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Blitz: Stadium on proposed Failsworth site is on track

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Anyone who has Latics in their heart would not move the club to Failsworth. I'm going to come out and say it, but I don't think TTA care anymore, they want out, and this is their best way of doing so without incurring more money losses than has already happened.


The council have long had favourites for passing planning permission. They will be getting what they want out of this move. The football club will then live in an area away from core fans, isolating some of them, and will not attract new fans as they can trundle down the road to watch City for less money.


I believe this is a bad move for the club. I don't think we will survive.

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I believe it's the other way around, people against the move aren't putting the club first, instead they are upset at having to travel a little further and change their pre match routine.


They way you are talking it's like we're moving 10 miles out of town and City have never affected us before, forgive me but what you've posted is scaremongering to the extreme.

Edited by Senor_Coconut
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Anyone who has Latics in their heart would not move the club to Failsworth. I'm going to come out and say it, but I don't think TTA care anymore, they want out, and this is their best way of doing so without incurring more money losses than has already happened.


The council have long had favourites for passing planning permission. They will be getting what they want out of this move. The football club will then live in an area away from core fans, isolating some of them, and will not attract new fans as they can trundle down the road to watch City for less money.


I believe this is a bad move for the club. I don't think we will survive.



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Anyone who has Latics in their heart would not move the club to Failsworth. I'm going to come out and say it, but I don't think TTA care anymore, they want out, and this is their best way of doing so without incurring more money losses than has already happened.


The council have long had favourites for passing planning permission. They will be getting what they want out of this move. The football club will then live in an area away from core fans, isolating some of them, and will not attract new fans as they can trundle down the road to watch City for less money.


I believe this is a bad move for the club. I don't think we will survive.


I think we'll survive Jacs. Our whole hardcore fanbase ain't not going to bother going just because it's 3 miles further to travel. There may be a select few, but I think they'll be offset by a few more going because it's 'new' and a better matchday experience. We'll have about the same crowds as soon as we move I'd guess.


But your reasoning about TTA is absolutely spot on. Not sop much a secret now, since the "We'll not be around forever" speech came out. Basically, this move IS happening, and soon after that I'd reckon on TTA selling up and going, leaving us to find investment in the team elsewhere. Can't blame them whatsoever given the crap they've taken from both the council and apathy in general. You could argue that fundemental things need to happen to get fans back, but the bottom line is there should have been better support when it mattered, rather than games like Everton away.

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I believe it's the other way around, people against the move aren't putting the club first, instead they are upset at having to travel a little further and change their pre match routine.


They way you are talking it's like we're moving 10 miles out of town and City have never affected before, forgive me but what you've posted is scaremongering to the extreme.


i certainly aint arsed of the extra 15 mins out of my way(coming from royton) its the REAL reasons TTA feel that failsworth is the ONLY option or the club is "doomed" that is not adding up,along with all the other points being put-self sufficiency,location in regards to cittee, etc.

its all sounding "for the wrong reasons" IMO.


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...Can't blame them whatsoever given the crap they've taken from both the council and apathy in general. You could argue that fundemental things need to happen to get fans back, but the bottom line is there should have been better support when it mattered, rather than games like Everton away.


Spot on and who could forget 'Celebration Sunday'? Certainly not TTA.



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I do actually believe TTA are planning their exit from the club, maybe they aren't willing to wait the 5-6 years it will take for BP to get finished and see Failsworth as a way of making good on their promise to leave us in good shape whilst making a bit back themselves (although I struggle to see how they'll be making a profit on us once they are done).


It ain't got a problem with that.



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I believe it's the other way around, people against the move aren't putting the club first, instead they are upset at having to travel a little further and change their pre match routine.


They way you are talking it's like we're moving 10 miles out of town and City have never affected us before, forgive me but what you've posted is scaremongering to the extreme.


It makes no difference to me whether the club is in Failsworth or stays where it is. I live in Bury. I have to travel anyway. So my pre-match routine will not be changed. So that is not my reason to be against the move.


I'm not trying to scaremonger. I am saying what I think. Based on bits of information I have gathered from different sources. And on what I make of it.

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I do actually believe TTA are planning their exit from the club, maybe they aren't willing to wait the 5-6 years it will take for BP to get finished and see Failsworth as a way of making good on their promise to leave us in good shape whilst making a bit back themselves (although I struggle to see how they'll be making a profit on us once they are done).


It ain't got a problem with that.


so you are happy with TTA, dumping us with a lower league stadium, with quite possibly a league 2 team on the pitch and in Citys backyard?


beggers belief

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Anyone who has Latics in their heart would not move the club to Failsworth. I'm going to come out and say it, but I don't think TTA care anymore, they want out, and this is their best way of doing so without incurring more money losses than has already happened.


The council have long had favourites for passing planning permission. They will be getting what they want out of this move. The football club will then live in an area away from core fans, isolating some of them, and will not attract new fans as they can trundle down the road to watch City for less money.


I believe this is a bad move for the club. I don't think we will survive.


I don't necessarily thing it's TTA - certainly not only TTA at any rate. I think the council have been yanking their chain for so long, putting so many obstacles in their way, that they've jumped at the chance of the Failsworth site because they think it's their only option of getting out but keeping to their word.


As has been said in an earlier post, OAFC forms no part of the council's masterplan, only the land on which BP stands.

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lower league stadium - fact


league 2 team - possible fact


citys backyard - fact


it beggers belief that you and other latics fans are welcoming this with open arms




Have you seen the stadium design?



Possible fact, isn't that another word for a guess?


How are City going to affect more than they do at the moment, go to Oldham and theres more kids wearing City shirts than Oldham shirts.



Maybe some fans are willing to wait and gather the correct information before proclaiming doom like some of the tin foil hat wearing supporters we seem to have.

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Personally I think the club have missed a good oportunity off Coal pit lane. Failworth folk wont go to the new ground. Not in enough numbers anyway. Where as Limeside, Fitton Hill & north Ashton is a total different kettle of fish. I cannot believe that coal pit lane site would cost mega £ more. Even if the costs were higher I think the benefits out weigh it. But it's no point going over it now, it's gone and Failsworth it is.

So now we have to make sure this new stadium is fit for purpose of at least trying to move up a level. This is now my major concern. Not that TTA will make some money from the land deals, I hope they do to be honest for the monies they've put into Latics to keep it floating. They can ride off into the sunset afterwards if that's what they want to do with their chapter in our book mainly rosey. Providing they leave us a stadium someone would want to come into thats ready and able to move up without this nonsense of building stands again.

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I do actually believe TTA are planning their exit from the club, maybe they aren't willing to wait the 5-6 years it will take for BP to get finished and see Failsworth as a way of making good on their promise to leave us in good shape whilst making a bit back themselves (although I struggle to see how they'll be making a profit on us once they are done).


It ain't got a problem with that.

That pretty much sums my view of the situation up.

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lower league stadium - fact
As was BP when Latics played in the Premiership.


league 2 team - possible fact
So I suppose Championship team is also a possible fact.


citys backyard - fact
Don't see that making a difference.


it beggers belief that you and other latics fans are welcoming this with open arms

I'd rather have this than remain at BP with no development.


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Have you seen the stadium design?



Possible fact, isn't that another word for a guess?


How are City going to affect more than they do at the moment, go to Oldham and theres more kids wearing City shirts than Oldham shirts.



Maybe some fans are willing to wait and gather the correct information before proclaiming doom like some of the tin foil hat wearing supporters we seem to have.


you honestly believe we are going to attract more fans moving into citys backyard yeah?


and it doesnt matter how pretty the stadium will look, its going to hold 12000 seats, which spells out lower league football


this is our one chance to put this town on the map again, with a decent sized stadium, im not completely blaming TTA, its the council aswell who simply havent got an interest in anything Oldham Athletic

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Did 20,000+ seats get Huddersield up a division?


I think they got promoted in the 1994/95 season. 3 stands of the Mac opened in 1994.


So maybe it did.


Mind you, that's not what creepy's saying is it? When Hudds go back up they'll have the infrastructure already in place to make a good fist of staying in the Championship.

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Did 20,000+ seats get Huddersield up a division?


no, they were relegated after being on the brink of the play offs to the premiership


but with an attractive stadium, with enough space, they have attracted interest from somebody with a lot of money, so this season or next they will be back in the championship


so on that i dont see your point

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As was BP when Latics played in the Premiership.


yeah all them years ago! bigger grounds with better facilities is what is needed now


So I suppose Championship team is also a possible fact.


going off this years budget?


Don't see that making a difference.


playing in citys backyard wont make a difference no?



I'd rather have this than remain at BP with no development.


as much as id like to stay at BP, according to TTA we have to move, its the downscaling, then the inevitable selling of our club which is eating away at me


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no, they were relegated after being on the brink of the play offs to the premiership


but with an attractive stadium, with enough space, they have attracted interest from somebody with a lot of money, so this season or next they will be back in the championship


so on that i dont see your point

The point is that big shiny stadium isn't the be all and end all of success, or extended stays in higher divisions than this.


I'd prefer nothing more than a packed 20,000 arena on the current BP site.


But nobody has the will or finance to make it happen. So I go with the compromise.




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