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NHL Off Season 2009

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John Tavares has the honour of being the first player drafted in to the NHL 2009. Shame for him that he then has to go play for the Isles.


I've lost interest now, as there's no way I'll still be awake by the time the Dev's get a pick. My Twitter feed's gonna be busy tomorrow morning.

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For the record I know nothing about prospects. I just love draft day trading... like the Ducks trading Pronger to the Flyers!!! Madness!


Thoroughly happy with the old Draft weekend... except for the ridiculous amount of good young swedish players coming through... I hope they all get ruined playing in some two-bit AHL farm team...


As for the Ducks - all very happy. God is staying for another season, and Niedermeyer saying he was staying too meant we could trade Pronger for essentially a 25 goal a season forward, and the opportunity for three first round picks, which are pretty essential for the rebuilding....


Now, all we have to do is convince someone its worth taking over Giguere's contract and the rebuilding can really begin!

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As ever no major excitement for a Stanley Cup champion, main story was signing a Samuelsson which makes me think the D we drafted first wasn't a huge story (I can't remember his name actually!) but fingers crossed.


Pens hopes depend on signing up the free agents: Gill, Scuderi and Guerin all become free on 1st July. Will be an interesting day.


Also Mr I'm Leaving To Win A Stanley Cup is free again, anyone want him? Wonder if he'll go for a long term deal this time or opt for another ultimately and hilariously failed short term shot at the trophy...

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Give over. Parise was immense for the entire season, how he didn't make the NHL's first team is beyond me. Oh, wait, no... it's because he's a Dev and everyone still thinks we're negative. BS NHL fans/journo's for your!

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Holy mother of God! Gomer has gone to the Habs! 7 player trade! I'd have loved him back. They clearly have their eyes set on a cup run now they've offloaded that :censored: bag who owns Liverpool.


Madden and Gionta are free agents this year... Don't see either of them moving to be honest. Madden had a poorer season than normal and Gionta isn't really going to top wanted lists. They're both just grafters who fit a Devils style better than they will anyone elses.

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Holy mother of God! Gomer has gone to the Habs! 7 player trade! I'd have loved him back. They clearly have their eyes set on a cup run now they've offloaded that :censored: bag who owns Liverpool.


Madden and Gionta are free agents this year... Don't see either of them moving to be honest. Madden had a poorer season than normal and Gionta isn't really going to top wanted lists. They're both just grafters who fit a Devils style better than they will anyone elses.


Is that the negative, hard-working style that you just denied you have in the previous post? :wink:

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Is that the negative, hard-working style that you just denied you have in the previous post? :wink:

I denied we have a negative style, not a hard working style. People still talk as if we play the damn trap. I wish we would, but we don't!! :)


I love both Gionta and Madden. Devs at heart. But I think it's time for one or the other to be moved on and for some restructuring. Problem is that without a coach that's not easy to do and of the two Madden is more likely to move, but is the better of the two IMO.


Plus if Johnny M left Dave might top himself.

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Unenthralled by Mike Rupp, we'll see.

Yeah. He's one of those players. He's a Devil; reliable, hardworking, consistent. He'll not change your team like some would but he'll certainly add to it. I'd have been happy to see him stay. That said some of the things he's reported to have said make me laugh.


He failed to step up in the post season and he's had the audacity to come out and say that we let him down. Jackass.

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Gutted Gill's gone...Scuderi too but Hal's frigging awesome.

I'm stunned. How the Hawks are coming in under the cap I don't know!?


We're going to have a hard season this year. I'd be happy to maintain our streak in the playoff but unless we move quickly I don't think we will.


We'll miss Johnny M, but then we've lost players before who people said we'd never replace and gone on to be a bigger and better team.

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I'm stunned. How the Hawks are coming in under the cap I don't know!?


We're going to have a hard season this year. I'd be happy to maintain our streak in the playoff but unless we move quickly I don't think we will.


We'll miss Johnny M, but then we've lost players before who people said we'd never replace and gone on to be a bigger and better team.



You cant replace Johnny M...he is a legend. Like Michael Owen, John Madden is "the Athlete, the Ambassador, the Icon"...irreplaceable!

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BigFin in 'Ducks sign a Finn but doesn't even mention it for two days' shocker


Are you alive?




I've had my head in the sand all week... mental at work, havent checked any NHL news... but thanks for the push... so, heres the response I just had when I went on the ducks webpage...


:pray::shock::pow::censored: Me :banana3::dance::applause1::imnotworthy::drinking45:


Just fantastic, fantastic stuff. The only non-Jokerit originating Finnish player I genuinely love... I actually have his name and number on the back of my Finland shirt (partially because I sent my mum to get it and she got mixed up!) ... but this has absolutely blown me away... to get the cance to watch my two favourite players of all time (well, along with Jari Kurri) on most probably the same line for an entire season will be fantastic.... and building up to the Olympics this can only be great for finland...


And the ducks... well we now have two first line centres, and have virtually doubled out 2nd and 3rd line scoring ability already this close season.


Could be interesting this year... I tells ya... <_<:first:

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