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Everything posted by philliggi

  1. Personally id go: gk Crossley (purely cos he is the only option, he is crap tho lb lomax (if as been said he is back) cb Stam cb Trotman rb macca lw Bertrand rw Taylor cm allott cm kalala st Davies st Hughes i know the midfield looks a little lightweight, but the rest of the team is by far the strongest line up possible with the players available. one thing tho, id put hazell in at right back if fit, and macca in cm in place of kalala.
  2. the northampton performance affected alot of peoples decisions, and many wont pay to see a performance like that again, however if they had been at tranmere im sure we would have seen another 1000 on the gate
  3. Im with you Mr Shankly, thats as much as i can confirm as the truth. just passing on what i hear to the masses.
  4. end of the day bb ive been in a buttie shop, found out a players mother works there and heard a bit of gossip, which is all it is at the end of the day. ive posted it on here for others too read and thats the end of that. you believe it, or dont believe it. either way doesnt bother me, but if we didnt have bits of gossip about on these boards they would be redundant.
  5. As I said at the start of this topic, i did not post this as the gospel truth, im not even 100% sure its his mother, i dont know her that well, but why would she lie? granted she is his mother and would probably put a mothers spin on it, but as i say, ive just past on what ive heard. call me a liar if ya want, no skin off my nose
  6. BB80, do you sometimes wonder why you cant see what everyone else can see? Ricketts was given STAT MAN, not MOTM, and he got given it out ofsarcasm, the whole ground errupted in laughter. like you say though, we wont know the truth until shez decides to tell us, and thats if he decides to tell us. what i posted at the start of this topic is just what ive heard off a players mother. i would never say its gospel until i hear it from the horses mouth
  7. "apparently Ricketts was told a couple of weeks ago the kids would be given a chance if he didnt up his game" Sheridan Talked to Ricketts a few weeks ago, i couldnt give you a date or precise time of the conversation. it was after this talk, not the one on thursday which ricketts injured smalley. Smalley has obviously recovered from the injury now. like i said i have not started this topic as the gospel truth, just what i have been told off smalleys mum,
  8. Havent read all the other topics on this so i apologise if this has been said. just been to the butty shop near work and Dean Smalleys mother works in there. Just found out Ricketts Has left the club due to a blazing row with sheridan on thursday night, regarding his axe from the squad. apparently Ricketts was told a couple of weeks ago the kids would be given a chance if he didnt up his game. the following training session, Ricketts went in to a a challenge with smalley and (by all accounts, remember i was speaking to smalleys mum) intentionally high tackled and put smalley out for another four week. I know its only hearsay, but if a player at boundary park is going around injuring his team mates to stop them taking his place in the starting 11, or at least challenging his place, he has no place at my club, or indeed at any club in proffessional football.
  9. three very difficult games coming up which, quite frankly i cant see us getting anything from. Then we have Port Vale at home. lose that and its curtains for mr Sheridan. seems far too scared of ringing the changes. Taylor Should NOT be on the Left, give him a chance on the right and drop Liddell Drop Ricketts (cant believe we got him for three years, worse luck), give Wolfy a chance until Hughes comes back there is no passion in the team, no desire to win, no team ethic, and no pennitration. we are failing to win every second ball, and our first touch is appauling. basic things, a managers job to correct them i wouldnt say out yet, but things need sorting quickly. Shez needs to get some balls
  10. shez would quite happy to see his own players dive in order to win an important penalty, and apparently there is a history of diving at our club, going back to the times of andy barlow in 1990. who brought him down again?
  11. got a good reception today, much better than i thought. senor coconut obviously hasnt got a big a mouth as i thought. near enough standing ovation, well done tics, the only bright spot in a really black day. rather surprised the southend fans didnt give him more stick tho, although had he scored im sure they would have voiced their thoughts of him
  12. thompson played right back last night, gregans defensive partner was trotman, who i personally thought had a decent game
  13. I agree give ricketts time, this goes for the rest of the team. we have exactly the same points total and look where we were in february. top of the league. imo we have a stronger squad to be able to sustain that until May. One thing i will say about us this year though, and this especially goes for ricketts. WHY DO WE SEEM SCARED OF SHOOTING?
  14. was a good do, i was fooked by the end of it, topped myself up from sat night. was a very shi t statistic rocky.
  15. im on a dsl, through orange. is it just a case of plugging my modem into the router instead of my laptop?
  16. call me thick as a brick, but im currently connected to the internet, using a modem, connecting the phoneline to the computer with a wire. im after getting wireless, do you have to buy the router seperate to the broadband connection, or can yu get in together? if so whats the best wireless deal around?
  17. cant do this one im afraid, bloody red mate has been inconsiderate enough to get wed on that day, one consolation tho, i should be just as drunk as you lot by time the evening comes. ill be back stronger than ever for the forest game tho
  18. ill be at the white hart mr beard, hungover, but ill be there
  19. Latics 2-1 Oxford October 21st 1996. Had to have the photo with steve redmond as my favourite player was injured (Lee Richardson).
  20. lol, jus happens to be the week Gaz and Kidders missed cheers charlie. quality signing but did fade towards the end of the season
  21. im easy for whatever. full english sounds great. pick up from the white hart is easier so im not really fussed. i voted for the full english tho.
  22. ill have one please Mr Beard. and Kidders will as well. and Rocky, Ill be in full voice defending my corner. as usual!
  23. im pretty sure LDB would quickly leave the drum at home if latics made him sit in the taped off area. would you want to sit there on ya jack? hell, maybe thats the solution to all our problems then!!!
  24. a drum is there to start chants and then go quiet once it is in full flow. this drum continues throughout the chant (out of tune) so whats the point of it? i say keep a drum, but play it very selectively, and if there is already a chant going keep out of it. the suggestion about the trust organising something is a good one. maybe if we all ganged up on him and started anti drummer chants he would get the message Sack the drum sack the drum sack the drum!! sack the drum sack the drum sack the drum, sack the drum sack the drum sack the drum, sack the drum, SACK THE DRUM!!!!!!!
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