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Proposed site of new ground

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Translation: 'Corporal Jones isn't keeping things in perspective because he won't meekly accept that a 12000-capacity stadium doesn't signal the end of any ambition on the part of the club to play at a higher level, and often says so on OWTB. This makes him comparable to edbaNger hunter, who gets so upset about posts on a message board that he invites people to meet him in the Chaddy, and has an image of himself being played by Sean Bean in a bad film.'


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Translation: 'Corporal Jones isn't keeping things in perspective because he won't meekly accept that a 12000-capacity stadium doesn't signal the end of any ambition on the part of the club to play at a higher level, and always bangs on about it on OWTB. This makes him comparable to edbaNger hunter, who gets so upset about posts on a message board that he invites people to meet him in the Chaddy, and has an image of himself being played by Sean Bean in a bad film.'


Fixed that for you. :grin:

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Well why would you suggest that the thought of meeting him could mean that. You posted 'invites people to meet him in the Chaddy, and has an image of himself being played by Sean Bean in a bad film.'. What are you trying to imply?



Sorry, got it. You think he wants to be a Yaaarkshireman with a bad Cockerney accent?

Edited by footy68
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Well why would you suggest that the thought of meeting him could mean that. You posted 'invites people to meet him in the Chaddy, and has an image of himself being played by Sean Bean in a bad film.'. What are you trying to imply?



Sorry, got it. You think he wants to be a Yaaarkshireman with a bad Cockerney accent?




I don't know what he wants apart from maybe counselling.

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11 pages long - quality


how many threads have we had now on just the new ground?


but it nearly always comes down to the people who dont share CJ's views, having a go at him - superb


just for the record we are being sold out moving to Failsworth in a poxy, crappy, 12000 lifeless dump


other clubs aim for the top, we aim for almost the bottom, and its astounding that tics fans are happy with it

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11 pages long - quality


how many threads have we had now on just the new ground?


but it nearly always comes down to the people who dont share CJ's views, having a go at him - superb


just for the record we are being sold out moving to Failsworth in a poxy, crappy, 12000 lifeless dump


other clubs aim for the top, we aim for almost the bottom, and its astounding that tics fans are happy with it



All you know so far is the location and the proposed capacity. Is it 1 of those or both that have led you to conclude it will be poxy, crappy (aren't they the same?), lifeless and a dump (same as poxy and crappy really)?


That's quality judgement. At least Corp's link between capacity and ambition has some basis in fact, whether you agree with it or not. Yours lack any logic at all and are just based on prejudice.

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its a 12000 stadium, do i have to see it first before i say its gonna be poxy and crappy? really real get real eh


and just for the record i heard its gonna be designed like an american baseball ground - think what you want with that, but either way we are being forced to settle for second best and there is no way the failsworth supporters can get around that

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its a 12000 stadium, do i have to see it first before i say its gonna be poxy and crappy? really real get real eh


and just for the record i heard its gonna be designed like an american baseball ground - think what you want with that, but either way we are being forced to settle for second best and there is no way the failsworth supporters can get around that


Someone has been winding you up.

Baseball is played in a V shaped field with an open end

Why on earth would we build a stadium that shape, and how would a football pitch fit in that shape.

But in terms of the covered bit [as long as it is all around] it makes no difference as far as I can see.


PS you get beer, hot dogs etc delivered to your seat!


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its a 12000 stadium, do i have to see it first before i say its gonna be poxy and crappy? really real get real eh


and just for the record i heard its gonna be designed like an american baseball ground - think what you want with that, but either way we are being forced to settle for second best and there is no way the failsworth supporters can get around that


"get real" - brilliant, can't wait for "Creepy Live at the Apollo [supported by Jack Dee]".


Who'd you "hear" it off then? The voices in your head or are you sharing a crystal ball with ghostie?


Maybe you and he should look at the FACTS in our history before deciding that 12ooo is too small - how many times since we got in the prem have we filled the ground?


4000 extra seats at £1k each = £4m for us to sell them maybe 6 times a season at £20 a time in the championship if we are lucky (an extra £480k) or maybe never in this league, well, maybe once (or maybe not) - an extra £80k.

Great deal for £4m spent. I'd rather see that money on the pitch getting us promoted instead of spent on 4000 seats that are never, ever, even anywhere near used in this league.


Funny, that it seems like not spending money on 4000 seats can be turned into an argument FOR ambition isn't it?

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For me, a 12,000 capacity stadium is a way of saying "no bigger than the Championship".


Personally I feel that's a realistic ambition. It's the right level for Oldham to be playing at.


While I admire the sustained "success" of Bolton, Wigan and Blackburn it has been achieved with big financial backing. Latics don't have that. Other ex-Premierships sides like Barnsley, Bradford and Swindon are where Oldham Athletic sit ... anyone can sneak in to the top flight but these clubs couldn't sustain it.


Should the stadium have a design that allows for expansion in the future? I would like to think so.


I would prefer the side to continue playing at an enhanced BP. I take the owners at their word when they say this can't happen. I want Latics to be more successful than they are now. A new stadium can be part of achieving this.


But I do share the Corporal's concern that without bigger financial investment in the team (which the current owners don't look likely to provide from their own pockets) how will a side playing in a shiny new stadium lift themselves out of the division?


Location? If it's not BP I don't really care - I'll be driving. There are pros and cons in Failsworth, but I think they balance out. I do think better facilities will mean bigger crowds. I'm not convinced that increase in income (and decrease in maintenance costs?) will be enough to do anything more than stop the owners losing money though,


Let's get the new ground built. And then find a sugar Daddy to replace TTA with. One that sees it as a hobby and doesn't run the club in to the ground.


Great deal for £4m spent. I'd rather see that money on the pitch getting us promoted instead of spent on 4000 seats that are never, ever, even anywhere near used in this league.

Your point actually makes a lot of sense. The alternative, to help build fan base, could be a Huddersfield style £100/£150 season ticket offer that gets close to filling the stadium week in week out. That would begin to generate a pride, belief and longer term support that could be the impetus that lifts the club higher.


Could Latics sell £150 season tickets to 8,000+ people (£1.2m) instead of 2,700 x £350 ones (£945k).


The economics of lower league football are a tough cookie to crack, and I hope TTA (or whoever owns the club in the future) get it right.

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Someone has been winding you up.

Baseball is played in a V shaped field with an open end

Why on earth would we build a stadium that shape, and how would a football pitch fit in that shape.

But in terms of the covered bit it makes no difference as far as I can see.


PS you get beer, hot dogs etc delivered to your seat!



nice ground that, beer and hot dogs delivered to our seats - yes please!


the pitch will obviously be square, but whats wrong with it being in a baseball style?

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nice ground that, beer and hot dogs delivered to our seats - yes please!


the pitch will obviously be square, but whats wrong with it being in a baseball style?


Rectangular hopefully?


So, by baseball style do you mean some sort of seating and roofing arrangement?


The only distinctive feature of a baseball stadium stand from a football stadium is the orientation of stands to the playing area and the shape of said area, so where are you going with this?

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Could Latics sell £150 season tickets to 8,000+ people (£1.2m) instead of 2,700 x £350 ones (£945k).


The economics of lower league football are a tough cookie to crack, and I hope TTA (or whoever owns the club in the future) get it right.



I'm not getting into that one again, other than to say, I don't think so, and that your figures don't account for pay-on-the-days.


However, kids tickets at the current price of £50 a season could see kids who can't get & can't afford tickets at manure, who would never dream of going to citeh, turn up at an OAFC ground. After 5 years, would they keep going? Who knows, but that's tyhe way to target a bigger crowd imho.

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"get real" - brilliant, can't wait for "Creepy Live at the Apollo [supported by Jack Dee]".


Who'd you "hear" it off then? The voices in your head or are you sharing a crystal ball with ghostie?


Maybe you and he should look at the FACTS in our history before deciding that 12ooo is too small - how many times since we got in the prem have we filled the ground?


4000 extra seats at £1k each = £4m for us to sell them maybe 6 times a season at £20 a time in the championship if we are lucky (an extra £480k) or maybe never in this league, well, maybe once (or maybe not) - an extra £80k.

Great deal for £4m spent. I'd rather see that money on the pitch getting us promoted instead of spent on 4000 seats that are never, ever, even anywhere near used in this league.


Funny, that it seems like not spending money on 4000 seats can be turned into an argument FOR ambition isn't it?


id actually like to perform alongside frankie boyle - and i have got voices yeh and they tell me you are a dick, who is easily wound up, and they are correct again


but anyway, you can throw as many figures as you want at me but the fact is, is when this stadium is built TTA are out of here, with millions in the bank, and we are left in league 1 with a league 1 capacity stadium


Thanks for saving us TTA, but were is our championship football boys?

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id actually like to perform alongside frankie boyle - and i have got voices yeh and they tell me you are a dick, who is easily wound up, and they are correct again


but anyway, you can throw as many figures as you want at me but the fact is, is when this stadium is built TTA are out of here, with millions in the bank, and we are left in league 1 with a league 1 capacity stadium


Thanks for saving us TTA, but were is our championship football boys?



"The fact is". And you're calling me a dick. Who's easily wound up? You're like a blood kids toy.


I throw figures, you throw crystal ball predictions. Btw, where are the millions coming from? Is the BP site worth £50m or more? Give me some sort of cost analysis or are you just working up the ££££s in your head based on all the bullcrap you've got floating in there?



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"get real" - brilliant, can't wait for "Creepy Live at the Apollo [supported by Jack Dee]".


Who'd you "hear" it off then? The voices in your head or are you sharing a crystal ball with ghostie?


Maybe you and he should look at the FACTS in our history before deciding that 12ooo is too small - how many times since we got in the prem have we filled the ground?


4000 extra seats at £1k each = £4m for us to sell them maybe 6 times a season at £20 a time in the championship if we are lucky (an extra £480k) or maybe never in this league, well, maybe once (or maybe not) - an extra £80k.

Great deal for £4m spent. I'd rather see that money on the pitch getting us promoted instead of spent on 4000 seats that are never, ever, even anywhere near used in this league.


Funny, that it seems like not spending money on 4000 seats can be turned into an argument FOR ambition isn't it?





For the two millionth time-ground capacity has nothing whatsoever to do with how often you fill your ground. Few clubs in the entire Football League fill their grounds on a regular basis. It's about where a club wants to be. Grounds as small as the one being proposed for Latics are almost all concentrated at the lower end of the FL. This makes some people think that this is where Latics now expect to see out the rest of their days-which is curious when you consider that we have managed to get more than 12000 on numerous occasions even while at the level we're at now.


As for the figures you give-since when did you become an expert on the cost of football ground seating? Of course those who favour a very small stadium are going to come up with figures that favour their argument, but even if what you say were true (you offer no evidence), if you believe that the supposed £4 million saved would be spent on players, I suggested you join ed at his counselling sessions.

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For me, a 12,000 capacity stadium is a way of saying "no bigger than the Championship".


Personally I feel that's a realistic ambition. It's the right level for Oldham to be playing at.


While I admire the sustained "success" of Bolton, Wigan and Blackburn it has been achieved with big financial backing. Latics don't have that. Other ex-Premierships sides like Barnsley, Bradford and Swindon are where Oldham Athletic sit ... anyone can sneak in to the top flight but these clubs couldn't sustain it.


Should the stadium have a design that allows for expansion in the future? I would like to think so.


I would prefer the side to continue playing at an enhanced BP. I take the owners at their word when they say this can't happen. I want Latics to be more successful than they are now. A new stadium can be part of achieving this.


But I do share the Corporal's concern that without bigger financial investment in the team (which the current owners don't look likely to provide from their own pockets) how will a side playing in a shiny new stadium lift themselves out of the division?


Location? If it's not BP I don't really care - I'll be driving. There are pros and cons in Failsworth, but I think they balance out. I do think better facilities will mean bigger crowds. I'm not convinced that increase in income (and decrease in maintenance costs?) will be enough to do anything more than stop the owners losing money though,


Let's get the new ground built. And then find a sugar Daddy to replace TTA with. One that sees it as a hobby and doesn't run the club in to the ground.



Your point actually makes a lot of sense. The alternative, to help build fan base, could be a Huddersfield style £100/£150 season ticket offer that gets close to filling the stadium week in week out. That would begin to generate a pride, belief and longer term support that could be the impetus that lifts the club higher.


Could Latics sell £150 season tickets to 8,000+ people (£1.2m) instead of 2,700 x £350 ones (£945k).


The economics of lower league football are a tough cookie to crack, and I hope TTA (or whoever owns the club in the future) get it right.





If the Championship is a realistic level for Latics, why is a ground with a smaller capacity than we have sometimes managed to exceed while even struggling at this level being proposed?


Wigan and Blackburn, fair enough, but where was Bolton's big finacial backing when they started their climb into the Premiership in the mid-late 1990s? The reason why Latics didn't sustain top-flight status (which would have been difficult even under the best of circumstances, admittedly) was because no additional backing was sought that might have kept us up there long enough for the TV money and parachute payments etc etc to kick in. There was actually very little difference between the likes of Blackburn and Bolton and the other clubs you mention until the 1990s. As for Wigan...


There will be no sugar daddy for a club that builds a stadium that screams nothing other than an ambition to tick over at lower division level. Why would anybody looking to invest in a football club not look for one that has genuine ambitions in the first place, as opposed to one that can always but always come up with an excuse as to why it can't compete with similar clubs in similar towns?

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