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It seems that Semanya (sp?) may have some tough questions already- she has been found to have 3x the level of testosterone than would be expected of a woman (although I'm sure that athletes probably have a high level of testosterone anyway) as part of her 'genetic profiling' things don't look good for her as this tends to make people think she's either more man than should be allowed or she's a doper.

Is it only me and BT that finds this unimaginably cruel? If she's been at the drugs then fair enough, if she's a bloke who's had the old Eastern Blok nip and tuck fair enough, but if she's a girl who's a bit of a freak then why should she have to be sat in front of the world's media having the whole business discussed? It's fairly well established that she is human, which I think establishes her as being qualified to enter the games, and it seems that the midwife thought she was a girl. That's good enough for me. Assuming she is of the genetic oddity type, she has probably spent her whole life being tormented about it and now she's being held up in front of the world. Sports administrators really are pricks.

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Is it only me and BT that finds this unimaginably cruel? If she's been at the drugs then fair enough, if she's a bloke who's had the old Eastern Blok nip and tuck fair enough, but if she's a girl who's a bit of a freak then why should she have to be sat in front of the world's media having the whole business discussed? It's fairly well established that she is human, which I think establishes her as being qualified to enter the games, and it seems that the midwife thought she was a girl. That's good enough for me. Assuming she is of the genetic oddity type, she has probably spent her whole life being tormented about it and now she's being held up in front of the world. Sports administrators really are pricks.


I find it cruel as well. (I never said otherwise). If she's a cheat then fair enough. However, if she has always been a girl as far as she's concerned because that's how she appeared to the midwives/doctors then I think its a bit distasteful and part of me keeps questioning how such confidential information keeps getting out. If she hadn't have been better at running 800m than all the world no one would have bothered but because she was (and people complained about her 'manliness') she has to go through all this rigmarole. But without the rules and regulations and keeness on finding cheats (even retroactively- they can keep testing samples for ages) athletics would be a different sport all together.

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Not too fussed myself. She's been caught like the thick kid at school changing his reportcards E's to B's.


Knocked SEVEN seconds off her best time? Give us a break, what's next Usain Bolt running the 100m in two seconds?



NB. And moreover, in good old fashioned OldhamSheridan thinking, she looks guilty. Like them McCann's did.

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Not too fussed myself. She's been caught like the thick kid at school changing his reportcards E's to B's.


Knocked SEVEN seconds off her best time? Give us a break, what's next Usain Bolt running the 100m in two seconds?



NB. And moreover, in good old fashioned OldhamSheridan thinking, she looks guilty. Like them McCann's did.


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