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I have no confidence that we will get the job done in game 7. We are letting way too many shots on goal.






ps. Ackey is a scaredy cat.

Not as scared as the 'kin Devs mate!! Still scared though. :blush:



I'm admittedly coming from a beer addled memory - but was Paul Martin not the worst player in the history of the world last night!?!


Oh, and if we do get through we're then going to get the redhot Caps!! :shock:

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Not as scared as the 'kin Devs mate!! Still scared though. :blush:



I'm admittedly coming from a beer addled memory - but was Paul Martin not the worst player in the history of the world last night!?!


Oh, and if we do get through we're then going to get the redhot Caps!! :shock:



Yeah he was rubbish. Way off the pace. That shocking clearance/pass/whatever it was that lead to the first goal....oh my god!

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Anyone else feel that a smug BigFin and a series of dancing bananas are imminent?


Nah.. that old hat that...




Evgeni Nabokov, Patrick Marleau, Joe Thornton*, Todd McLellan - your Boys took one HELL of a beating!


What a performance from the Ducks and Hiller especially... outshot, outpowered, but ultimately outplaying the best team in the league... fantastic stuff... now just have to do it all over again...


Well Chuffed , nuff said. ^_^:)





*obviously this in no way refers to the hammering he gave Getzlaf at the start of the game!

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2 goals in the last 1:20...


Oh dear, oh dear.... the CandyCanes are back!


Gonna have to be a Ducks V Pens Stanley cup final then...




So, the big question is... who is your new playoff team NJ Massive? :wink:

Gutted doesn't begin to describe it. Massive, Epic, Heartbreaking FAIL!!


I've already taken the Caps on as my Fav's for the cup. The way they've come back against a decent Rangers team is outstanding and Ovechkin is just so much fun to watch.


But as before - I'd be happy for one of your teams to go all the way just to excuse us all getting together for a game and a beer.

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2 goals in the last 1:20...


Oh dear, oh dear.... the CandyCanes are back!


Gonna have to be a Ducks V Pens Stanley cup final then...




So, the big question is... who is your new playoff team NJ Massive? :wink:



Gutted. Saying that, we only played really well in the opening game, and by and large the better team won. Still gutted though.


I'm picking the Pens. I think the Caps will beat them, but I really like Crosby so that who I am going with.

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I'm picking the Pens. I think the Caps will beat them, but I really like Crosby so that who I am going with.


Good man :wink:


Gutted for you guys, would have been nice if we'd all made it through. Harsh way to lose, especially following Game 4 as well...


Think we've got a shot at the Caps...they've had our number most of the season but as the year wore on we got better against them...if we can stop taking daft penalties and Sid can compose himself for the big occasion (he's struggled against Ovechkin this year) then we're in with a decent shout. Gonna be tough, but you've got to beat everyone at some point...


Just noticed too the first game of our series is a 1pm on Saturday...lash up in Walsall and stumble home to see the Pens are one game up, couldn't work out nicer!

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Signed up for the 'Stanley Cup Playoffs Challenge' thing on the NHL site...my predictions:


San Jose to beat Anaheim in 6

Detroit to beat Columbus in 5

Vancouver to beat St Louis in 5

Chicago to beat Calgary in 6


Boston to beat Montreal in 4

Washington to beat New York in 5

New Jersey to beat Carolina in 7

Pittsburgh to beat Philadelphia in 5


That leaves me 2500th ish out of 79000ish. Good start! (though just because of the lucky correct guess on goals scored in the Detroit series...)


Round 2:


Detroit to beat Anaheim in 5

Vancouver to beat Chicago in 7


Carolina to beat Boston in 6

Pittsburgh to beat Washington in 4

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San Jose to beat Anaheim in 7


Detroit to beat Columbus in 4


Vancouver to lose to St Louis in 5

One game out

Chicago to beat Calgary in 6


Boston to beat Montreal in 4


Washington to beat New York in 6

One game out

New Jersey/Carolina - I don't guess my own teams.


Pittsburgh to beat Philadelphia in 6




Not bad. :D

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Pittsburgh to lose to Washington in 7


Just got a feeling on the Pens...there's a lot to be said for momentum yes, but we've had a nice little break whilst Washington have been having to play out of their skins to come back in a gruelling series and I reckon if we can come at them fresh on Saturday evening (afternoon) and nick the first game then we'll go on to rout them. Like I said, just a feeling...

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Just got a feeling on the Pens...there's a lot to be said for momentum yes, but we've had a nice little break whilst Washington have been having to play out of their skins to come back in a gruelling series and I reckon if we can come at them fresh on Saturday evening (afternoon) and nick the first game then we'll go on to rout them. Like I said, just a feeling...

I can see you winning game one. But the Rangers had them on the ropes - look how that turned out!

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Detroit to beat Anaheim in 6

Vancouver to beat Chicago in 6


Carolina to lose to Boston in 7

Pittsburgh to lose to Washington in 7



I'll go:


Detroit to beat Anaheim in 5

Chicago to beat Vancouver in 7


Carolina to beat Boston 6

Washington to beat Pittsburgh in 6

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'nucks now 5-0 in the post season! What've they been eating!?


Elsewhere the Phoenix have dropped out of the Elite League by choice, instead of being pushed, as they can not compete financially with the Bigger teams and their breaking of the 'cap.


More >here<

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AAAARRRRGGGH! Godamned sodding Swedish dirty frigging Swedish Bastards!!!!!!! AAAAAARRRRGGGHHH!


Bloody Nicklas Lidstrom....

Bloody Hitting the Metalwork too many times and getting a taste of what happened to the sharks in R1

Bloody Mikey Brown beiing ejected meaning our penalty kill was screwed... and facing a possible suspension..

Bloody Hiller giving up one too many rebounds...

Bloody Bobby Ryan missing an open net in the 3rd...

Bloody Swedes..

Bloody Redwings....


Fantastic game of Hockey though.... 2 teams top of form going right at each other. Was reading a report on NHL.com last night who said that we are seeing what should be the conference finals in this round with the Wings V Ducks & Caps V Pens - I'll put a bet on right now that whomever wins these ties will be in the final for the cup... Didnt actually realise how dominant the Ducks and Wings have been in the post season since 2003, the clear win leaders by a clear distance.... with the dicks 10 ahead of the wings!


you gotta love the playoffs... Bring on Game 2.

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Mammoth! If anything the Wings have taught us in the last couple of playoffs is that they're gash in triple overtime :wink:


Good for the Ducks to get the 'break'...though as I said to BigFin at Walsall, you've got to take the close games against the Wings or it could cost you. Fingers crossed Game 1 doesn't come back to bite you on the backside, but huge, huge win...

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Mammoth! If anything the Wings have taught us in the last couple of playoffs is that they're gash in triple overtime :wink:


Good for the Ducks to get the 'break'...though as I said to BigFin at Walsall, you've got to take the close games against the Wings or it could cost you. Fingers crossed Game 1 doesn't come back to bite you on the backside, but huge, huge win...




Yeah, Longest game in the playoffs since some other team fluked a win against them, cant remember who...


Just a fantastic game of playoff hockey, both 'keepers on fire and both team determined to batter the crap out of each other.... well thats 120 minutes of regulation time and barely a gnats whisker between them... this is going to be sodding tight... as you say JSS, it will just come down to the breaks...


Glad to be going back to Anaheim, not because I think the Ducks are good there, just as it is not in detroit... I know I've never been but on TV it looks the most intimidating stadium in the NHL... but I suppose when you have battered the Sharks at the shark tank it doesn't really matter :)


Great stuff... Getzlaf and Hiller - best two players in the post-season so far... :hooked:


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