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Everything posted by philliggi

  1. right side, left side, who cares as long as he is in our side
  2. isnt hughes tied to us anyway as part of his probation? thought he had to stay here until next summer at least?
  3. When will this happen? How can tta let this happen? Ow will we cope? OMG what will we do? Shez out!! How long before we sink to mid table?
  4. am i missing something? i get a blank page?
  5. Hughes and Allessandra were my first choice pairing at the start of the season. glad to see i was proven right in my choice. i dont think lewis needs to be scoring more, he will never be a 20 goal a season striker imo, he is the type of player who plays off the main striker, and i have never seen a player do this as well as lewis. hughes and allessandra, the perfect partnership not thinkable at the time, but the davies headbutt could be a very big early turning point in our season, and also something which works in our favour. davies will be a very valuable member of our squad this season, i just dont believe he is to be a first choice striker for the remainder of the season. lets just hope lewis is still a tic come feb 1st
  6. so much energy, exactly what the midfield needed. anyone missing gary mac?
  7. personally dont think a town centre club shop is viable, although the jd sports/latics link up in a jd shop is a very good idea imo, and certainly worth looking into. is there a jd in town, or is it just the retail park?
  8. why isnt my team ice station donkey on there? i got 16 points
  9. tried them andy, no response. i did however get on gmr twice, they contacted me on both occassions, the second being in the pre match build up on sat for a good five mins.
  10. not really. says to me that latics are getting screwed over yet again. if they are in financial trouble they are more likely to accept a cut price offer, which in effect is what 19 mil is. figures of 25 mil have been quoted in the past.
  11. to be fair, the referee wasnt in a position to see the high foot imo, but the lino certainly was. agree though that the ref was poor, however, i have seen far worse.
  12. Today is the first day ive had off from walking, and i have to say i honestly dont think i could have walked today if i had too. The stairs are a nightmare, and im walking like a penguin. The missus walked with us back from hayfield with us, as did kidders brother and dad, and They were feeling the pressure after 16 miles, s o you can imagine how im feeling this morning. worst thing though is that im absolutely shattered. anyway, thought you might be interested in a brief summary, day to day, and a few highlights of the trip. day 1 Millwall - Colney Street (M25 London Border) After getting lost in london with kidders dodgy sat nav, we eventually arrived at the new den at 9 am, to be greeted by the news sky television hadnt bothered to show up, but the plus side was there was a strippergram in the millwall cafe so we enjoyed that, especially my dad. eventually departed around 9.45. was meant to be meeting MarkOasis who was going to do a couple of miles with us, however i dont know my westminster bridge from my london bridge and i told him the wrong one. sorry buddy. after getting a little lost near victoria station, we eventually found our way to hyde park, marble arch and onto Edgware road, which would eventually lead us all the way up to St Albans. Making it to the M25 Border was a real achievement on the first day, we expected to finish around 1 or 2 miles short, but being fit and fresh, we pushed on and were ahead of schedule. a note here about my dad, our support driver who got lost in london, and somehow managed 120 miles in 6 hours. he was a little pieved to say the least. Day 2 Colney St - Hockcliffe Typically, we slept in on day 2, not setting off until around 10am. it was our intention to start at 8 every day but so far it just wasnt happening. setting off without any breakfast we were both starving and stopped for our hours break just 3 miles into the day, in st albans. this left us with 20 miles to do without a break, and day 2 proved to be much harder than the first day. the first signs of blisters were appearing on kidders foot, and we were both yawning away at the evening meal. on the plus side though, i got to top up my tan. nettle stings made their first appearance today as well. We had some problems on the second day with the premier inn, as they had miss placed our booking, but my dad did his flirty bit with the receptionist, and she begged her boss to let us stay for the night, so we did our bit and bought her a box of chocolates. Day 3 Hockcliffe - Horton This proved to be a ridiculous day, with no clear direct route to our destination, we had to use the back roads around newport pagnall, which must have added miles onto our day. we were still walking at 7 pm, and the frustration of walking around the houses was shown when we passed the Horton sign. heads were down, and the rain mid morning didnt help. with the extended milage not helping both moral and feet, we were both relieved to see the finish line. Was nice to see a friendly face in Jeff (Inspiral Carpet) in the pub at our premier inn, who kindly bought us a pint. Day 4 Horton - Market Harbrough I will hold my hands up and say i got the milage wrong today. Before we set out, we knew it was to be the longest day of our journey, with a planned 27.9 miles, but this turned out to be more like 34, on a straight road. Kidders was finding it increasingly difficult with his blisters, and the length of this journey didnt help. We had covered around 16 miles before stopping for dinner at around 2 o clock. After making it to Northampton with no problems, the next leg of the journey took us forever. Dinner saw the change over of our support drivers, and a big thank you to my dad for doing a stirling job over the first 4 days. He was now handing over the reigns to peanut, who again over the coarse of the week, did a stirling job. by the time we had crossed the a14, our pace had slowed considerably, and we were on the virge of stopping short with around 7 miles to go. kidders had got cramp in his foot, and the heat (we had both turned red with sun burn, and dehydration was kicking in) was killing us, but we plodded on and reached our destination eventually. Thankfully, this was to be the hardest day we would experience, but again, moral was extremely low at this point. Day 5 Mkt Hbrgh - Stanton Bardon We were looking forward to the evening as we were meeting one of my dads colleagues from Speedy Hire, who were kindly buying our evening meal, and paying for our accomodation for the next two evenings. Top notch accomodation at that. During the day, things went well in the morning. we began our journey up the A6 in torrential rain, but spirits couldn't be dampened, and we stormed along, and were on the outskirts of leicester by dinner. after lunch, we made a bad decision in walking around the ring road instead of straight through the city, but these things happen. after walking past a gypsy camp, with horses grazing on the local council football pitch, and then right through an extremely rough council estate, with streets strewn with mattresses and sofas, we were glad to make it back to the country, and a relatively pleasent end to the day, up through ratby and up to Stanton Bardon. Everything seemed to go wrong in Leicester. We lost the room key, Kidders was suffering overnight with his feet, and we had no signal whatsoever on our mobiles. this was to run into the following day. Day 6 Stanton Bardon - Allestree The day had just begun, and already i had very limited battery life on my phone due to me forgetting to put it on charge. this made it extremely difficult all day to keep in contact with the support car. we had also lost the room key, which still to this day has not been found in my bag. around a mile into the journey, it became quite obvious kidders was in considerable discomfort and the decision was made as a team that it was in our best interests that he gets some medical treatment. I wont go into detail on this as he has explained above. So I was left to battle on alone, with my singing partner gone, and nobady to play stupid anagram games with, it was just a case of switching off and getting on with it. I did ok as well, making cracking progress, until dinner, where i met Peanut and Kidders in the pub for lunch. By this point, I think I had already taken a wrong turn unknowingly, and continued on the wrong path for around 4 miles. The reason I didnt notice was that the road i was on ran parallel with the road i should have been on, and i was still picking up all the town signs i was expecting too. when i eventually realised, i was around 4 miles east of where i should have been. After a detour past donnington park, i decided to take as short cut up the canal to derby, and i eventually finished the day at around half eight i think. Day 7 Allestree - Rowsley The easiest day of the journey by far. after a cracking fry up, i set out at artound 10 am, again on my own as kidders was still not 100%, All day was spent on the A6, and because of the lack of map reading involved, i was finished by 4.45pm. a good hour and half earlier than any finish time we achieved all week, and with a late start to boot. the highlight of today was seeing my first manchester sign. it might have said manchester 55 miles, but it was a sign all the same. We also made an appearance on GMR this morning, Speaking to Diane Oxbury on the breakfast show, although only a small piece, it was publicity all the same. The downside of today was that in the late stages, i began to feel my Achilles Tendon pulling on my left heel, not a problem at this stagem but it was to worsen in the latter stages of the journey. Day 8 Rowsley - Hayfield The penultimate day, and Kidders was back on the mend and decided to join me once more. I was glad of the company, and it was clear to see kidders was glad to be back, and although we didnt finish until pushing nine pm, this was probably one of our best days on the road, purely because we took other routes other than road, and we had a laugh while we were out there. We were finding it increasingly difficult to get up in a morning, and sleep was the biggest hindering factor throughout the journey. we didnt begin today until half ten, and we were both feeling aches and pains, but we pulled eachother through. we decided to go off road, and took a 4 1/2 mile bridal way, cutting around 3 miles off our journey, although the terrain was extremely difficult, and at times, we were climbing at vitually 50 degree inclines, it was better because it made a change to the heavy traffic we had been walking along side for much of the journey. it began to dawn on us how close we were to home on arrival at the hotel as we were greated by my mum and dad, who treated us to lunch. much appreciated. The final day, day 9 Hayfield - Boundary Park We had been looking forward to the final day all week. not only were friends and family walking the final leg with us, there was also a bucket collection in oldham centre on our behalf, which alone raised 200 pounds, and we met the collectors on route and together, around 20 completed the last leg from oldham to bp. as you already know we also drew the half time draw, and spoke to frannie pitch side. this was all topped off by the 4-3 win, and a curry house celebration. however, before all that, there was the small matter of the final 16 miles. typically, crossing the oldham border, we were greeted by torrential rain, and we were soaked by the time we hit oldham centre, but that didnt stop us enjoying the day. en-route, i received a phone call off jimmy wagg at gmr, who spoke to us on air for a good 3 or 4 minutes. had a good crack with him and he seemed genuinely interested in what we were about. were really feeling the achilles by the final day, and the others walking with us had to really drag me along, but the feeling we both had walking down sheepfoot lane was one i have never experienced before. as kidders has said, a big thank you to everyone who has helped us along the way. everyone who has sponsored us, and our main sponsors, Tradwin, Vital Products, www.gofixit.co.uk Speedy Hire, Premier Inn and NG Bailey. I edition, Thanks to Jacko for our t shirts, Peanut and my dad for support driving for us, Schoey for putting us up on our first night, all our walkers and bucket collectors on the last day, and to latics, the chron, the men and gmr for helping publise it. Finally the last thanks goes to kidders for pushing the pain barrier to the limit and also sending me insane with absolute nonsense during our journey. the donation page is still open until the end of the month, so if you could spare a few coppers, dr kershaws would be more than greatful. Thanks again for your support
  13. just got home now. thanks for all your support. pity i had no internet access during the walk. ill stick a summary up later, but im off out soon for a celabratory curry, and then on into town. today kidders was walking better than me. dunno if you heard but frannie took the piss out of me cos i was limping, arrived in good time (1.50pm) for kick off. the website is still open for any donations, and will be until the end of august. thanks again for everyones support.
  14. Hi all, we are setting off to millwall tonight to start our 207 mile walk back north, in time for the millwall game next sat. A mate of mine is organising a bucket collection in oldham town centre next sat, beginning at 12 midday. he is looking for volunteers to hold a bucket. if you would like to help out, please contact jataal07 by pm. also on this note, anybod wishing to accompany us on our last leg from oldham centre down to boundary park is more than welcome, and any details can be found again by pm'ing jataal07. thats it from me for a week, keep in touch with how we are getting on at www.tradwin.com see you at the millwall game Phill
  15. All the very best to all the family, Never a truer word spoken than what jacko has said, so ill just echo his sentiments.
  16. its not a new home shirt, its the same home shirt with a probable new sponsor. the poll is farcical
  17. IMO Its highly unlikely the club will get new shirts in the club shop with the new sponsor on them. when you think about it, how many people will be all that bothered its got a new sponsor on it or not? its the badge that matters and you should be proud to wear that, not the sponsor. If they are unavailable in the club shop, everybody will be in the same boat, weather you bought it last year or last week. Only the players will be up to date. It wouldnt surprise me if the new sponsors get a cut price deal, due to the fact they arnt getting maximum exposure via shirt sales
  18. I recon it would stay up. lomax, allessandra, smalley were all first choice towards the end of last season, o'grady, fleming and whittaker were first choice at their respective clubs, while stam and thompson (well respected at other clubs in this league, if not here) are a decent enough pairing. the only question marks are over stephens, black and kalala. I recon it would finish around 16th. a large chunk of where you finish is down to coaching and tactics, and under shez i think it would succeed
  19. text message numbers? ie first letter M,N or O second letter P,Q,R,S Third letter D,E,F Fourth letter, J,K or L never was good at anagrams tho so someone else can work it out then again im prob way out
  20. bp looks much more impressive as you are walking in off broadway now. seems to be huge, rather than just seeing a big blue lookers sign
  21. i agree he is slow, but as was shown tonight it doesnt hinder the back line.
  22. yes its pre season BUT i thought we held our own against a very good championship team tonight. wasnt remotely troubled, and cant remember either crossley or fleming making a save. if gregan didnt slip (these things happen from time to time, be glad its pre season) we would have won that game. yes they had players missing, but so did we in each half. defence coped really well i thought
  23. allott is the first name on the team sheet for me, every time. ive never heard of this maher before we showed an interest, so for me, he has to earn his place in there. from what i have seen of whittaker its allott and whittaker for me, in a midfield two
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