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Enough is Enough

Guest FyldeBlue

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All of a sudden the OWTB boards have turned into The Corporal Jones Show.


I've had enough of it and him, the whole site is being ruined by his constant wind ups, no matter who posts, Ok it may bring in the revenue, but sadly I suspect it is also an attempt to stir up trouble against the Club and the Directors.


Cheerio OWTB, when the JKL site disappeared I was of the opinion that at last we, as decent supporters would get a website for everyone to comment, air their views and discuss the club, the last two weeks have become so boring, it's no longer of any interest to me, I hope others don't start feeling the same. :disappointed:

Fylde Blue

Did you forget about the first time you did this?

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Thanks for the memory of what was once a friendly, interesting website in OWTB, with at last some hope that the Latics fans had managed to escape from the hell hole of JKLatics.


Sadly this has now become the life and times of Corporal Jones and personally I'm sick to death of it, thanks OWTB moderators for at least trying to make it something worthwhile, sadly being ruined before your eyes.


Cheers and cheerio to everyone, sincerely hope that the club problems get sorted, I've had my say in the past so no more and to be honest I don't have time or inclination to spare on this continual drivel and belittling of the club, the players and management and indeed the other OWTB members, by this individual.


Fyldeblue. :grin:


You could just skip reading his posts, I've started to do that.

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Thanks for the memory of what was once a friendly, interesting website in OWTB, with at last some hope that the Latics fans had managed to escape from the hell hole of JKLatics.


Sadly this has now become the life and times of Corporal Jones and personally I'm sick to death of it, thanks OWTB moderators for at least trying to make it something worthwhile, sadly being ruined before your eyes.


Cheers and cheerio to everyone, sincerely hope that the club problems get sorted, I've had my say in the past so no more and to be honest I don't have time or inclination to spare on this continual drivel and belittling of the club, the players and management and indeed the other OWTB members, by this individual.


Fyldeblue. :grin:



I find this rather amusing. Surely the main gripe against jklatics and other boards in the end was the amount of cyber warriors just keyboarding insults, swearing and no debating. Now you may not hold corps views, nor wish to stress them half as much however, you really couldn't bundle him/her into the afore mentioned gripe.


Further it's far from me to protect, support and stick up for the mods (they seem quite capable of that themselves, sometimes in a pack mentality way too!!!!) but on this occasion I really have to. How can you say thanks for trying to make something worthwhile whilst indicating they have failed due to allowing the corp and yourself the right to air your individual points of view in a non cyber adult debating way?.


Hopefully having slept on things you'll feel a bit of an oaf about this and just come back saying so and get on with things. I can't say I've ever noticed I agree entirely with your posted opinions or not, but am sure I've read your posts in the same measure and manner as everyone elses.

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So now you can reply to your hearts content and I wont even see it.


In fact just to make you happy I'll include those, how do you describe them, oh yes Childish emotions. :blahblah: :blahblah: :blahblah: :blahblah: :blahblah::tongue1:








P.S. I lost 1 of my best mates yesterday and it has put everything into perspective for me. I am determined not to be wound up by the wind up merchants. I love this board most of the time, I have never really wanted to stop coming on here and if this is the way it has to be then so be it.


RIP G mate

I've had several posters on ignore for about 12 months or so now. Although the Corp isn't one of them, I've got to say it's great when it works. ^_^


However, there are 2 posters who I have tried to set to ignore and it doesn't work. :ranting:


Why I don't know, although I suspect I have an inkling. :unsure::angry:

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i've a few on ignore ..great it is too..can just fleet along a thread and half the drivel is absent.

only problem is when those on ignore is quoted by another person..then it defeats the object.


(wonders how many will actually not see this and instead..)


You have chosen to ignore all posts from: johnny punkster.


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If you're going to go, then go. Don't try and jump around making yourself the centre of attention before taking 2 days out and then logging back in to read up on things. I'll check your profile in a month, I bet you'll have logged back in since then.


Ahh, he couldn't even leave it a few hours. Dearie me.


FyldeBlue: Last Seen: Yesterday, 18:13 PM


Tell you what. For self-important attention grabbers, you beat the Corp by a long, long way.


Edit: And I find the point of ignoring users pointless, unless of course they're plainly abusive. If there's a user I just don't like to read I skim past them rather quickly without reading. In fact these days, I just look for people who I actually like as posters and ignore probably about 80% of the boards content.

Edited by Frankly Mr Shankly
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its all very pathetic this, 'you are now on ignore', 'i ignore people, but it doesnt work on others'


christ sake its a message board, some people take it far to serious


its safe to say i will never put anybody on block, its a message board, its what message boards are about, if you cant be bothered reading what somebody has said just scroll past


hmm i wonder if anybody has blocked me and wont see this :grin:

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its safe to say i will never put anybody on block, its a message board, its what message boards are about


Precisely. There are some people that infuriate me, but I still read their posts because there's a good chance they may say something of interest.

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Hold on. Doesn't corp always get posters to reply to? Corp as something to say and puts his points across quite well I think, am I the only one who thinks this? I certainly can't believe folk stick others on ignore, what's all that about? (and I don't need an answer to that!)

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its all very pathetic this, 'you are now on ignore', 'i ignore people, but it doesnt work on others'


christ sake its a message board, some people take it far to serious


its safe to say i will never put anybody on block, its a message board, its what message boards are about, if you cant be bothered reading what somebody has said just scroll past


hmm i wonder if anybody has blocked me and wont see this :grin:

Precisely. There are some people that infuriate me, but I still read their posts because there's a good chance they may say something of interest.


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