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Everything posted by philliggi

  1. would imagine they will work along side the temporary manager and then the situation looked at in summer, when the new guy arrives
  2. Employing somebody until the end of the season, we are obviously not going to get the likes of Jim Gannon, Paul Ince or any other big name people want. These sort of people will be looking for security. In my opinion its going to be a has been, or someone who is desperate for work. that, or someone who loves the club. Firstly, what i dont want is someone who is desperate. they usually have no idea, and we would probably be in no better a position than if sheridan had stayed. I also Dont want a has been, aka Gregory, Francis etc. They cost money and usually do naff all. It has to be someone who loves the club imo. Big Joe, with a helping hand from Ritchie would be a perfect temporary partnership. They, especially Royle would command the respect of the dressing room instantly, Fans would instantly be behind the team, and there would be a real buzz around the place. I honestly believe in appointing a temporary manager, creating this instant buzz is the only way we are going to get in the play offs this season. Royle would know its only a temporary measure and if things dont work out his legend status wouldnt be affected. Get them in now, is what i say, then go for gannon next year
  3. Firstly, thanks to Sheridan, for the last three years, but this extends to the wider picture, and his time as a coach/player. always had the club at heart and good look in whatever you goon to do. Right time for a change, from both parties i think. The main reason for this post however is to congratulate TTA on having the balls to stand up and be counted. how many times have we all seen a change at the top is needed, and its gone on for months before action is taken, ultimatly righting off another season? we now have the chance (all be it a small one) of a new manager injecting life into the club at the right time of the season. Onwards and upwards. Cheers TTA _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ _ _'_ Blue and White Army!!
  4. firstly i think we have to thank sheridan for the work he has put in over the last three years, and before that as a player/coach. im sure most will feel the same as me in that he brought alot to the club, but it hasnt worked out and its time for a change. The reason for this thread though is to congratulate the three amigo's for having the balls to take action, at what is a critical time of the season, and have followed the general concensus of fans. How many times in the past have we sailed through to the end of the season playing 10- 15 pointless games, when if action had of been taken earlier, we could have still made the play offs. as i said yesterday, now is the time to take action. all is not lost and we can still make the play offs. we have an excellant bunch of players and with the right man at the helm we can do. _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ _ _ '_ Blue and white army!!!
  5. the oldham players we actually give a :censored: about didnt give up trying. they were all still putting the effort in, especially hughes. the biggest problem was the loanees, no passion, effort, or even skill. cant really blame allott and maher in midfield when their styles of play are not suited to each other. square pegs in round holes
  6. all isnt lost. with the right manager in charge, making the play offs is achievable. sheridan aint the right manager
  7. we have 18 points from the last 51 possible. that is relagation form, and it seems at the minute we are poo against anyone if it wasnt for the first 7 games of the season we would be 16th/18th now
  8. Being at the game today, I gotta say the contracted oldham players didnt deserve to lose 6-2. By far the biggest reason we lost was the tactics employed by the management, ie persisting with 2 defensive midfielders when losing 3-2, and 4-2. refusing to stick an extra striker on etc etc. The worst players on the park today were: 1) Butz, who was at fault for at least three goals that i counted 2)Hines, who was completely useless (and who shouldnt be playing ahead of stam anyway) 3)Kabba, who appart from winning the free kick for Mahers goal, might as well have been sat next to me in the stand for the effort he put in. Danny Jones is the exception loanee for me, and i would try to sign him if possible. the rest of the loanees i would ship back tommorow, and would even pay their bus fare. Hughes ran his socks off and was a clear man of the match for me today, all be it the pick of a bad bunch.
  9. we are only two points off the play offs we have one of the top squads in the league, including Hughes who will hit 20 for the season we have a relatively easy run in we could quite easily put a good run together and finishcomfortably in the playoffs BUT It wont happen with Sheridan In charge. In the summer we will lose Hughes, and possibly Taylor/Smalley. without these players its unlikely we will be able to sustain a decent push for promotion next time round. We have to act now, If we are serious about promotion the board has to act now. Gannon is the way forward. With Sheridan in charge a sub 10th finish is imminent.
  10. to be honest i dont really think it matters who we play in the run in now. much more important is the way the players react to the last weeks events. bond and united as a team (in an us against the world mentality) and we will be the form team going into the playoffs continue the bickering and we will disintegrate,finishing sub 8th.
  11. must be remembered though that this happened last tuesday night. 8 days ago. time enough i think to carry out the details you outline above. just because the news only broke on monday, doesnt mean thats when investigations started. i would have thought they would have started on wednesday morning.
  12. never rated cotterill gregory,robson, ternant etc are livingin the dark ages never go back to legends/past managers. never works. only options for me are keith hill, and jim gannon, preferably gannon. both good young managers, who would thrive with a squad like ours. never wanted rid of shez, but im beginning to think the events of the past couple of weeks are beginning to show our club is built on shifting sands. wether or not the windass thing, and now the dogs debacle have been blown out of proportion,there is no smoke without fire. it is obvious certain members of staff have no respect for the three amigo's, and i say get rid now. if that means sheridan walks, then so be it
  13. we will either pull ourselves together, finally bond as a team after coming through all this :censored:, or it will tear the team appart, and see us finishing 12th. knowing latics and the luck we have had over the last 15 years, it will be the latter
  14. Butter? on a piece of toast? surely he wouldnt taste nice?
  15. no way the 10 ejections were all latics fans. one in the mainstand lower was a latics fan (supposedly, i havent seen him there all season before monday) but i counted at least four others who were leeds fans ejected cos they were in the wrong end, and thats just near me.
  16. definatly more than 2800 of them showed tonight but why did some feel the need to go in our end with easy over a 1000 scum tickets unsold?
  17. just remind me what the final score was and that will tell you if i care or not!! eardley is the big winner!!
  18. lol i know its a little queer, but very fitting being as we are playing in pink dont ya think?
  19. we are oldham, who are leeds? lets concentrate on our own game and leave the scum to themselves. our defence has the ability to cope no problem, they just need to turn up
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