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Now, there are lots of films I am very excited about in 2009... Terminator:Salvation, Star Trek, Avatar, Transformers 2 (first trailer this sunday during the superbowl - awesome) ... however there is nothing like a good viral marketing campaign to get me really interested...






..and the original short film it is all based on...


Alive In Joburg


Very excited, very excited indeed...


well, until sunday when we get the first glimpse of...



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On the subject of 09 films...I saw Valkyrie yesterday, really good.


Just Slumdog, Defiance, Seven Pounds and Benjamin Button (when it comes out) to check off my 'to watch' list...


Thought Valkyrie was very very average, tbh... an interesting story, but they just didnt set up the motivation behind it all really... ended up seeming like a bunch of people trying to overthrow Hitler as they are a bit bored...


Slumdog is amazing, truly brilliant.... and have the other three on DVD :wink: and will see how I go with them...


As for the maths test... well, your luck is obviously better than mine when randomly selecting the answers on the last few...

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On the subject of 09 films...I saw Valkyrie yesterday, really good.


Just Slumdog, Defiance, Seven Pounds and Benjamin Button (when it comes out) to check off my 'to watch' list...


Got them all on DVD and theyre all good films. Benjamin Button is a bit long though, paused it an hour and half in and realised I was only half way through the film, good though.


Defiance is very good if you can get past Daniel Craigs acting.


Slumdog is awesome. Nothing more to say really.


Seven Pounds is slow but when youve finished watching it you think, yeah that was ok, but for the majority of it you are bored and feel its dragging.


Got Frost Nixon but not seen it yet. Watching the Reader and Revolutionary Road tonight :)

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Thought Valkyrie was very very average, tbh... an interesting story, but they just didnt set up the motivation behind it all really... ended up seeming like a bunch of people trying to overthrow Hitler as they are a bit bored...


Slumdog is amazing, truly brilliant.... and have the other three on DVD :wink: and will see how I go with them...


As for the maths test... well, your luck is obviously better than mine when randomly selecting the answers on the last few...


Hmmm, I do wonder how you'd 'set up' the motivation...I guess it sort of goes without saying and it is set out really in the diary at the start. That diary too made it clear that his motive was not his war injuries, which I guess is pretty important. Just thought it was really well done and ultimately entertaining, which is what really you're looking for from a film...especially when you know how it's going to end anyway...


And for the maths, I worked out one of the latter ones...and let's say the other one was an 'educated guess' rather than a complete stab in the dark (which may or may not actually be the case...).

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I did the maths thing and was slightly disappointed to only get 6, but I think one of the ones the right answer wasn't given (having spent some time working it out) but I could be mistaken as its been a few years since I did maths as complicated as that.

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I did the maths thing and was slightly disappointed to only get 6, but I think one of the ones the right answer wasn't given (having spent some time working it out) but I could be mistaken as its been a few years since I did maths as complicated as that.


Excuses :wink:


The one in which you had to square X at some point was easy enough to work out. The other 4 were guesswork...

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Excuses :wink:


The one in which you had to square X at some point was easy enough to work out. The other 4 were guesswork...


And the answers are...


Getting all 10 correct gives a congratulatory message:

Congratulations, you answered 10/10 correctly. It appears that you are well within our baseline standards for this program. Please press continue for further enrollment details.

Clicking on the "continue" button currently leads to a 404 error screen on MNU.com.

(The URL that you were brought to when you click on "continue" was entered wrong by the creator of the site. The real url is http://www.multinationalunited.com/#/9 . The "index.html" should not have been placed in the original URL in which caused the original URL to bring up the "404 Error" screen. -- incidentally, it still shows a 404)




[edit] Test Answers

There are several versions of the test, so these answers are in no particular order.


Question Answer

Solve: x + 2 = 7 = 5

Solve: 48 - 6y = 2y = 6

Solve: 2x + 1 = 17 = 8

Solve: 7(14 - 2) = 84

Solve: -14 + -14 = -28

Solve: x/3 + 2 = 7 = 15

Solve: 144 / 4 = 36

Solve: 4(x - 3) = x - 15 = -1

Solve: x + 3 / 2 = 9 = 15

Solve: 3x = 21 = 7

Solve: 1/2 + 1/4 = 3/4

Solve: 17 - 42 = -25

Factor: 4x^2 - 12x + 9 = (2x - 3)^2

Solve: x^3 + 64x = 16x^2 = (0 and 8)

Find the vertex of the parabola represented by the equation: y^2 + 4y + x + 3 = 0 = (1, -2)

Compute: lim(x->3) (4x^2 - 5x - 13)/(x^2 - 5) = 2

Factor: x^2 + 10x + 25 = (x + 5)^2

Solve: x^2 + 6x - 27 = 0 = (-9, 3)

Solve: [x - 5] - 10 = 2 = {-7, 17}

Solve: 1/t-1 + 1/t+2 = 1/2 = (4, -1)

Solve for x and y if: 2x + 5y = 41 and 2x + y = 13 = (3, 7)

Differentiate y = (x^3 + 5x + 1)(3x + 2) = 3x^3 + 9x^2 + 30x + 13

Solve: 3/x - 1/2x = 5/4 = 2

Solve for x: log(5)x = 2log(5)10 = 100

Let f(z) = (z^6(z - 5)^3) / (z + 2i)^2(z - i)^4(z - 8).

Evaluate Integral [[z] = 4] f '(z) / f(z) dz. = 0

Calculate the value of the integral J = Integral [0->Infinity] x^-1/3 / x + 1 dx. = pi / sin(2pi/3)

Calculate the value of the integral I = Integral [0->Infinity] sin(x) / x dx. = pi/2


So, it doesnt work anyway at the moment... but lets see in the future....

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