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Everything posted by philliggi

  1. the state of danny whittakers latics career seems to emulate that of one gary mcdonald
  2. firstly, i aint seen him play, so dont know if he is worthy of his own song, but i thought of this this morning and cant get it out of my head.quite catchy. to the tune of Coma coma coma camelion kabba kabba kabba kabba kabba is on the run he scores goals he scores the goooooooooooals
  3. cant have lomax surely macca? he aint the best but your honestly not saying he is the worst we have had in his position?
  4. surely starbuck has got to be in there. and michael clegg. wait. what about chris hall? wayne gill (the same one we paid £70,000 for)
  5. i said earlier in the season that with them two down the left, its probably the best left side in the division.
  6. leeds game is our biggest game of the season by a country mile. i still say however that the gap between us and 7th is much more important than that of us and 2nd. you cant get second without first guarenteeing a play off berth.
  7. i dont see why the away fans cant go in the chaddy. surely this season has made everyone realise the legend of the chaddy is dead, and the rocky is the way forward. i sit in the main stand, and i have never been part of the home atmosphere, just an onlooker, but this enables me to give a fair judgement on it all, and bp has had a much, much better atmosphere this year than in recent past seasons. there would be no need for so many stewards as every away team could have the whole stand, no matter how many they bring, meaning the rocky could become a 100% home end. make the small bit of the rocky a family area and robert is your mothers brother!!!
  8. its because hillstones went bust, not carlotti. cabrini took over the deal, and they are a kit manufacturer. carlotti are hardly likely to advertise cabrini on their own shirts
  9. last night our midfield lacked kevin maher. why the hell whittaker was taken off when allott had imo his worst game in a latics shirt, ill never know. its always pissed me off that certain individuals seem undroppable no matter how good they are
  10. we are signing kilkenny and some foreign full back from leeds + 1.5 million in return for Taylor. comes from a season ticket holder at leeds, apparently its in the media up there. dont believe it myself, but i would take it. Taylor is good, but not that good. 1.5 mil alone and you would accept,
  11. latics wont have given permission for donny to speak to hughes, Doncaster are able to speak to him when they wish, purely because all they have to do is offer 400 thou. "permission to speak too" always sets alarm bells ringing, but in this case i reckon its just the media sturring things up nothing to see here, move along
  12. we have been plaing very average of late ( wasnt there for leyton orient) and not losing, we have shown what we are capable of early season. it would only take a run of 4 wins in six or something similar to fire us up close to the top two. perfectly achievable with the squad we have. if we lose taylor and hughes in jan and have a run of four defeats then i would start getting pessamistic, until then, correct me if im wrong but we are in a play off spot?
  13. Dont know the details, but im sure he played there for the last three games of last season, scoring two or three, and we won two, possably all three games. was man of the match there more than once as well. id give him a chance there again definatly, although still rate him as a right back, and his name would be a loss to the team sheet if he was to leave next month.
  14. Hands up who rates Neal Eardley in the £?00,000 bracket? many moons ago we had two players in the form of Andy holt and Scott McNiven who were very highly regarded in the footballing world, and were expected to leave BP for relatively high sums for us. These days they are plying their trade in the back of beyond, after leaving Boundary park for next to, if not nothing. Come back to the present day and we have Neal Eardley. Personally I rate him, and his attacking ability is of a very good standard for a full back in this division, but I have this feeling he will become just another name in the Latics Who's who of the future. Having recently been dropped for Lomax, he has failed to feature in any of the recent games. There could be another side to the coin however, with the Transfer window looming, is it all just a ploy by Sheridan to make him go unnoticed throughout January? This can only be answered on Feb 1st, but will he still be here then?
  15. All time favourite is "Men of Honour" With Cuba Gooding Junior and Di Niro. True story and a proper feel good film. does it get a mention? probably not
  16. Ive done two best man speeches in my time, and ive used most of them jokes myself. always went down well. just a couple of ideas i used which you could possibly add where you read the following: add: mind you, just before we left for the church this morning, i used the bathroom after <Groom> and found these at the bottom of the bowl. (Proceed to hold up two bricks strategically placed under your table) That one went down extremly well, probably got the biggest laugh of my whole speech. also, you have to be careful not to make it look like you have copied and pasted your entire speech from the internet. jokes duplicate and it becomes inpersonal. your speech is a good one, but concider adding one or two personal stories. only you know what the best part of your friendship with him is, and what the funniest/most embarrassing moments of his life were. personal stories quite often go down better than the jokes intended to be funny. anyway, good luck with it.
  17. Coming back at christmas? how much do you want to stay over there? do ya realise we play loads at christmas? if we repeat the form every time your over we will be midtable by the time you go home!!!!
  18. sweepstake to see how long he is with his missus anyone?
  19. Ive took the Girlfriend to the last three games. she follows liverpool, but im getting her into latics bit by bit. very much doubt she will ever be as hard core as me, but i dont mind her coming. would be great if she was as hardcore as me though.
  20. i never knew this, but ive just looked it up cos of this post and the fact im ridiculously bored, but i have seen every single one of the 92 league clubs. not necessarily against latics, but i have seen latics play (at least once) every current league team they have played over the last 20 years of me following them. cant be bothered lookin at the non league teams who were league teams
  21. i have no doubt in my mind that they are bricking ginge and hughesy much more than we are fearing booth and dickinson. one is yet to prove himself higher than league 2, the other is surely past retirement age by now?
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