-football-club-plc and apparently has a trading address in reading? hmmm its all very confusing
  13. i find it quite funny that no matter what the result, you can always guarantee "ITS TYPICAL LATICS"
  14. Lee is definitely a salable asset. he is the most consistent player i have seen at boundary park in many a year, and he would be the first name on my team sheet every week. player of the season again by a country mile. As for Cisak I was meaning if our financial situation worsens between now and august he would probably be the first player out the door as he is probably the most valuable
  15. tbh i think this would be a great idea. the last time they held a meeting it provided a lift around the club just as they were announcing season ticket sales. could do wonders at a critical time
  16. i wonder what market research latics do before launching one of these schemes cos every time they announce one it either isolates or pisses of large sections of the crowd
  17. again that would require large investment which the club do not have. realistically its not an option, and wouldnt happen overnight in anycase
  18. no but like i said you dont need masses amount of take up. you also dont need those companies who take it up to even be latics, or even football fans. with all the possible things you could include in this, which are free, even if you only got 20 companies take it up its still 20 grand you wouldnt have had
  19. The reason people are annoyed is that presumably this is the sweetener for season ticket holders regarding the golden ticket offer. as most have already said they will not use it. basically the club has come up with a softener that will not cost them any money, but at the same time not offer anything in the way of savings to the average season ticket holder. can you honestly say that this offer equates to the 55 pound loss on the five golden ticket matches?
  20. ive gotta work at least 2 in 3 saturdays now. if im on early i can sometimes make the game, but if im on late i have no chance. i recon i will miss a minimm of 8 or 9 games.
  21. My point is tho that those suggestions get banded about every time we have this debate. they cost money to implement and we wouldnt see radically imprved revenue streams
  22. personally macca im an oldham fan not a football fan. i dont see the point in watching football unless its a matter of life or death that YOUR football team scores one more goal than the opposition. whats the point in watching two teams you couldnt give a :censored: about? id rather go to the pub
  23. quite obviously the club is on a bit of a downward spiral. attendances are at an all time low, no money for investment on the pitch and redundances within the club. corney unhappy, results rubbish, no sign of ground improvement. i could go on. so what do we do? personally, if they announce that season ticket prices are the same, and the club as a whole takes an 'as you were' attitude, it wont be long befre we are relegated. budgets seem to be cut every year, and if you run as a league 2 club for long enough, you inevitably become one. so what to do? well personally i think a radical overhaul of the whole club is needed and quickly. what this involves is open to debate. slashing season ticket prices and match day prices clearly doesnt work, the club just runs at a loss. personally i dont think altering the pricing structure on any level will have a radical effect on things purely due to sky tv/utd/city et al providing much cheaper football. we would need to set prices ridiculously lo to see any impact, and as with the golden ticket even then attendances only improved by 800-1000. so whats your new and improved ideas then? they might be well thought out proposals or just random thoughts that have just come to you now. stick them down here. One such proposal ive just thought of is a company season ticket. setting a price around £1000 per company per season, we could offer a various different packages not tried before. dont get me wrong im not talking about the usual sponsors package where you get pitch side signs, adverts in programmes etc. im talking something a little different. free use of the sponsors suite for meetings/functions 364 days a year subject to availability. free player/chaddy appearances on request, again subject to availability. Maybe a free to enter company football tournament on the pitch close season. Now these are just three ideas, but im generally thinking of things latics can virtually give away for free (it wouldnt cost much to employ someone to open the bar for every meeting, and they would also take money over the bar) if they were to add another 6 or eight suggestions to the ideas here, i dont see why they couldnt get £1000 a season for it. if 100 companies - large or small signed up, thats £100,000 extra in the coffers, and having spent next to nothing achieving it. the trick here is the pre pay element. theoretically a company could use the sponsors box on ten different occassions for only £100 a time. cheap as chips. throw in chaddy and kuqi opening their new shop in royton, and the networking chances at the tournament its a relatively attractive proposition. if latics were to link up with oldham chamber of commerse to publicise it it could be a goer. thoughts? like i say feel free to add any other ideas here as well.
  24. what we need and what we can actually afford are miles appart. the budget will likely be cut again this year and i can see a summer of dicontent down at boundary park. if we can keep cisak and lee we will be doing well. these two are the only ones who are actually good enough to play at a higher level imo. realistically any team wanting to do well at this level needs 6 or seven players with the consistancy of these two. both will go to a higher level imo. quite possibly this summer
  25. ive gone up to £150, however this is for personal reasons. i have been a st holder since the first premiership year, but now due to work commitments its no longer financially viable cos i wont be able to attend every week. if however it was ridiculously low it would be barmy not to get one
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