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Everything posted by philliggi

  1. no this isnt me you refer too. i actually didnt speak to the people i am on about. i attend with my dad, and a couple of other "old timers", as well as a few young ones like myself. I didnt start this topic purely because i dont like people who dont go every week. i run a house off a single wage as well, so know how difficult finding the finance to watch latics is, and anyone who follows the team but doesnt attend thats fair play. what i mean by my original post is that i would welcome people who have never been to latics before and know absolutely nothing about us and openly admit that. what i cant stand is those who quite clearly never go but think its ok to tell all and sundry why taylor should play centre back and wants dickov to get his boots on. frankly ridiculous comments. as well as the fool who i refer too behind me, there were three young lads ive never seen sitting next to me. clearly never been but they were asking questions genuinely interested in the club and the players. these sort i welcome with open arms.
  2. Who cares that we got through to anfield. the youths got stuffed. is this club ever going to progress?
  3. ok, so we have just beaten southend in the fa cup replay. its not the game i wish to talk about, but those who took advantage of the 2 quid tickets, and those who are jumping on the bandwagon for the mini fa cup run. behind us tonight, we had spectators who quite simply made it obvious they watched premier football on the box week in week out. if latics were patient in the build up, they wanted it lumped forward. if they lumped it forward, they called for patience. my question is this. would you happily have these behind you week in week out if it added another 1000 to the attendance at boundary park every week or would you rather stick to the hardcore that probably surround you already. personally, these fans really irritate me. they make comments as though they own the football club then act sheepishly when you prove them wrong time and time again. im all for welcoming new fans too the club but not when they try telling me how i should support my football team. At one point this guy actually said to me "they are playing well tonight arnt they. if they play like this week in week out there is every chance we could be in the premier next year" I REALLY HATE THIS TYPE OF FOOTBALL FAN!!!!!
  4. Posted 6 minutes ago If ever there has been a must win at latics in recent years its this game. not since we were in the play off semi's have latics had a more important game. Both teams are playing well and drew the first match at southend. the winners of course will play liverpool at anfield early january. A few selection conundrums for us to guess at, Robbie Simpson has returned (hopefully temporarily) to Huddersfield, and There are a few options to replace him. Taylor should be back in contention, as will matt smith and morais. all will be hoping for a recall, but if dickov decides to rejig things, he has a fist full of other tactical switches he could make. At the back, Mvoto is out and should be a straight swap for Clarke, who returns from Suspension. In Midfield Weslowski also returns from suspension, but as I said Dickov has many options available to him in this area, and it could go any number of ways. personally, I'd go : Cizak Lee Clarke Diamond Black Scupuzzi Weslowski Furman Parker Adeyeme Kuqi Subs: Taylor Morais Smith Bouzanis Tarkowski There are that many options available, it really could be anything, but i recon thats the best available. any variation would probably see taylor/morais/smith coming in for adeyeme, but he should keep his place. Latics 2-0
  5. he will be subbed with a minute to go, and get a standing ovation/chants of sign him up etc if we beat southend he will be a tic in january. the finances the scouse game will give us will see to that
  6. Stoney, if i remember correctly wasnt that game against finland, in which a certain mr kuqi played?
  7. I posted this question on www.thefootballforum.net a week ago. i personally voted bradford. I think its important to respect the question and chose the jpt OR the FA cup, not knowing who we will get in the 3rd round. personally, we have had Bolton, City, Everton, Chelsea etc before, but overall it hasnt moved the club forward in the bigger picture. thats why im willing to try a different tact and throw my full support behind the jpt effort. see the link http://www.thefootballforum.net/index.php?/topic/207650-jpt-v-fa-cup/
  8. personally keep all three on. put taylor upfront alongside a.n.other (nobody has shone upfront this season so its anyones) and morais and white out on the wings. dont rate tounkara, reid, todd or mantom.
  9. dale could win ever remaining game they have left to play for me. i really do not care. just as long as we do the same. dont get me wrong i would have loved to have done the double over a local rival just as much as the next guy, but I would happily see dale finish second as long as we finished first.
  10. dont particularly care what dale do. cant see them having the staying power to push for a play off place, and if they did overtake us, it would have as much to do with us falling apart as it would them coming good. If we carry on winning I dont care what anybody else does apart from those above us we are chasing
  11. To BP oil!! at least then we could still say we are going down to BP. now, anyone any ideas how we can get a multi billion pound oil company interested in investing in us?
  12. fair enough, i stand corrected. just something i thought about and thought i would throw it into the ring
  13. Cant see Sky being happy about us knocking the prices down for Tranmere TBH. If they are paying to screen the match, surely they would want their viewing figures to be as high as possible? giving tickets away at a reduced price to fans who are undecided about attending will reduce the viewing figures, and thus make the deal less attractive from their point of view? I wouldnt be surprised if Sky had it written into the contract that we are banned from reducing ticket prices for this game.
  14. lol i dont do rumours. just telling you what ive heard.
  15. whatever happened to digging the lines out and playing with an orange ball? can you imagine stanley matthews and co having all these games posponed?
  16. cheers pal. im after getting a copy which is a decent size to put in a frame. gunna try and super impose my dads head onto it and give it him in a frame. its a long shot but its much appreciated anyway
  17. http://www.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http...um=1&itbs=1 http://www.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http...345&bih=560 im after one of the two photos above. i could just copy them off the ones shown here but the quality isnt very good. does anyone have, or know where I could get a decent quality copy of them? its for a christmas present so im a little pushed for time. Would be very much appreciated
  18. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...=STRK:MESELX:IT
  19. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...=STRK:MESELX:IT
  20. forgot to add, if anyone is a member of any qpr forums or national football forums, will you please post up a link on them to maximise exposure. cheers
  21. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...em=110602695490 During the Ernie Cooksey benefit game I organised a Pie and peas event in the sponsors lounge and as a thank you I was given this item by Ernie himself. After holding it for 2 years now ive made the decision that its doing no good hanging in my wardrobe so ive put it up for auction with all the profits going to factor50.
  22. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Microsoft-Xbox-360-E...deoGameConsoles
  23. turning out to be less one sided than you would think. the apathy at the club is obviously greater than many think.
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