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Everything posted by philliggi

  1. Comply or die £5 to win. cheers JimiT, im £55 better off tonight so im going getting larooped to celebrate. Of course, i did have to decide weather to go for the win or each way, and that was much harder than picking the horse itself, so i think i deserve the credit
  2. Im not saying Thommo over Gregan BB, i would have gregan as back up every time to Stam and Hazell, but i dont think he will be happy with that at this stage in his career. Hazell and stam have done well this year together, and im a firm believer in the younger developing player, rather than someone who is basically playing for their pay cheque and realistically only has one season left with us at most. It is perfectly feasable Stam and Hazell could forge a partnership which will last us the next five or six years. you certainly couldnt say that about Gregan. I have always said the same about this sort of arguement, and this is why i dont like the fact Beckham is still concidered for the England team. he has no future at that level and is holding back younger players who could do a good job there.
  3. gregan does have the ability i agree, but far too often he plays the stupid pass back, plays the oppo on side, blames everyone but himself and hasnt got the pace. you cant really knock our defence this year. we have had the odd slip at Hartlepool, Luton and Today, but overall they have been steady imo. Hazell and Stam are the first choice in my eyes, with someone else as cover. weather that is Thommo or A.N.Other i dont know, but Gregan will not be happy playing back up and if thats the case he can go for me.
  4. i really want dale to do well this year. always want them to come up so we can have a proper derby. not far off auto with the games in hand are they? the form they are in, anything is possible.
  5. I would lose Gregan and Liddell, And in their place get in: Keeper Left winger Centre Half Striker Central Mid I also feel we dont need a left back, Kelvin has made that spot his own and deservedly so. We also have Black in as back up and Livermore (who i think would be the most important signing of the summer if he were to come) is more than capable of providing cover there as well. obviously if we lose any squad players we need to look at replacing them as well. I would go after Jarrett and Livermore definatly. Livermore has the quality needed to get out of this league and Jarrett is awsome on his day. granted we havent seen enough of those days yet. I wouldnt say Shez needs anybody in with experience to give him a helping hand. he proved last year he can do it between him and Tommy. we have just had an awful lot of bad luck this year. The most important signing this summer will be a physio. one who actually wants to be here. but things arnt that simple and we will probably see our squad decimated by signings in the summer, AGAIN!!!!
  6. have to say i agree with latics and england on this one. he has summed it up very well so i wont add anything further.
  7. shez is the man for the job but if he was to leave, i would be worried the only man who would take his place would be steve mcmahon. definatly wouldnt want him but it is blindingly obvious that is who we would be lumped with
  8. im fed up of hearing rumours like this. shez will be here next season no matter where we finish this season. can we have an end to all these rumour mongering threads please. we have had far too many recently and im getting bored.
  9. everyone always forgets about sean. if i remember rightly wasnt he a bigger prospect than neil?
  10. no matter how good or avarage you think he is, he is worth having in the squad for his versatility alone. he played in 4 different positions while on loan here, and i for one am sorry to see him go
  11. its outrageous they have the audacity to contemplate asking for the points back, never mind going to court over it as well. if they win in court the judge will basically be revoking any power the football league has, and you will find it becomes a test case. the likes of Luton, Bournemouth, Rotherham, Wrexham and all the others in the future will be questioning the way they are dealt with. It will be a bad day for football if Leeds United win. when is the court day anyway out of interest?
  12. he is notoriously bad, but we do always seem to win when he refs us. give all the fouls against eardley you want if we win
  13. Welcome to OWTB, Please contact a Mod or Admin if you need any help getting started (Click here). If you're feeling adventurous, head straight into the main board to chat about all things Latics (Click here). And if you're here for all the fantastic OWTB Shirts and Merchandise head over to the shop (Click here). Regards, Phill OWTB Team
  14. been thinking about this. didnt the club do a calender at the time where players acted out roles from films? if i remember correctly didnt those three players act out the film "the good, the bad and the ugly"? or am i just making that up?
  15. granted at the present time it would be madness to send him back. as you say, we dont have the strength in the squad to send him back. but would i wish to sign him for next season? no. for a big lad he doesnt win half as many headers as he should be doing, and his close control isnt what it should be either. imo there are far better prospects out there, and for what i think his wages would be there are better ways to spend our money. i would have hughes, davies and allessandra all above constantine anyday of the week. but hey, thats just my opinion. everyone is entitled to their's
  16. personally he has been a letdown during his time here. yes, he has scored two, but his general work rate, and his finishing have been nowhere. he went through again 1 on 1 with the keeper today and should have buried it but he just let the keeper take it off him. rather put a fit allessandra in there along side jarrett.
  17. dont quite think you have got the idea there rick!! Marvellous to a man ritchie has had it one, two, three, FOOOOOUUUUR!!!!
  18. that Yantarno was in the main stand today with his missus
  19. Welcome to OWTB Please contact a Mod or Admin if you need any help getting started (Click here). If you're feeling adventurous, head straight into the main board to chat about all things Latics (Click here). And if you're here for all the fantastic OWTB Shirts and Merchandise head over to the shop (Click here). Regards Phill OWTB Team
  20. Que name change to Gretna FC in the summer
  21. i dont know specifically where it is, but i work in the M35 postcode and thats just the end of broadway, or there abouts, so it shouldnt be a problem
  22. if it was their husband/father/brother/best friend/son who had done what hughes has done, i would love to see how many of the "never at my club" brigade stood by them. Hughes is paying for his wrong doings, and trying to turn his life around. i dont see why he should do this in the public eye.
  23. his attitude stinks tho, and if i remember correctly didnt endear himself to the chaddy end after he scored for Barnsley a few years back. good player but i wouldnt want him.
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